BBGIN'ANY MONDA 1718 Shernuap Avenue ffl urin- Erncst Hemingway (above) zwas (ple of flhc directôrs in te flicfhning 1>1 ýf Spaii' 1Eart k," a docuillei- fary' picture taken during thcelires- ent Spanish civil zvar, ift association, zilh John P erno and Joris Ivens, ffld wJhich is .p lbc shQwn fuis. En- day evenin g, ai 8:15 o'clock at thc Haven sehool, Lincolin sircet and Pra irie avenue, Ii?'17ans onj. Mallinckrodt I News Bene fit Card Part y now n process. Kefreshnnents Wii De served before thé 'groups disperse. HoldRing Ceernony Last 'Friday, .Mallinckrodt seniors, in, the ,presëee of the enitire student body, took part in the presentation of the Class 'Ring- ceremoniy,, conducted under the direct'in of the Rev.. A. Jeurgens, S.V.D. The ceremiony was introduced with ; hynn, 'Motber Beloved," and followed by a taflc on the significance of rings, in particular the niemorial cave ½ r t?À E 4))er durmng our FISRUARY SALE! te'L Eve ry piece of furniture in- our entire stock bas been greatly reduced for this Sale. EN E 5 JL.'J8AD> U. Miss Caroline Preston, dai of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Presi( 1031 Greenwood avenue, 'WiIi Ieft Chicago last . Friday nigli riving in Denver Saturday moi She is entering, the Universit Colorado.. toget lher Màster's dg ini French, Englisb, and music. :ar- ing. y of ýppoaite the. RaiIro. 517-25 GREEN ýd - South of Wilusutte Avenue, 19AY ROAD. WILM17