engagement with Proviso at Maywoo I Reason: after taking it on the chinI four times ini a row to mar an unde- feated record, tbey broke the jijx by bounicing, .r igh t over tmeadeislion bac to a hacirline at iMorton >l1a st week, 25 to .24. Followîng t h e Proviso c o n- S test, onlyr two games remain on the local's league schedule. First of these is a clash with Oak P ark at the latter's school on Monday; a n (!. the finiale> will hc w i t h Highland Parkat 'N e.wv T r ier, Friday mnght, February 25. George ~ That Highland GeorgeCarey Park scrap ought (Lehie) to bc a pip, be- cause it was the northern 'lads who réally duniped the appie cart as far as the Triermen's chanipionship hopes1 were concerned-did it in an upset that' bad Trevian partisans frantic with their heipiessness to further the cause to which they were loyal. Was Off. Form Ail these fans, ini fact practicaily everybody, concedes the fact that New1 Trier was off-forni in that ganie. But New Trier nmust prove the alleged fact conciusively when the 'teanis meet a week hence; for,: the record books are not accustonied to distingpishing such bad ganies. Only the cold figures are Written there. ý-.Coach Clyde Grater started bis sec-i ond string against1 Morton, and l'et( them bandie.ting,!s the first quarter.I His substitutions were greater in nuni- ber than usu ai, ailowring ail the players1 a chance to recuperate from ime to time. New Rul.s New rules have forced teams to coast1 at evéry available,1 )ol stude r of1 n of 'M ew Trier aminer i ader the n Cottoni 1 -'nd F. Donald rrisbie of -the scnooi faculty. The..group' of 15, which Wili leave New York oôn june 30, wili land at, Cherbourg, and wil1 proceed to Paris where they wili 1spend more than a week. Switzerland and Italy wiii be visited prior to the arrivai in Aus- tria. The retu rn trip'wilî be started after the Salzburg: festival, and -the route wiii include Germany, Hoiland,, five days in London,'and ýmore than a week in other parts of Engélanid, before the return trip will begin. on August 24. The tour is -being arranged in co- operation with, the North Shore Travel bureau. New Trier Lens Clu TeArranges Big Fro1ic«. TeNew Trier Lens club is hold- ing its animal party at the Kenil- worth club Satùrdayevening, March 19. From ail that can ,be gathered this .party promises. to be by far the I)est the club has. ever given. A ful. length sound thriller, a pie-eating contest, a floor show, dancing to the "hot rhythmi" of' the Negro quartet froni Barteii's restaurant and re- freshments are a f ew of the things slated for the evening. There wjll be no admission for members, but a small charge wiii be made for guests. Student Council Will Hoid Luncheon Feb. 21 The New Trier Student counicil will hold its annuai luncheon Mon- day, February 21, a t. the ýChitniney's tea room., Matthew -P. Gaffniey and L. A., Hutchens will speak for the Inner and Outer council, previous to. semnester committee reports whiich will be given by chairmen of stand- ing committees. The details of the luncheonhave been arranged by the HEALTH-YIGOR.-VITALITY For Ev.ry Member of Your Fam4iy Drink-VITIAMIN "7V METAROLUZES MiIk Ifs the..best rmiIk to drink ýduring the. winferr monthsi. Tomtoto laverole PI*m Mel.w Prue ue MEAT PRICtESý 1143 You'11 ss1ave considérably by taking advantage of this PANCY HUMàeiR 1 LONG ISLAND, D UCKS...*.. ifs11 . lb. 1 7cj Choice cutsI..Lb.23C * ee .lb 9c SWIFT'$ PREMIIIMI ROAST.9 e * ** e e e IL Dur of themà-ln te ei lact ta wèIe eet, basket-making ithat canto. of thé. iIf 0 2 ,f 2 0. 2i g 0 1 0O1 1 0 0o3 0O0 0ý3 ý ý\l