Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1938, p. 16

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ig a seriubazr the lives of chul- i"ebruary 20. iThe .nrstr piIUIn will be a benefit.for the Trravelers' Aid Society of Chicago. Canada's best, Califori' s beat, and ____Chica gos best will aIl1 participate in this carnival, Wbich is the finest ever to be produced in Chicago Since the Chicago, Figure Skating club estab- lished its own indoorriktthCl- cago Arena lait season, -skating, bas been givýen 1a tremendous: impetus: and training of potential talent bas gone on apaceý, under the, direction of Gladys j. Lamb and Norval Baptie, wbo are co-directors of theî carnival. N" th Soeearticipatoe j North'Shore residents who will par- ticipate in te iou skating numbers w1llbé: Highland Park: Nancy Meyer, daugliter of Dr. Karl Meyer of Cook Çpunty hosp~ital and one of the stars in the carnival; Helen Franik, Elza-' beth Loeb, Dorcas Fitzgeral, Betty Stein, Mr. and Mis. L. E. Abt, and Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley Jacob. Glencoe: Mr. -and Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, jr. Winnetka: Tommy and Jimmy Cooke, Eleanor Hoeslî, Sheila O'Flaherty. Evanston: Charles and Morse 'Ander- son, Lucile Connor, Mr. and Mrs. RoyBelnap, Salley Waters, aged 6Va2, and' t Joe Critz. wil skate fur the ChicagoPu re Du' l ing club in Philadeiphia at the coming National cbampionships. He wili dem- onstrate bis free style skating at the Chicago carnival. Another spectacular skater who will participate is, Nate Walley,. world's professional champion, who is an American with international ranking because of bis records in Cani- ada, Australia, and the Continent. -Ciailous fýigatoers Ruth English and Louis Pitts, win- Ruth rorrest iKuSS. The. Seventh Ice1 carnival will'alsoý be tioted for its. setting, a reproduction of Sun Valley, Idaho,, its beautiful ligbting effect, and the miusic lby Edna' Sellers, Arena o>rganist. activities, were 41 residents of Wi mette and 18 of Winnetka. Partiaily qneploedWere .146. residenits of Wilmette and 84.o'f Winnetka. In e-very case, three to 10 tiýmes as miany meù were listed as.women. Mr. Reece asserted that the Logan- Howard Parent-Teacher association has, the matter undçr cgonsideration, and is preparing a request -for the elimination of. thé dangerous co ndi- tions. Supporting Mr. ýReece1 was G. R. McCurdy, 1740 Washington avenue, Who propiosed that as an aid to re- lief of the s ituation, the alley bound - ing the school property :n 'the south beý closed from Sevýenteenth street--to-. Ridge road during school hours.. The 'board assured-the petitioners' that the niatter would be taken Up at once 'for a . solution1.. Glenecoe Woman Star of Skating TLourney 1By' placing firstini three out of four dance ;numbers.. Ifrs. Lyman . Drake, Jr., 258 Maple HillI road', Glencoe, and her partiler, Charlev McCarthy of Chicago, both members of the Chicago Figure, Skating club, *on the championship at the Mid- western Figure Skating tournament held at the new rink of the 'Cleveland Skating club, Cleveland. Ohio, Feb- ruarv 4 and 5. Oiher north shore winners were Miss Nancy Meyer, of Highlan d Park. who placed second ini the ladies' junior singles, .and '.\r. and> Mrs., Eduardo Hellmund, who were awarded -second place in the senior pairs. number. They' were first in this event last year, but at the recent meet lost to Mrs. Ruth English -and her partner, Louis Pitts, of Chicago. *Mrs. Hellmund, it will be recalled. is the forme r Miss Eleanor Berger, of Kenilworth. Health, Center Display. Is Given Lofty,Pi-aise. lits display at the Chicago Dental society convention, rnow ini progress at thé Stevens hotel, WVilmette * Health Center is exhibiting two draw- ings illustrating the value of dental Gooderham, th M, ties ..anadian Olympic si esentative and Appearing ini the Rose and Silver Helen Fi rupnef-iup for honors; and ballet, a feature number of the carnival, Sheila 0' E1Wca son, Wilson Caunadien ijun- wiil be the four unorth. shore artists The pi lor anaW i on of -Wiu4iipeg's sbown in the picture at the bottom and that of J Gde1s L including, (left ta right) Eleanor land Parl UMit O1Ggod*,aMn. Hoesli , of Winnetlca; Betty Stein and standing nk, of Highland Park and Iaherty of Wînnetka. :ure at tbe upper right is ss Nancy Meyer, of Higli- one of North Shore's out-, gurç skaters MOTORIN G THROUGH SOUTH Mrs. J. Robert McClure, 1215 Lakçe avenue, and ber son, James, are on a motor trip in tbe soutb. They left February 7, to drive to New Orleans and Tallabasse, FIa. They plan to motor on the east coast in Florida before returiing hbome. *cars on~ ~point, cr: endanger

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