f ord. '1hcre tney joined the nîgh school troop of the Aurora Girl Scouts with. Miss J. Ellingwood, di- rector, ,and. Miss E. Keicer, captain, for a skating party. Sitice the weather in Auirora ivas c.ouiidcrably colder ýthan that here and -appropriate for skating, thé party was a huge success. On a lake ii a heautiful memorial cenetery the girls skated in the early evening Later iii àa nearby lbuildinghosn 'OMe of th2 cenetery paraphernalia, they chianged their clothes, had re- freshments and ended a 'sonïg fest with the rousing singing of."You Can. Dig My Grave With aSilver Spade." INVESTITURE January '27, Ttoop 3 had an ini- vestiture service for 12 Girl Scouts. Scouts who received their ten1der1- * foot pinis at this timc were, 'Janet * Finney, Marthanna. Oughton, Sally Lyons, Barbara and Betty Cummings, Katherine Fishers, Patrica M cGrati," Virginia Spitzer, Nadine Werner, Il(v e l'vcerbanm, and Myrna Lee Wal- ters. * Due to illness, «Martha Merrifield was unable to receive her pin witb the. other scouts.-Doris MýýcKeighail, scribe OITMEETING Troops 4, 6, and 10 held meeéting Feb. -at the Methodist a joint church. Miss Miller was a regular scout with us-she sang our songs and we enjoyed having her at our meeting. POT-LUCK SUPPER Later Troop 4 said good-bye to the visiting Scouts anld then helda short. -meeting of ýtheir own to finish tests, after which a pot-luck supper. was, held in, the Girl Scout roomn of the Methodist church.-janet Camphous- en RECORD GROWTH Girl Scout membership showed the greatest, increase in the history :of the -organization during, 1937, with 45,000 new members registered. Ad-. cording .to Mrs. Pauil Rittenh ouse, of New York City, Girl Scout national director, this increase brings the total active, membership- at this ltime -to nearly haîf'a million Girl Scouts. During the past 26 years, since the movenient was launched in the United Lc(v, of Savannah, Ga., more than 2,OO,000) girls have enjoyed the pro- grain. Many former Girl Scouts have' cornée back to the organization as members of troop committees., local counicils, and in other capacities as: adults sponsors of the movement for this generation of seven to 18 year, old girls. Il 119-21 Central Ave. O»p. WiLmette Thei atre WiItf@ti18 3-18U Large Parking Space in the rear for theo convenience ot our castomhers Quality Merchandise at Righ¶ Prices with Personal Service SPRÎNG WILL SOON BE HRRE TIME TO CLEAN AND PAINTI' UP> Do it whkile. labor is 61entital- andi prices low. We carre a complete Une of paint and cleaning -equip.nent. DO 1T.YOURSELF and avé% te,. oeat: F L O O R S RN N RE TT M Nw Ais n madelike EW Regardtess of 'how badl worme warped -or marred -,. This new., Iight. weight, high speed eletrcalydriven floor surfacng ma. chine enables -you, ýourself1 *0 do à professional job aImost without ef- fort. Il is as easy and simple * to operate -a ou An old-time cure for pimples. was to bury a. penny each day untilý the pimples dis- appeared . wîtI1lits parenrtsý Schneider-Ortegel HOME FROM SCHOOL Wedding Ta Feb. 141 Miss Miriam West is home froin, St. Valentine's day bas been chosen Carleton college, Nprthfield, Minn., as the ,wedding day of Miss Mar- visiting ber parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. cella Mlý. Schneider, daughter of Mr- Thomas H.ý West, 723 Ashland, ave- and Mrs., Frank Schneider, 2023 nue. Machune Hemt Painit and Varnish Renover ga i. 4 t. 45C OrangeShellac2 ga.$00 White Shellac ga.$2.25 Ace 4-Hour Floor Vamnsh Best Ace FIoor Varnish qt. 12 Wy 1.4# Fat a int Sga1. $2-50 Muraltone Wall Paint-White gai. $2 «, 70c