a+ Meeting,,ot Motfl.rs The Mother*s club of the 'First Congregational church will meet on February 14, at 7:45 o'clock, at the home 'of Mrs. Alan Wallace, 1032 Maple avenue. The hostesses will be Mrs., H. S. Bott. .Mrs.. Chestetr Grigsby, Mrs. A.. H. S mith, and Mrs. J. C. Caperton. The speaker will be Etta Mount and her subject, "Cor- rect Posture." Miss Mount teaches- creative dancing at the National Col- lege of Education. Valentine'.s Party Is Junior Guild..Evett The Junior guild of the Wihnette Parish Methodist' Episcüpal church will, be entertained' at 8 o'clock on Mondav, Èvening. February 14, by *Mrs. Frederick W. Schacht at 228 Mvrtie street. Winnetka. Hostesses for 'the evenini1 a V atixie's party,. will be MNiss Bettie M-\urdock, 'chair- man; Mirs. Dorrance' Nygaard, Ms E. A. Robson, Mrs. J. P. Reinhold. and Miss Emnilv Hoffmnal. The stbject of the February meet- ing of the Wilmette Baptist Wom- an's society is "Glimpses of Our Foreign Fields'i\ with ýMiss Izelle Phelps of the Mexican mission at San Antonio, Teýas, as the speaker". Miss. Phelps brings the music, cos- tumes, and many ýexhibits of the workc in the.Mexican Mission there. The meeting .tbis Friday is iii charge.of MYrs. H. J. D ernehi with Mrs. Paul Keller's lJink N as luncheon hostesses. Lunicheo.n is at I o'clock. Wins Gold Modal Doree Hammond, who is ýin .the eighth. grade at. the Howard school,,, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1Harold W. Hammond of ý1617 Spen- cer. avenue', qualified for, junior GirlIs Silver Skates derby held Sunday, January 16, for wjhich she received a gold medal. She came in fourth place in .thé finals held at Garfield Park in Chicago. Is Wed in Rosepoimt Lace and Sot*ln Johtn Marshal Lin g, son. of Mrs. John Ti ornh iLiana eu ;iw iuan Thorn.hill Linag'of WVilsief te, and lis bride, flae formier Charlotte Hamilton 1, datugh fer o! .31r. and 'Mrs. 'Clauade IlcLeod Hamiltona, 430 WVoodstock av'e- nue, Kenilwvorth, have gopae 'fa Ilc.ri'co on their -laoincymioo;i an ,ad i.lenthcY. Irettur;b tzil live in Evanstopa. For Jier uweddiiag, ?thicla took 'place (a Wcek ago Saturday ai Skokie Country club, the bride wcore a gown of: heavy twhite ~moiré and a tulle ve-il.tchichftell the f il lengfti o!f fiac long train.' Uaiids,of' ,çeed pearis l.eld 'her !-cil iii place. Lut heran Society Plans Circle to Meet'Ail Day Mrs. George P. V nut avenue, entert2 friends- at a lunc] party at ber homie of ýlaet week. ite,' 1216 Chest- eda group of >n an' bridge iday afternoon. Mrs. Leonard J. r nings avenue, Kg .auar, vorth. bridé wiI ea oen v st. WILMETTE LIFE 48; trip. b -c