is featured in lhe Chicago Figure.j Skating club Ice carn val Februany 17,1 18. 19 and 20. Several off ers have been made from the W~est Coast and Bertram and Reburn may' join the motion picture ranks. Other Canadian stars who wl skateïir individuaL or group.numbers at the carnival are Eleanor O'Meara, whoý recently won ýthe Canadiin senior championship at Winnipeg, ber chief rivais, Dorothy Caley and Eleanor,. Wilson, Hazel Cale y, Cecil Gooderh am, Màau ile , MNcDougald Ruth' Ross. and Nate Walley. Th latter. is _the orld's proiessional champion and is kriown as the tops! front Canada to Australia. Chicago, skaters ivill flot. take a back, seat -iw-thefour evening per- formânces. They will be -led on, the ice by Robin Lee. three times cham- pion -of the United States. *The local ace wiIl be supported, by. NancyMe- er, talented daughter of Dr. Kari Meyer of. the, County- hospital. thé!f clever 'Mitchell sisters,, Ruth English., Lou Pitts and the perennial favorites. Norval Baptie and Gladys Lamb. Baptie and Miss Lamb are prôduc- jng the group members of the show which, will show the astonishin g progress made by local figure skaters; during the past year, The largest grounç of skilled skaters ever seen on Chicago ice will disport them- selves at the arena. The entire production wvill be pre- sented before a background of a seti inspired by Sun VaIley. The lighting~ and costumes will blend wvith the win- ter theme in complete harmonv. 1 "The SIanish Earth1,» Motion Picture Wil j BeShow» jin Evanston 'The Spanish Earth," famous 'doc- umrentary film t ken in Spain last.year lb- Jorils Ivens, world famous Dutch director, with runining comments by Ernest Hemrning-wav, author of "To Have and Have Not," will be shown at Haven school, Evanston, Friday, s' _ ' minister of the First .Methodist hist1rie matieand otiier &hbjtstheziere church, Evanston, and many others. t1m uxagal fteStneg, uey u t' LI mtr nel vr theI also trsace fthe h Stoneevlutiofor Local Motorists aemtoitan tel ,%hether bis willals trce he hyscalevoutin ilights are on~ in daylight. There is. Pre stic Art Ts of man from the carliest fossil finds. When a car apprbaches with head- ý no longe r any advantage in driving Mueu ictreThmeabout one million yeafrs ago. The lights ýon in daytime you may do ,with lighis on to keep the battery Tu of aturt by peiis en t .m ecuej sth rvrafavo r by flashinz your f rom overcbargîng. Automnatie reg- 4voust ofnecessary té restrict the size ýof par- lights ol and off as a signal to him ulation takes care of this on the mod-' torg 999114 u the Old andNewI ties, only aduts can be accommo- that his lights are burning needlessly, fern cars.