Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1938, p. 12

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* Tomorrow (Friday, tht. Feh)ruary- luncheon of the W%%oniali's soc!ietý-v ili be held in the Church .So-cial hall at. 1 o'clock. 'Mrs. H. J. Dernehi has charge of the programi, in .whieh Mips- Izelle Phelps %vill tell of her %vork aniong Mexican people, in the 'Southwvest, and wiII exhibit interesting matenial., Link N:wilI act a.s hses It is hoped that the large January attendapice will lie surpassed. Toniorrow evening, a Children*s party wîll be put on by the Social committet. of *the Silvér Jubilee, and ail of tt Jjinior-Jntermedia te, depaM'ment are In- vý7Ited. Friday evening, this chureli will. 1w reprt.sented in the Japan-China dinner at the Rogers Park churcëh, where Prof.* H., B., Benninghoff r)É Japan and Dr. Joseph Taylor of China will interpret the cuirrent situation in those distressed land. It is a fascinating opportunîty. Tickets niay be secured froîn Dr.Al- son. Oh Sunday morning,, the class.es of the Church school nicet at 10 o'clock. In the morning service, at 11, the. tlrst of 'a series. of special days,, planned byý the Baptist denoniination, ivlIl be observed here. This is "Youniig People*> Day.", It is desired that even more young peoffle than usual will lie presý- ent, %vith youths 'on the platformn. a.nd in the' musical service, and a message by the pastor challenging lte ounger members of the congregation. Followiflg Sundays are entitled -Church ýkhpoI Day" and 'MNen's Day," respectively. The Annual Chicago Baptist Youthi Rally- will lie held on Satur.day and Sunday at the Second Baptist church, * Lincoln, Ogden and Jackson streets. About 35 young people are going to the clirnaxing Initerniationial mass meeting on Sunday from 3:910 to 5 p. m. There will be a great negro youth: choir in spirituals, Chinese singers and Filipino musicians. The address is to be by tihe. Reir. L. B. Moseley, poi>ular young nlinister of the university 'students at Madison, %Vis. Our delegates meet at 2:30 at the churcli, rettirning to Miss * Marjorie Rennacke'r's, 1046 Linden ave- nue, for tea after service. On %Ionday next, Valentine's. Day, our' womefl are ail invited to a Valentine Tea at the home of 'Mrs. G;eorge S. Hendrickson, 2819 iroquois road.Ths will be: an opportunity fo.r fellowship) and making the.,acquaintance of the newer> members,,0f the, congregation. On Friday, February -18, threiill be the great, Jubilee concert -of' our choir. This will lie memorable in the musical history of our congregation. LC. THE NEIGHBORHOOD CIRtCLE w.%ill' hold an ail-dav meeting at the homne -o MIrs. E..L. Schei.denhelmn, 704 Lake avet- nue, Tuesday, February, 1.. The a-Ssist- ing ho)stesses will lie M Wesley Ayer, M rs. Janies Crosýsley, and.Ms er Ha usemarj. THE BOARD 0F DEACONS willime-t Tuesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock in the church parlor. KAPPA, PI PHI will meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock., There will be election: of officer.s fi-r the term. The Nominating committéeehas reported, but iilorinationt- can also lie made from the floor. Mr. Chen, from _Northwestern uni- vriîy wilf speak on the Chinese side of 'the Chino-Japanese :%ar. M,%arilyni Prussrng and M.%arilyýn.Myrland will have charge of the games. First Presbyterian, Nithstreetat ;reenleaf avenue JamesT. Veneklasen, nisi.ter At the morning worship servictu- r1w minister will preach the sermon 4-,11the* theme, . "The. Rock in a Wea ry La nd « .We invite you, to, worship with us.. The musical progranua, rranged by% Mi.s Erma Rounds, organist and di-, rector, wiljl be as follows: *igan pr.e- lude, "Offertoire in _A%.fiat," Batiste-: processional, -0 Day of Rest and (llad,- nerzs" anthem, " MY Faith Looks 1-p to Thee," Schnecker, the aduit choir; anthem. "Savior,' Like a Shepherd Leadý Usq," Bradbury, the Junior choir; posI- lude, *"M\arch in E flat," B3atiste. The Sunday ;zchool mieets in ail de- partments at 9 :30 o'clock under the general superi ntende ne of Lincoln C'. Torrey. The Adult Bible class invites you 10 s-tudy the Book of Revelation wnith then, meeting in the chapel ait 10 o'cloek. In the Junior church, under' the care of M.\iss Lesýlie Fitz, eciudren fîroni.2 to. 12 years are cared. for during tht. morn- ing. worship service. The Tuxis club 'will mieet at 5 :"ù o'cloc-k in 'the chapel. Clifford (loocdmn will lead the discussion of the thetne, "àChoosing a Vocation." Ail the yo(ung9 People are Invited. ,The Session 'of the churi hwilmeet., Modyevening.at the church. The Boy Scouts ivili mieet at the. chu rch Monday evýeiing. The niidwveek service will bce held at the' church Wednesday evening at S o)'-1ocký MVe will study the 55th chap- t er of Isalali as. our lesson oult of -Great Chapters of the. Bible." 'We in- - Thxa Upsilonl Rho, young PeoPl&5 J gtroup t or. those beyond higli school,j mebets at 5 :110 o'clock Sunday - evening.' Tht. Chorus choir meet-s for rehearsal' this evening (Thursday> at S o'clock. in the Junior rov'm, under the dir-ection*of MisMarie Bii.lAll meml)er.s are urged to lie.preselît: and on time aàs the EAster miusiec is being reparc-d. Nev voices are inivit ed, aind neded. The .Officiai board ill ineet Monday night, February> 14, at 9 o'cloek ini the Junior room.- The Junior ( uild %vll lie entertained oin Monday evening, February 14,' a t :8. ileoek hy àMrs. Fî'ederick Schacht at f Myrtît stricet, Winnetka. TheT. ifth div ision w ill fleet Tue- day, Fe-bruai'y 15, at 10 o*clockat the home of Ms. arry Smoot, 610 Maple avtenue. The A~xth division ineets Tuesday, February 15, at,10 oeclock at the home of M.W,.NI. Doose, 111. Prairie a venue. Thc Second division will meet Thurs- day, Februaryý 17, at' 10 o'clock. in the Guild rouo f the churci. The Third divisijon nieets Thursday.. Fulbrua.ry 1h 4 Ji)o'clock, at the home ()f M\rs. Paul PRcnsch, ',15 Eleventh street. The Fourth divi>siion îillmeet with Mris. Thominas Mo\(-uldinig, 1004 Greenwood' avenue, on Thursday, February 17j at A Bake al will bie held bY theý First division Saturday, Februâry -1, at the National Tua store, 11, ýVil- mette ave:nue2. A Baku sale ivili lie hcld by the. Sec- ond division 1 Saturday, Febri4ary.12, at the National Tea Store, 1107 Central avenue. Chairman: MIrs. 'E. 1-. Benson, .92 Fr~stavenue. The Preparatory Memibershil classes, for Junior-s and Inttermediate. iil lie heýlc during Lent' this year. The. pastoi' is planning to conduc.t >ointspiritual enrhliment sevie 11o the Wedne.sday evenings d'uring Lent, 2. Plan to reserve these dates4 English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf -~A HOUSE 0F WORSHIIP' The Rev. David R1. Kabele, pso SUF<DAV SERVICES <hurch achojol.........9:45ra.111. Morning wvor-ship........i :00 a.xn. Junior Luther league '...3 :00 ».ni. unis niay ne liatule . ! ILoWiett 39 A very Frank- re Feb- Ti. hurh:concl ei e cc'on'Tue-s- day tvnnFeliruarv 1.5, at S 'elock. ThteîVs clýx-ub ii11 meeton 'cdniees-- da vlilFebruay 16, at 8 ocok Fello)%ship dinner - Feliruary 24, t o li odokfor the memhbeîs and fi lenris or t he ungi egation. Kenilworth Union. Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday, Felo- ruary 1", ill lie "Man-The Atom and the Mse. The. chu rci service is at, Thecniusic ýfor the churci service wîll lie as follows: Organ Prelude- Prelude. in ( ............ 'Menidessohn Anthem-G(;od is a Spirit . fennet OffetorySar liandeCorellii Solo-RPepenit Ye John Prindle Séot (i.Gatherer) The Women's i.guild ivilf meét MNon- day nîorning, February 14, at 10 o'clock,. The wvork of the guild is for the bliu- rit o (i4(1 causes 'in wbvich the wimniýi 4-f the . community, are interested. Ait womien of Keîivort'h not <therwise en- lilgedoi(n Mondlays are invited to share in t1ls> g(od ivork. Tihe nayscoolwinîet' at ýe:4;5. There -ar--Lt. 'asses foi.r ch iidrle n le twee n thc ages o.f the, kindergairtený and th. high i -1. i îîousa nvited. St. A ugustine's 1Wi. lHub.ert Carton, rectior Sundayv, Febr 1uary 1.1,' i lie the. Sun- daiy knion in. thecChulcI ye;r a se-Ptuage-sinia, o1r the SfýN-entecnuti day liefoi'e Easter. There "*411l ie oIyCo mnunion at 8 a. mn., Churci eiol I 9 4:45, and AMorning prayer with sermonm at il -a. M. The Womnen's Guild wil me(et to)mor- row, the. second Frida.y in' the month, a lam., with luncheon at noon. Il wîill lie«the' - first reguilar meeting of. tl>e Guild ':Ince, the 1938 oýffl*icers were The Wetyititi meet on the. third Monday evening in, each- mont 1 at .8 a. ~ t un h etmeeting willlie. o n - day-, Feliruary 2.1. Bls'hOP Stewart Will lie the.seae next Sunday morning ln the. senies 0f E~iç.wnnti *'C' i,..l. -. . . .- Shelley 7:15 p.m. Senior cbq 'ir rehealt'ai 7:30 p.n. fBoy Scouts, Troop Il .THE W'OMAN'S GÙILD LUNCHEON wJ1 tpe held this Friday in the church. ~e speaker. wlII be lire. Richard Me- dur, who will talk, on ýThe Modern . iper." lire. McClure le a rner- Srof the. BetterFIMImâ council of Cbi-, Organ. Postltide-" let Us Thank God'"....... .............Karg-Elert The. Church school nieets Sunday mornings at 9:30 û'clock. Thomas H-. West hs the. general superintendent. N'ew enrolîrnents may be made at any trne. The. Intermediate Epworth league will Teàchers' Training class for' teachers' of the nortIt shore Lutheran churches will lie held on M-\onday, evening at. Immanuel L'theran church,' Sherman avenue at Lake street, Evanston, at 8 o'elock. M.Nfthers' and Daughters' banquet- '..'idîren's Chr-istCia'n educati o clssms Saturday, 9:30 a. oncas, S4enioW dnesday, -4 p.Ini. Senir Watherleague, Sunday 5 :30 P. M_: supper at 7' wi'th Dorothy MeVes, 322 Eighth street. Aduit catechumnen lamss %o ,p. r., lu the. pastor'es tudy. nay8 SundaY's sermon Willli e lased on

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