Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 6

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1250. AL .-. -' jmw %P d& 1CRmCgoum 3-LAYER BRICK COMBINATION New Yorkc between -two layers of Fruit Salad -1c'e CT. Cream......... PACKAGE Eniglish Toffee Ice, Creàm P. 22c Ridge .Ave.. Pharma -cy La&6 end Ridge Road Snder-CazeI Dru# ý hf " efe 'The room bas been fitted up equipped ini the accustomed ma: and there Mr. Lynch and bis fr will foregatherf rom.tirne to tin~ decide upon, the strategies of and to plan battles to.confuse, foutid and defeat the .enemy, ,net 14. war con-1 NEW- RESIDENTS' Thé n ew residents at 915 Seneca road are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Smoith and their cbildren,1 Lee,.' Billy,ý JosepbJ r., ýand Marcia. The, Smiths camie here three weeks ago fromi Milwvaukee. The bouse -tvas.formerlv occupied by Mr. and Mrs.. J. 'S. Barcus, wbo built a new borne. at 1046 Senteca road. TEýANUNES- IPIANO TUNERS ~I* ~IJOW94PP AVE. Ev--TON 1IW Os~1~. *let order to meet j .ncreasinq demands for a more acéurate ccitieptioiio the Baha'i Universal House of WVorship in Wilmnette-as it zill appear when. completed, the Earli studios in Roslypi, [a., contra çtor for* the exiterlor, ornamtentation, has prcpared plasterof Paris models, zwhich are being shippcd to various Parts of the United Sta tes and abroad. These smiall replicas-1 opne etincty-fif ti of thîe actual çse of the building-have been càst f ront .uIlold prepared f ront a carved mnaster unodel. Thssnallmodel, 27 incheS i Pilce C a c vidth anid2 inches.In heighit, occupiedP lc Ca h s-everal rnonths of the entire working Riiralar 1Whoi a sCuiptýor to 91 Centrai Av..,, WImt.1214 D. AGLIARULO. /l;ý=JEWELER Your old made like new. Bourgeois. One of thiese new models is now exhibited, next to the architects original conception,. at the Baiai temple, Sheridan road..at Uindeil ave- nue, Vilmette. Police Sergeant V ance Held Up in Alley; Loses Watch, Pen - Pencil Set V ance 5tated tmat ne oaa not ssee tfiz holdup men's car when he drove into the alley. It was reported vesterday that two-û men beld by tbe Rogers Park police are believed to be 'the ones invoived ini tbe Varice j ob. The sergeant is to take, a look at tbem today in an effort at identification.' Admits Glass (Continued from Page 5) end and a nail puller on the other.' used to force windlows or doors. A later search. of the grounds adjacent to the place of arrest revealed a re- volver wbicb .had been. tossed away. Investigation showed. that the nma had a long criminal record. Throughi finger prints checked with the Chi- cago police departme'it, it vas dise- covered that lie had served timne in Joliet penitentiary f rom Novenàber. 1926, to August, 1929, wben he ivas sent to an officerps training camp which hie left with the rank of lieu tenant. He also claimied to be a diii ing car wàiter on the Pennsylvanii lines. AUl of wbicb provels that.when Wil mette . police, catch a burgiar the, catch' a- good on.. I I

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