Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 53

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25 cents a line. Advertisements ruri ln ail three papers Rates-MINIMUM CHIARGE ONIE »OLLA& Average of five worde to the lino. No blackface type u8ed. 280% 41eonint on all caah advertise- mente when brought to Our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmnette; 684 Lincoîn Ave., Winnetta., or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. 100%, dgeount on ail .advertlgemnefte mn four consecutive issues. Deýalïte. or nsetio Classlfled advertlseznents will be uc- DedieforIletO S--cepted u P ta Tuesday à9 P. M. toi WILME'IM1E LIFE or aill three papers;- Wednesday9 P. M. orWxNNETIC. TALK and Thursday à P. M., for GLENCoE NEWS. Telephones: Wllmette às00, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 600 after 6 P. M.). Greenleaf 4300 or shedrake 1216-1217. -87 ALETTLON IZDEAI, HOME LOANS, LOAS N NR"HSHORE HOMtIES. FrrwUpi to 60% ofN-alut-.<onven- ent inonthlY rcl)tYm-ent 'Plan over 15 years. D)eal withk a local institution. Full detaIls ,by inquiry at FIBRST FEIEAI SAVIN<;S & LOAN ASSCIATION 0F VII.METTE Mr. <7lifton, Secretary 1121) Central, Avenue Wilmeýtto I1,623 WEARE IN r'M' MA 1t K H'TFOI' First Mortgage loans on North Shoro îrpertY7. Inturest 41/2% t<,5% Josep)h C. Coriack & C. 1 56 6 Shernian, Evanston Viii. 33531 894 SITUATION wANTrED-FEMALIE XVINNEKA'1175 VOtTHE L('IV UASS1 ofaIl donlWst iit elp, iit '1î icagrp and Nort h Shoire refereiaces. ('AIWSON'S EMPL. A;EU SI S ElaiStreet Wxnetka 1)oilesticIlell) 94ILTN39-lji EFI1(IE'l IOMESTIC HELP ('ooks-( ;eneras-Second andNuremad~.A-i Ref. SHRLNEEMPL. GC. î46 Elm. n. 3012. 94L1TN39-1tC <')M P E T E, N T WO'MAN NVISHES WVORK ANY DAY, INC. SLJNDAY. PRKIPARE INER.CAItp FO ('HILDREN EVEY..INGS. BEs'rT F El'Ni~S ~vINNTKA 941,TN3q-l tp Jl lIAV WORJKCLEANINO O11 LAUNDRY. REFERENCE CaîllWinnetka >1029 94LTN39-1 tp 1)AY WORK WED., OR SAT. ('OOKING .AND..SERVINCI CARlE 0F CHILDREN EVEININ< ;:S Betty, Winnetka 2980ý 94LTN39-ltp) EXP. WRITEWOAN WILL DO your laundry at home witli care. Fin- iedbundlià. COut. ýdrying. Shirts and silks, a specîaltýy. Call, del. Day. 2661. 941,TN39-ltlp CO ()KI1NG A ND1 SERVING OR PART- timie day or hour. 'Thoroughly ex- perîenved reliable rnaid. References. Pho-ne We1"lniette 4903. 9 41TN39-ltlp Experienced womnan wishe-s - are for childrèn evenings. Wilmiette 2317. 941,TN24-tflp ~XF'RIECED WHITE W O M A N wanits day work, cleaning. References. (Call W'Iiinetka 1(28. 941-19-1lp 95 SITUATION WANTED-MALK PAINTING - PAPER HANGIN(, * CALCIMINING .WSHNOWOODWORK by liour or eontract. Winnetka 513-WV 95LTN3,9-ltip MAN .-WANTS POSITION AS COOK and hiousemian. Splendlid chauffeur, ail around man. Good references. Caîl Dav is 2 63 4. 95LTN39.-ltp -YOI'NG MARRIED 'MAN WANTS l'rivate chatffeuring- job. Neat and. eaén. Experienced gardenier. Call Win- netka 1681. 95L39-ltp R EIABE (OLOREI) BOY WISHFCS work as porter or, beginner's house- inan,-refs. Cire. 21n9, ask for M.\cNeail. 95LTN3tý-2tp- RELIABLE, EXPERMIENCED YOI7UNG w ff re.r r. r. WHITE MIDDTLEAGED OR OLDER woman who wishes a home, own room. General housework. help with 21/2 year old child. Salary. Good local ref- erences required. 1638 Highland Ave., Wilnette 2533. 97LTN39-ltc .WANTEDl, 2 WHITE MAIDS BE tween 25 and 35. 1 for cooking and dovnstairs, other for, second work. M ust hb'e neat, competent, and have N. S. refs. Winnetka 2422. 97LTN3-tc COMPETENT WHITE. HELP WANT- ed with- good ref. Apply' ln person. ,ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ' 662 V(ernon Avé. Glencoe 251 97LTN14-tfe A-i GENERAL MAID Must be good c0ok. Desirable home. 9 adùlts and littieý girl six. Lovely r oomi and bath, Good refs. GlIëeoeé 372. W%%HITIE, GIRL FOR GE N ER AL iious;ework. 4 in family. No washing. Mtust have good references. Indian Hill territory., Wilmette 3760. 97LTN39-ltp WRHITE GIRL, ABOUT 30 YEARS old for general work. Own room. No small. children. Cail Winnetka 890. 97LTN39-Itpý GWX. HSWK. TOP WAGES FOR EXP. whiite nmaid, between 25-35. N. Evans- toni. Mu.st be good cook, capable, like, 2 cýhiidren. N, S. ref. req. Uni. 1193. 9 7LTN3-ltp HiIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO AS- sist in ighthousework. Aduits. H. J. Banks. Glencoe 639. 7LN39-1t 99 HELP WTDb.-MALE 4 FEMALE MAIDS AND COUPLES jij GOOD WAG-ES 1.icgren Enipi. Agency IEstabliied 25 -years 71f!) Elux St. Wlin., 1047 lýTN34-tfe 105 FOR SAL.;-AUTOMOBILEP_ COMPARE PRICES STOP IN AND COMPARE VALUES, GUARANTLýTLD .OK'D USED CARS '37 PLYiMOUTR- Del. tour. sed. heater, radio, built-in trunk. Driven only 13,000 nmiles, like new....... $545 *37 CHEVROLET touring sedan. Built- in t'unk, hyd. brakes, etc. Driven ony 14,000 miles. Excellent con- Nw Mo1ehi IN APPEARANCE AND PERFORM *ANCE THERE IS LITTLE DIFFERENCE IVANGTON Corne in and Be Convinced .'37 Cadlllac Mod. 75 Fleetwood formai Sed.........$29 '36 Cadiliac Mod. 70 Flee'twood Sed ............... ...........1545 '36 Cadillac '60' touring sed. ......950 '37 Olds touring 5,-p. coupe .......7,95 '36 LaSalle tour. 5 p. sedan.......725 '36 B3uick Mod. '61' .6 p. sed. 650 '35 Cadillac 5 p. sedan .... ......695 '3e P'ackard 120 o'tur. 5 cue ..595 '34 Buick Mod. 91 cl. sedan ...415 '36 Lincoln Zephyr 6 p. sed...... 635 '33 Pierce Arrow 12 cyl. 5 p. sed 255 '35 Studebaker 8 conv. cpe ....... 395 '36 Packard 120 CI. sedan........ 645 '33 Nash 7 pass. sedan . . .365 '35 LaSalle tour. sed. 5 p.,....595 '36 Olds 8 tour. 5 p. sedan......595 '36 Cadillac Mod. '60' coupe....... 995 '36 Cadillac V-12 tour. sed.....1425- '35 Packard 120 5 p. sed. .......495 '35 La Salle Conv. cpe. .. ........ 625 1810 Ridge Ave. Wil. 956, Wlnn. ý1673 1O5LTN39-ltp Lowest Prices For Highest Quallty With a Written Guarantee TERMS TO SUIT 1937 Ford convertible sedan, radio,. heater, white wall tires painted autumn brown and in perfect mechanical cond. only....... $645 1937 Ford club cpe. radio, htr. . ..$ 595 1927 Ford DeL. sed. radio, htr. .,595 1937 Ford 85 cpe. radio, htr. .525 1937 Zephyrsed. rad., htr. like new 1095, .4TI..N9JILI SCOTCH WOMAN WISHIES DAY COIO PLE WISHES POSITION Work or serving. Best North Shore. as cook., general housework, references .. chauffeur and1 gardener. Wilmiette 3743 215. Catalpa Place North Shore references. University 6646. 94L39-Itp9L94t 2 sisters desire work. EXPERIENCEIY COLORED COUPLE First and. second girls or ' for domeëstic service. Excellent ref- separate places. Good references.- erences. Good >driver; wife good. plai n Cail Davis 2634. cojok and, A-i housekeeper. Greenleaf 94LTN39-ltp 0635. 96LTN30-itP Panels, pick-ups, on % 2& Hurryý-only a few lèft SAVE~ AS MUC}] Bruce Egan Chi PHONE WILMET' Open Sundays & -Y ton chassis.61 1 AS $200 e evrolet 2TB rE 4414 PRIX Evenings BO 1OSLTN3-1t11LT3-t .116LTN39-Itp

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