Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 38

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Part y February 14 A numnber of Radcliffe gradu- ates and their husbands xviii be joint hostesses and hosts with Mr and M0rs. William A. MJagie,' 11, of 469, Maple avenue, Win- nctka, when they entertain, at a bridge -and. parchesi part-%- on. Valentin e's ni ght, February 14. Two former trustees of the college, Mrs. Heyliger deXindt and Ms Harry J. Dunbaugh; the president of' the Radcliffe Club of. Chicago,. Mrs. Francis Whitehead; and.Mrs. Walter T., Fisher, have invited their hus- bands to entertain with them at thi'ý unusuai affair. The party, which wiil begin at 8:15. o'clock, will benefit the Regionai Club of Ch icago. The Chicago group is one of twelve ýimilar organizations which 'send to Radcliffe each year, twelve girls of outstanding scholar- ship, character and ability, from their regions. The girls receive f ull tuition for their first year, three-quarter,ý' tuition the second year, and for the third and fourth years are entitled to compete for the full tuition scholar-. ship awarded to the niost outstanding of tbe twelve' girls by the Radcliffe Club of Boston. This systern, 'which has been unique among college schol- arships, was established in 1934 and bas been highly successful in attract- uiay be madet o. Miss jane Love, chairman of the* Chicago régionial scholarship committee, and a member of the Evanston Township J-Iigh scbool faculty, or through Mrs. Fran- cis Whitehead of Winnetka, before Mac ,the club announ.ces. Radcliffe college, one of the seven women's colleges in the east, is located in Cambridge, Mass., and is affiliated with .Harvard university. Ail profes- sors and instructors are. members of the H-arvardi Çfacltv. and te tut#ba Legaré-Loving Photo Mrs. GoHdosi Van Kirk of Evans-' ton, the president of the North Shore grouf, of the Alumnae Asso- ciation of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, is in charge of the arrangements for a bene/it bridge party which the organization will hold at the Stev- ems hotel at 1:30 o'clock Saturday, Fýebruary 12. Alpha Delta Pil's Give Benefit Parti, Mrs. Bernice T. Van .der- Vrie-.o Xinnetka, representatîve ini the Il- linois general assemblv of the. -ev- enth (Chicago suburbanu senatorial district, who recentlv aninouniced that she- %ould be a candidate for nomina- tion for re-election at the April pri- maries, -is busily engaged,.this week and'the first part of next with sek ing, engagements., Monldav of this week she grave a talk at the Womaii's City Club of Chicago. Wednesday, aiterno.on -li 'spoke at a meeting of legislative chairmen of the Illinois' Federation oi .\Vomen's Clubs for the .second *Congre>ssional district; iii -Chicago, an-d that evening she addressed a ,meeting of the Republican. W\omiai*. Club of Proviso Toinship ini Fore' Park. Toda%« cThursdav> r) Van der Vries xil speak at, the Palos Par- W\omlanls club and M\ondavy she ivill be the speaker at a meeting of the junior auxiliarv of St Luke's Pro- Cathedral in Evanston. A speakitug engagement xiii take her to th e Biue Island Republican Womnan's club Mondav night and Tuesday she ils to give a talk atl*the Rock 'River chapter of the Daughters., of the A.merican, Revo0lution at Sterling. For S. A. E. Motbers Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Mothers' club will nitet Monday, Feb- ruary 7, at the Georgian hotel ini A number of north, shore wonmen Evanston for the regular monthlv are assisting -wïth the plans. for a mei Lnho ilb evda enftbridge party to be field at, 2 ngocl. Nr.JA.Geso the Stevens hotel in Chicago at 1:-30.1:5occk Mr.JA.oeso o'clock Saturday, February 12, under E-vanston and Mrs. A. M-. Ryckoff of the sponsorship of the Alumnae As-~ Chicago, wilI be hostesses. sociation of Alpha Delta Pi sorority'. The proceeds Will aid the Abigail Davis Student scholarship, and the occasion. will mark the eighty-sev-7 Presiding Offcier enth anniversary of the founding of ________________ the sorority in May of 1851 at Wes- : leyan Female college at Macon, Ga. ~~ Day for Annual Benefit Party Th>le Kentucky Society of Ev- .anston and the 'North Shore now is. laying plans for its an- nual benefit,0on Mondav Feb- ruary 21,ý at the Evanston Wom-i an's Club. ýAt 1 :.30, 'clJock. des- sert xxill. be served'. and( then there xvili be bridge, or à book, revîew, whicliever guests preter. ýThe genceral chajiman for the partv is Mrs. John P. Gregg; MNrs. E. L. Imhoiff is assistant~ cliairmian; M rs. NIorris W. Embry is ini charge of re- freshimetnts; Mrs., Fred A. White, tickets; Mrs. Preston H WlIiLs Sr.. publicity; 'Mrs. 0. L. Robin son, benefit fund: chairman. Each of these will appoint her own conmittee. Quite elaboraIe' pr izes are being obtained, and the mnany attractive prizes xiii include one for cacli table. One of the attractive features of the afternoon. will be the, homne-miade cakes and cookies, miade in séuthern style. by members -of the_ society. to be served for dessert. Mrs. Marris Fraser, wejl kniovi for lier interesting prograniswvilive ilhc book revieiv. Funds raýsed from the annual benie- fit are set aside for the ex-.press pur- pose of sending scholarships for the education of chiidren in the' Hind-. mian Settiement school ini Knott countv, in' the mounitains of Kentucky. II in ae. Club jo .Hold Student Loan BPenefi Former women students. of the U:niversity of Illino is and, thèýir friends mho live1 onthe niorthi shore are in- vited to attend a benefit bridge party which will be given by the west side g roup of the Chicago 'Illinae club on: Saturday afternooni, February, 5. [Dy Mrs. Wilim J. Dutum of' rjm- q-7arunii 1nIIcirs[I ÇUnsit1utingth~~e rmary 13, from 4 to'6, -at-the ho-Me hurst.. Mrs. Carl Medinus of Chicago cOmmittee in charge. Miss Virginia of Mrs. Burt J. Dennzan, 21- in- is the program chairman. . Little is in char~ge of reservations. den aveIIue, Wilinette. For Alpha Phi Mothers The Alpha Phi Mothers' club is meeting TEirsday, February 10, at 10 o'ciock in the morning, for an ail-day sewing meeting at the chap- ter bouse, 701 University place, Ev- anston. WILMET'TE, LIE

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