Chiag Tilean TrstCopan building' volume increass, and by' The reai estate business has cause shortage of skiiled labor in the build- for self -congratulation as it stands ing trades. Nevertheless, new con- on the. threshold of a niew year: it struçtion wiIl increase - possibly by bias corne through as much as 10 or 15 per cent. the d epression of Real estate sales along the north. 1937 with smaller shore should also increase, possibly losses thanalmost in about the -saine, proportion. The* a iy'lbusinless or pressure of ificreasîing apartment rents industry., Particu- in Chicago, With no prospect of new larlv, is1 this true apartment building; the continued consrc- movement of populatiion froim the north shore.. Withi ization that, property .can Ibe bought veryf e éxep-cheaper nowv than for years to.corne, Véyffxe) ",i o ns the coin- ail %À,l make for. inicreased sales, munities fromn Ev- volume. anston in o r t IhRenta WilI Increase shwe sbta- Rents -will continue -to increase. t i a increase in 'llie operation of supply and demand the volume of nie%% alone will take care of that. Rett-in- (Moffett> building, 'iltChe* creases- will.,bIe moderate and - spotty, Paul P. Pullen volume of sales, however, for not everyonet can afford and~inrnintnanc'f rent levels topa reatly increased rents at this diffing tl1îni. %ear of depression juist time. The May fitst renting season closed. w«Ill probably sce thé average rents Table Shows Volume T i-per- capita dollar volumeii of jic\\ toItut( or the j)ast tour is ls. , .hownIn th flic tolviig tab)le vrs 1937 19:1ï; 1925 1934 LvanstOn, $49.39 2 3.8 $14.96 $11:71 Wimette 124.84 79.37 3.318 7.54 Kenilworth 205.36 227.98 66.832 21.3 3 Winnetka 95.52 88.66. 54.41 31.>.8 <Ulencoe - 57.41 142.83 65.9ý5 33.0 Hlgh'd Pk. 164.67 145.12 47.91 24.06 Lake Forest 97î.74 113.41 110.80 143.01 W'%aukegani 21.09 18.78 316. 54 6.07 W\ith sales along the n.orth shore wvell maintained in spite oi the gener- al business slump, with residential occupanc.y stili at an almost record high, with rents steadily 2increasiflg, real estate enter s the new year with confidence. Prospecta for 1938 ? And what are the prospec ts, for 1938 ? Nýew- residential .cons-truction Will increase. 4but i nQ boom proportions.., dishe, tpns, etc, the igliting and ventilating. Thé ëkitolien. today is planned for lit partieular function iný the home. The electric refligerator kiutcoiiatlcall:y stores food stUfs of* a1l sorts, mneats, vegetables, dairy products, etc_, inja. nostsaitary conlditionf possible, at rea - cent highie.r. han .-those iforce. at the lose of '1937. .Residenitial occupanlcy t1niay react slightly due to rental increases but theë decline will be scarcely preceptible. t should be maintaumed above 96 per cent and wiIl gradua.lly increase again to ticar 98 per cent. Foreclo.surc vIl I conitinue thecir decline, both M inubr and iii ainounjt, although M ithxe present, niovenment it is unflikcly they will reach the low point of 1920. Cook cotuity fore- closures are stîll about three times that figure. Lift ing HayLa Reorganization of distressed prop- erties will continue throughout the vear, renioving from the real estate market much of the load which bas been, a drag on sales activity for the l)ast- ive or six years. The involuntary owners of real estate -. the former Vôbdhlders-arè grad.ually realizing that with rentals increasing. and new building a t a comparatively low level real estate is flot such a bad invest- Iment after all.. Many farsighted peo- jple with ready cash are stili picking ARE AMONG MESSAGES 0F OI~R AD1ERTISER~ AOVEIITXSEB PAGE ADVERTISER W A& Food Stores.....1 Ae motor Sales . oerI Antunes, IThe ........ Bailey's..............,2 'Ilook Nook, The .... l Brauch's Slumber Sho0p 2, Chief Wash.Co ...... ... ....... 8 Christian Science Churci, . R Comniuaity Thcatre ..- #0 colisuiuers Co. ..I--'Cvr1V ('onsumérs Credit Corp. . ..1 Dbavis Furnitflre Co. 199 ' DeoISiitIhSehool 18 EIewaerBéeh IlotelI S7 Erirkson, Bell 1I l'assett, Rosalle taI ..1 Florida Fruit Co. . Gairlng's.................. 1 Galis, Daniel ................ (*emGables'Teil Roorn..... jJikilîs &('o20 1lonier's 'ie bo~m 11 Ilugo's l'avern ...... ......90 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. .., S Jem-el Food Stores .16,91 Jonjoria'n, S. K. Co . ..ý. 19 Kaehier Shop ....27 Kuss, Jos . ....... Lanilerd aie Beach Hotel . . .20 lindeli Crest Beauty Salon .. Lord's fie;.........8 mar hall Field &(Co. . M MeiCalleogh Coaf Co,.. ...I MloyFarnis lry .... sý8 Maurine Co.18 0 Nepstad Auto .servie (over IV' NorthI Shore RefrlgemftlOil (CO. 79* Northwestrf n Iiersity~ 2 Pagliariiio, B.......... .. .... palae Fods ............i Peaeoci 1e('reani i Pennsylvanie. Rý * Se Pilnk Poodie, The ...... Pure 011 Service Statilon .... Rock ]Island Ry....... 2 Scliloesser' .... ..13 Shawnlee, Servicee Garage* Sulder-Cazel Drug (CO. Standaird 011Ce.... ....... Stone, Dr...... Teatro del LOgO...... riiorpe, Lee....... 17a1encla Theatre........ 1* Vani Deuse119l'.... - Vitrslty ThÎeatre et 9 %Illaige & Fan m t*1hool ...... Wilboldlt'5......A.Cover Il WVllmette J3eauty Shop4 Milmbetie ConfectioflCry WIetCStute )Bank .. B -REAL ESTATE and BUILDING DIRECTORY1 AD I lETlISEI1t PAGE t1AvEic V sE ItRp AGcxE Co.............76 Air Coni fort Cofli. . .6 Aljax Sinl lk)odi-rnitzilig Co............7. tndrew%9 Mr. G.W. ..3 Barnett &- Scteill Becker Rootlng' Co. Belter Glass Co. Bess, Arthnr CG. .. Bis Realty c.. 'lie Blow &~ KloePfer Bullder'a. Service lie., 1t rit . . .74 .71 72 service .. . . ... .. )Iercer Lunmber () aoi,:.. 1 Mergenthaler, 'N. J. MIesjilan, %ani tK......1 .-I1IIen Hardware Coa. N i. A m e ie l , 1 1 0 111 P Aplliaflees.......S 1i1n eleNt -46. .O North 1,ReloiEstâttc Itoaril.. . . . ....... . I 3 Pavlik. Fralik Jr. Public Service (Co. qimlail & r1ysoil %4.4 AS 1 kitchens in along .thte North Shore. Much of the equipment is mantu- In short, 1938 should be a good year factured 'by the experienced, rellable for the nortb shore real estate broker. antd nationally known General Electrie No 1925 or 1926-those days may plot Comnpany. New Am--ericail Home Appliancees' recur for some time-but steadily in- planninig lis llustrated In ts advertise- creasing sales activity, as the. year ment elsewhere in this issue.1 They are progeseswhch should total up at glad to consult with you.regarding the 'e.1eW1 iremodeling of your present ktcen or th the end of- the year to a very satis- the planing of one for yoUr new home. factory volume. interlor 'riliug Co. 3 Jen-ness, ILR 1 Jêlit*tofl, .R. Killian, V. . & Co- 2 Krueger & Dhuieliom.....1 4indwaIl's -. -«. luncke, Wni.B....... 2à Banik 73 Wolff & Watt.... Wood Davis CO, ... 46 Wright, Wm. H. COn. Wyatt & Voofis. Voungberg CarINsI CO-.. 71 Zauder Coitttrutlii ('n. S Il' .fôr 1