to officiate, and followilng the cere- naie liscliIIr, ZïI 0tsackflawk inony a reception will be held in the road, Wilmette. will entertain th, .church parlors. Ch4se guild. The Seaburv guild %v;ll miss Marjorie Cooke is to be hier Inleet with Mrs. A. t. Carlson, -î 11 ,isers maid of honor, and srigOxford road, Kenilwortli. abridesmnaidS will be Miss Sh irley The Anderson.guild will meet withl Mcilof, Wilmett.e, cousin of the Mrs. Ralph Martin, 320 Leicester & bide, 1 and Miss Ruth Alworth of Iroad, and the :William' W.hite, uild Wilmette. with 'Mrs. Fr-der.ick Cross, 315, Lei- Mr..Stryker will have bis brother, cester road, Kenilworth. Robet, for bis best man. The ushers Ho0stess for the>meetin'g of the will be j.Victor New, of Evanston, Wbýhitehouse- gu;ld, is Mr .s. William brother ifl-laW 'of the bridegroom; Whitticr, jr.. 353 Sterling road, Kenil-' David F. Cooke, brother of the bride; <utadfrtemeigo h Allen S.Fan fGece OUI fiswold zuild M.%rs. W. E. Richmond. ci~ the, brie ad Arthur Crawford .1.65 K.enilwo)rth avenue, Kenilworth.ý of Evanstoàn. Mrs. D)on Dorsay. 1931 Sherman ave- Following thieir marriage Mr. Stryk-,î,m vnt, itoeera I.Mc er and bis bride. plan to. niakeý thaenguiii home in lEvanston. FAnal, Events Before Mount Holy oke- Cluùb WilI Connn-ranch Weddina, Have,.Mid-àWnfer Dnner Two events this wveek bring to- conclusion the entertaming pruecdîng the wedd ng of MNiss Louise Couin of Glencoe and 'John \Villianis Branich,, Jr., of Evanston wiiel takes place Friay evcingOf this week. *On monday afternioon NMrs. XiI- liam M.\cibon .gave a_. tea and 'shower for'about thirtY-three guests a t ber home, 201 Sheridan road, Ken- ilwoti... Tonight (Thursdav) Mr; -and MIrs. Conn are giving a famnilY bridai dinner at the Georgiani hotel. Amiong those who ivill be present wilI be Mrs. Conn's sister and her husband, the Owen H. MNitchells- of St. Louis, and ber niother and father, Mfr. and MIrs. PEnigvi1 'rraskl nI Minneapolis. Selec't Wedding Day , iss Bette l<ann, .daughter of jack Kann of, Manistee, Mich., and Arnold I. Sobel, son Of Mr. and M1ýrs. Desider Sobel of 412 Laurel avenue, whose engagement was annouinced last .SeP- tember, have set their wedding date. Thev are to be married *Thursday February 17, and the wedding Nwill take place in Manistee. 11we rnid-winter. dinner. meeting ofJ the Chicago Mount Holvoke club will be ld at 6 o'clock MondaSý,. Jan- uary 31, at the Chicago College club. Theý programf following the dinner will be a, series -of four brief discus- The speake rs ai-d their subject are: N.iss Hielen MN'onchow, "Nomination and Duties of. Alumnae Trustees"; MNIiss Janet 'Wilder,- "Policies of Aluninae Quiarterly"; Mrs. Homer Horton of Evanston, formerly of G1-('tcoe, "Fun'ctions of Alunxnae Clubs," and Mrs. Elwood Hansmann (if Highland Park, forrnerly of Glen- coe, "Plans for Miss Woolley's Tea." Reservations,.for the meeting mayý be made with Mrs. Paul Casterlinç,[ 811 Forest avenue, Wilmette. Dinner and. Musicale Mr. and 'M rs. E. L. Perkiins, 1000,ýl M ohawl, road, was hoýstess at dinner Sundav, tleir 'guests including Jean! Farduilli Greek baritone of the Chica-1 go CityI Opcera comipany, Mr. Guyas,! Chaiirles Lebret, consuil froni Perui, and PJ'1 ýJq.d Y , I ,d.U.WI M&UL A UVWIJ A ýNEW lýMENU I>OLICY e-.. In addtion to our regular abIe dote dinniers end a la carte servýice we offer DAILY DINNER SPECIALS MONDAY Baked'Pork':and, Beans Specal Dnhner,- $1 .00 TUESPAY Broiled Chicken Special tiner - $1,.50 WEDNESDAY Specal talian Dinner with Tipo Chianti Wine - $11.75 Especialty prepared bv ChefJspiBlera THURSDAY, Sirloin Steak Specal Dnneïr - $1.75 FRIDAY Broled Lobster Special Dinner - $ 1.75 THURSDAY FÂMILY NIGIITS No cover charges with selection of Special Dinners at $1 .50 SUPERB ENTERTAINMENT Danc ing Nig htly except..Swndays ORRIN TUCKERS ORCH-ESTRA AND GLEE CLUB WITH HARRIET SMITH'S LOVELY LADIES 2 -.i SLOWi4 *Sê nings But hdcty Ce lebration Mrs. Charles Main, 1M4 Forest avenue; gave a dinneý and bridge. Party Saturday night for twenty-fotlr guests, in honor of .Mr. Main's birth- day,. gatiotial cnurcn ter iii' aIl-day sewilig meetinî Iagt week. The assist were .Mrs. M. B. Cottr rence J. Thurm, and Brown. an and an uesday of hostesses NIre. Law- Melville Roservations S ug gested LONGDEACH 6000