J. D. ToIoff Photo Kappa . Il Ilad T. i ->7,-' in f Womnan-1sClub lo Gýive Prog ram for Juniors aî( lîibof\Ilunettte wiil e ittr4 c Il irIi l of- t I l cciîî i c ()rî c pruselît Ed\ward Stack, bal-itoltie, ci Cllae Ir. Stac1- ",s ôîw eChi cagos , rtomî1iîÎig yeunlg Iai whit r-cuiîtlv. sang I îîaoe WijtlIi tt. i -Gsn ran'd t)pcra conil)ali iv aitd . ý%as aise ,soli>t f r Sevelij coice!rt s ýt tlie,,;r;iîît 1Pa'r k series, Iàst tlluîl .:Ni r. Sak v q*l llîg two groups e eettls receîtiv iiished an .eîîgageinellt 01 several wý%eeks at thje Chlicaigo thicatcv. ë e) aiaîîce of the e v ellig viiIbe devotéd ,te taiki ng motion pictures cf' the Cailornia redwoOdýs. The-e redw%%oodf"('011>11l".to the Sequola hig9 tr-ee, grexv eîlv Ilu the. rac»itic coast Jt-~i~~iiflhi aînîuîîce:' tlic UtC- bu wl-l l~ - ficchuchat 10 o'clock i i tî llorninlg and procccd fi-rst to Eli all, 1-137 Meiroeane thle t Itcag fl-anli)f Homes, founided t"reali nt liuli(llv band to the h <îe~-~ riiOwh c'l-v and to lpl t lcgrl on ,.lIendûr resýoiirces to 'l'ie <citltf*ami vthin lier nicans. Fn ni lin- he art xwilî visit, Nc\%îérry centcr. kilown as OId NIacvo catud in the Mexican and P) Mr iirct.Naxwell street and c ~avvi, a rCcogiize(i vel- fart. cuntcur et great value -to Chi- cago'> t-t- living as are the Good-' 1nIII I <îstrios. which ill be isited 'l'le part v %w11 lunch at Halsted Iliititulti<)ll c(,urcll vhich conducts l'Ill(] dcubs for ail age.s andt of npcliin that congested ;ir a. IPcriap, tic nes t iglîly orÉganized aîd (l i))-linstitt-ion of the 1-Hone NI ~silîavociet-v iu this# area is, thjat of N rccuntcr at 1539 _South Sprîîfied-av-;tw.Chic-ago, ini the îni<'~t i tt lages je~ishcoin- iiiuniit. iiM t-licciv.Tieeethe group \%Il 1w, lw lowil the %vorkiugs of the ,îiiaîii\dep.Iartiîneits %whic inake this "t.îtîtcr stantd (-)t ilu this: Lawvnda1e t-oînîn uvaninlut1h city at large, à;ail an xaltiple ocf apphljed Christiati pri i c 'uîles. Reervteîsfor tlhis- t.otur are now Norfhridge Notes NIr C arl i ehuscît \va, liltai)e to rcd or îut-il)ers- of the Northridge \Vt'i ît\ liNondav of tis ; veek a~ scicdulcd becaise cf iess. 1i lx\ cvcV ,tut lilteraturc g roup f eit fi t i ittillitcli )M li able, to se- la-.t nlîluté. N 1s.M lttelI)tlhLr re-, vieîe(I uîait Vf, bv Lilianl M1.Nowrecr. A\ ilncting i c he hard of North- rgeclub wîU- Il )c bld (jTuesday, Feb- rîlary I1,nsiteadl of t1itis \eek ,as 'l'le sieigbiride party bas beeîi pôst- poîied i4fii.iteIY lecause cf the un- ccrtainty <of thew eatheix Otlier ar- ChUUVOm 3-5 Y«» etw Aue FARM SCHOOL Sondbe it d. .ufhu-. . CLivs 5-2 Y.rsof 'Âge fer laf.ration Tel. *I.oesoe 2 7'c Entertain Friends M4r. and Mrs. Orville H. Warwick of 322 Sheridan -road, KeniWorth, gave a- dinner and bridge party. at - heir home Wednesday eveniflg. .. Roue 22-Just east of lwauIkee Avenlue. at Haif DaY. Ilinois LacIao@Us, 4ffOrnOOnTecs *ud Diuers Finest of FoodI and LquorS Telepho ebrfyik e606. 4- III I. il 1 il