Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 84

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- 'su LecIII Womnan's Club Ivites Garden Club fo Afternoon Lecture, Art Exhbif and Tea 'l'lie conîing ap>îearance of Thornas. Matiînin .Chicago %will be singled out' for recognlition xvhen the Woniaii's Club of XV'iI- mette lias its. nextahI(-ay nwcet- ing Xednesday, February- 2. Théeàoecning ofa inusie course on XX edniesdavN- ioring.. the lec- ture on1farnous art galleries of. lEurope ini the afternoon .w%ýithi meibers of the Xilnette Gar- dlen club asý guests -of* the. clb. and the, hanging of an' exhihi- tion bv xv ell known north shore artists,. wiIl highlight the (lay 'wh 'icl will be concluded With a tea for club iembers and their gue sts. The lite'rature d'epartmnent of thie Book Review Kenilwortb \Vonxan's club' will sponsor a collaib-fo oration, on the "Life and Letters of Pro jectfo Arden Shore Thornas Mann," by Miss Anne Whiit- niack, librarian of the W\jJ>ette h.. Th'le Kenil1worth comrntiittec of thte brary, and Mrs., Harley L. Ward, Arden 'Shore' association, with Vrs. chaimanof the department. This Jules A'. Petersen as chairman, Will fteature of the prograni will lie at present Mrs. Florence Burke Ellis 10 :45 o'clock in the, morning. Silice in a book review program the after- Thonmas Mann is considered .by many noon of Wednesday, February 23, at to lie the greatest living author iln the Kenilworth club, at 2:30 o'clock. the world and since hie is anl exile Mrs. Ellis is one of the well known from bhis fatherland, Gerrmany, this., book reviewers ivhose programs take dIiscussionI should prove of vital. in-. place currently' at the Chicago, Lake. terest to ail' literaturé students, the Shore, and Medinah Athietie. clubs, 'club believes. as well as in St. Louis andl cities ini The second phase of the inorning Michigali. wIll. be 'the ope4ing lecture ini the- TTî'is the third vear the 1eil- xnlusic course to bc presented by worth commnittee- bas sponsored -a Robert. Sanders. Mr. Sanders is cou- book review prograni toraise funds' sidered to be an important figure with which to buy its quota of. ina-' anion g younger American musicians. teriais for garments it makes for *the He is a comp oser, conductor, and sumnier and winter, camips. lectter. On several occasions he. has conducted the Chicago symphonly, once ýii the playing of'one of bisow major works, "Tragic Muse." He is Kappa Program also 'ai instructor in mîusic at the University of Chicago, Northvesternt The Chicago Intercollegiate Aluni- miiversitv, and lint te junior coîleges nae association of Kappa Kappa Ganm- of Chicago. 1-is subject xiii be "Great nia'f.raternity announices a luncheon Paul Paris.-a., Freunlai wh has done research work for vears iii collecting and, pr(-pariîngau- theiltic screen ninaterial,, will give his îýllustrated lecture on, -The Great Art (ialleries, of Europe." ai the afternoon meeting of the Woman's . Club of Wil'nette, Wednlesday, Fehruary .2, at 2 o'clock. His pictures. saî'd tu bc U nique. wvill include those of priceless t reasures rescued froîîî the Madrid tiuseuim ,before its. destruction ini the, Spaniish 'civil war. The, Gardeni Club of Wil- inette will he the guest of. hie XVomiaii's iclub.for the prograni. and art tea followitng., 9 081 Suo%*Il rai l7 fbM r s. 1A. I.. Fule r îWllpresde at Kenîworth Club Eveni the executive board înlecting at>10:30 o'clock in the morning and' lateri.at 11h1e firsi diinner dance of 1938 ta'kes -the afternoon session at I1 :30 o'clock, place at the, Kenilworth club Friday whcni Miss Mary Belle Mai nland.,- evenig of this' Week. The event will. supermtendent of ýthe, Protestan.rt' lie a "Palm B each party" andthe Womeni's. Church Protectorate, will suggestion 'is made by the club to brieflyý discuss -the, workings, of this "ýwear Palmi Beach attire.or 'bot, as organiyationi which is one of -the proj- You Wish, and be, charmed to moods ect's of the guild. of sunmmer reahnis by .Joe Rudolph The First divisioni, Nfrs. E. B.: Srv- and his Melody Charnisters: We cani't der, chairmnan', is in. charge of tfic. aIl gýo to Florida' but we' can biii-g--niiiusicalporà peendb"M. the ropcs ~mee."R. \V. Mitchell, general léograin On the' committee' for the 'dance chairmnan of the g'uild, and consisting are Mus. Raymiond J. Wiese, Mrs. of selections by the Lyvrlc ensemible A xe1 A'. Hofgren, Mrus. Joli n S. of the North î Shore M usicians clubh. Holmies, and 'Mrs. Purcell L. Smnith. The. direcior of 'tlîis interesting Cil- Miss Virginia, Little is in charge of. setfble,' Mrs. Electa Austinj Gamroii reservations., of thie faculty of Northiwestern uni- ,General1 commîtftees, recently ap- versitv, is a. gifwde pianist and will pointed at thé,club are the membner- ýgive several piano' solos.*Th conm- ship and house. Leonard J. Paidar ý posit ions to be given bY the enseni- is chairmian of the former, with Johiî bIc' are by north shore, nînsicrils B. Dunbar and M. Gardner Hender- among whomi are Mrs.. Gainron, d- so the mnembers of it. Robert P. rector;,Mrs. Marger ElliotofGe- Warren lieads the'ý latter commnittet, coe, who sings ini the group, and' Miss which 'çonsists of Allan E: Bulley and Marie Briel, organist' of the, Wilmette johin S. Holmes. Parishi Methodist church. Specialty Lunckeon With Sewirig, Talks and Musicale Announced for February 3 Tfl cregular nmoithly meeti ng (Àf the Woi.îiai's guild of the 'XViluiiette Parish Meth-i* Chu.trch viii be held on Fehlruarv, 3.. at' the chur ,ch.. Mrs. Norton A. 'Booz, general sewîing chair- mn.iî vitlî the varions division chiairime,iii l)e readY for the Lake Bluff sewing 1roject, at 10 o'clock ini the. morning, after %vhich luîîcheon %vill l)C ser%-e( bv the Sixth division. M rs. lý*stotî fi. Th>,Social Chair iiuani ôf-this,(livisio i, urges a fuli quota of 'reservations for this spec ial- t- lutîcheon whiichl is 1 b eiîg plannedi as soutîg(ieout ofthie r- nt Show Slicies Meniersandiirienof ~tuie gjuîld are' cordially' invited to this woQr.th, whlile prQgrain. cnairman oI the art department and %vill present this speaker. During the day pictures and sculpture by a group of prominent north' shore artists 'wil be on exhibition, and, wben, after the prograni, tea is served, ini the C. Peyraud, Elizabeth Peyr E. Philbrick, Marguerite T. Gordon Wilson, Emil Zett tor), and Thomias Wilder. SCUIptor), z Rudolph The next' meeting of the Order of ýn, Frank 'Martha, St. Francis household, will ud, Allen be held on Monday, January 31, at 'kwr, Mrs. the home of >Mrs. Warren Clohisy, Y (sculp- 121 Dupee place, Sewing and cards wvilI start at,1 :30.o'clock. Thne réadings are to be given the first and third Wednesdays of Feb- *ruary and the first and third and fifth Wednesclays of March. Tickets may bc obtained from Mrs. Rosalie Carlson of 460 Oakdale ave- nue, Glencoe,- or from Mre. Frederick Henkel, 633 Walden.road, Winnetka. WILMETTE LIFE PAIM RAAeh PAr+v Ic

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