Ainong the itations ,,wlîwlîcoin- pr'se teJ s-ermon are ithe fol- loigfroin the fible.:'hwm thvway. OL.ord ;teach me tl111 pah.ixead Ile iii thY tr.uth, anid teach Ile f or th ou art the (cxofd4ý mlv salvatioin ,011thec d101 Wait al the day (Psalms 25:A, 5> The lessoli-Scrfilion) also iînclide< lih following passage s romn the Christiaii -scienlce teXtl)oOk. *, alil clih witih Ke%,*to the Sctriptures." b1w Mary Baker :Iddy : 'Righit and vrong, trultlî and err-or. wilI 1w at Strîfe iniluth iiîjn<lS (À StIllUIts,itiil vitory rests Mr. and Lr.Iev NI. Pedigo. re- tuirnll k thiri home at 115 Robsart ro0a<. eiwrh on Tuiesdav, after a thruu çnks'crise, which included ilavana, tht* Patiarnà canal,. and the .éýt indlics. N 1 r. and Mrs. laneA.(Carruthers, (d1I538 \Vallnut aventue have retturnèd aiter tIiree ( kinmuthletsouth tour- in Flo rida. rs. ( e A., R( 1\. Rosberg of2409 1lnîoo d a lun ne ttcrtined lier hr dut -chlio r lnclîcn last Friîçla,. : 1341 ZANDER CONSTRUCTIO0N -CO. 929 . Genvlewe, I. Biedrs of mamy of the finer NorWA-Shore Hiomes PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 8t/ W(WAN TTO (IÇE IrNObVI e * ~ saie service as an lndivilQUt' line telephonl excepi that there are bound to be times when you à