wIMMRo CHlCAGO $UBURBAN QUALMTYGILOUP ChîA"geOffices -soi 6-toi8 Wu.z.OUoUBY Towua Tedephe,* Calna.M.3 35 5 SUBSCRJPTION: $2 PER YE&i SINGLE COPIE 5 CENTS AUl commncations andç contributions intended for publi. cton must bcar the name and address of the aghor1 mt nereuarily for publication, but for our flmes Sucb material muet reacb the editor by Tuesday noOn to 6e 19 urne for the curnt isusm A PAýTcH 0F GROUINO 4 )fcur-ýe itev lav ili, a. l1iJinîau. 1T-,1tur ' u' t.hat -an lrishman ever, said it i-. xery Pf n ut 1 iiiust take the. blame f;r it jllt the -arne Wha ýS-omeone s aid. and Nvhat smî îcsaid an Irishrnai. a. a s tF1ý: "If Qi had a mnillyun d,1larý Oi u grve ivirv cint iv it fer a shantv an,' a littie patch iv* eroun an' a .pig Qi aid callIlme 0ovin-. At first reading it SO.Utli id lIly . ý eîî reailine not quite so siv. and oni reuctiîiiii it il]y at al. For there in iithe words a ur-viii ng i'ud 'fthebt - that is inherent ln the verv nature (il.imaâ! T' r "a patch (of.,gro-und" that he caii call lin owin a Vtar:!- 1112 for the feel of his OWfil lundfer.Ilii- ut ah ù thoý.ugh he may never expect Il t,, 4e rtàlized. foýr thaf sneOf independence, that cali c'mi înl% ithr' 'nli the. possession of a bit of the- g'wi eartli wh-ichi he nîav cal! home.: and- which blitawd hi, faxnilv iNa' * enijoy- through the y'ears. There i,îî.tlîing that jýc ittlifies.a mani for the duties anid res;xnI)iiiibilitie' o'1 cltizenship. or so completelyfor.rtifies b, ini agaiwst, 1 th tides of adversity that corne tu every one, n(or i> theire anything that sô deeply and trongly ro. its hifil iii the community. * There wvas ne:ver a better tiniie thaîî "wtt> gràtify tlat innate longing for, o-a littIe patch eif gr(und' that you can cal! 'cour gi\%rI --arid ccrtainly there is flot i ail the world a nin)re deirable place lii whic.h to acquire it than right lerc an i henortVi The possession of,.a homne is flot suich a diffictit ambition to achieve. In the pages of this niews- lagazn' nua elsa'te numiber is a review, ilf hundreds of new homes huilt durin g,.tit past year. aîid almost: countless opporunitie.s fo> roftabe homne investient.. Real estate exp)ert, who knlow every foot of this marvelous notrth shpre and whose *ethiicsand integri ty areabiove .reproàach. art prepared to lend ail possible assistance in locating "a patch ofý grou nd" that wi!l best serve youir rerluirements for a plcasanit and corinf<îtable hoine. Boo! A POLICEMIAN! '11w, editorial ibs suggested by a recent cl If the samne cffi' er failed to stop and question a supiins.chrctr adthat person 'commritted a r' (,r r a, burglarvn h.wo, lay himseli wideC p;en uî' censure, and rightly so. Remnember, cvery timei a poýlicemaân st"ps a straniger lie places his own life -in 3eopardy. Therefore hie does flot do it just' .Ir the plea'sure uf .showing his autbority. He does at 'hecause lhei»- compelled t> <do it ithé perform-ý ance of" dut'-. Pol"icemeni hold their jobs becauefth sric they render to citizens of the comnmunity.. The more ecthcent that -service is. the More secure *are their. -"C .NoPolicemnan wvith an ounce of initelligencé,e xiljqe,-pard-ize, his standing cir bis j'îh b y inter- lf'eizNv ith cilîzeiNs, without cause. If he '-tops âand( que;,tir-n' reputable citizens, who nayN. i t lbe *wnt' hu.i î o1v hyeca-ase .be iN tryinz to di - uka- efi'cietly a-S Possible. He d e.ni 't do Jr the îîurv-,;e (f offending. Iluw' Ilie 4a gD ki.0 idea if more vi llager> -wo 'uld MaLk-t fl a l«T int tu get acquaînted v PUiîolicenmen. c uaranttc tliat 'they will flnd themn a pretty ne group. of feu' 'ýws, more anxi' îu- to. givé gg" cid *.r-îethan tri miaLe: themfsèlvc-<hn> xi's THE ,RELIEF PROBLEM T1u~iurt zr ie c-t u i relie-f 1,re n vdiroti the' atnosphere T .eiiergeincy and becD 'nies moîre '.ettled as a pernient, opn~h ityotgoveN-riiiietit, the more thoJse w-ho, stipply the money are c(imiîng t'>L'liv that. h needtni it 'if neces>itv eer be a fix- 'ture in.,the schemne of deiucratiçcc n'ms. One ptculiar à.sptct cf the relief problevi i tlîat the dloset itsý administratioen cornes t hbomne the luss '>aproblem it app>earts ti be, and the less disposed peo-ple are to regard it as a matter for the national' giîvernment t<; handie. There. are several rea>ons for thi,, Onie i that 11ine except the most credulou'. ialriguillible oýf Ptopi)e ever inagined that the relief r' Ils id tiie c' untrvrepresented 'au honest record of the neCd, Tat tlîev were loaded wýith "clients" iully capaàble of tâking care ifthem1sèlves bas beeni an-plv demioîîtratedt.ý Ano(jther is' that fédéral adninNiýtratiiôn required> an uinieldlv corgaizationthe set-up of %which vas jargely lpiîlitical and tragicallv inefficient. There ,xas inherent n ic sý.ystemi the opportunltv foýr grait, nis-,reprcseiltatioii, collusion and dlisho.nesty. Since the political objective Of federal control of relief was achieved and the problem shunted back irto' the laps -of smnaller units of goverrnment, where it belongs. niany ".clients" who were getting unde- served relief have been dropped, and the roils 'w itIl nlot be expected te co< 'perate ith, policemen, niow or later, as hie would were, he properly taught thrat the police arc flot oniy the guardians of his safety anîd security, but his friends as*well. . Instead of frightening children 'andi teaching themi to look upon policemen- as a bugaboo, educaté theni tuo rely upon police officers, and: encourage tbem, to cultivate and make ffiends with these- guardians. of- law. and' order. Most' policemen hiave children of Bang! Ban'g Cout em! I-ght more counter- revolutionists in dear 'old 'Russia bite the dust. joseph Stalin, world's foremnost provider of the abundant life, is determined that>ail of bis people. shaîl have it, even if he be compelled' to shoot it, iflto thein. Maybe jot 15 right. At least the onesý wbo face bis firing squad won't lack for anythipg ýmore i n this life. "Peace oni earth good WilI to -Short haircuts of pupiîs lead tsi long stor-y." rca(ds 'a headline. AIl a mnatter of small moment. .1t's ,Ie lo)ng> price (f haircuts that 'mo'st people are wrv ing about.** Anî argument showing the, ifference between the tWu schooks of thought'took place hetwen a fuiffla- nientalist and a modernist. Sai d the nioderîîist, -There ainit any bell." Replied the f undaimentaîi.q, -Thýe lbell there ain't." In 1926 ont William F. Griese slipped awav frorn his. Chicago homneand ha sn'.t becr seen bv bis fanihl iince. His %vife had him declared legally dead. Nu(W an insurance company dlaims to have found hlm, but 'Mrs. Griese, who is just as. slick as her husband, sa. s o.The judge wifl decide ini February wbiclb \Vc jilad e'uiltv tîî eiîîg ;îrüttv dmhand xcl admîit tîtat Jus nîable the caus i:C <fmor inability n ratiiil.lthie purp'i'es an(] of ie lthtle New, Dca!, tir tti ic vrwhat in lbeck Wts leaders are driving at. But thiat 4' îesîuit lprevtut us froin tikiing that i 'îe11c l>c cati ithier. Figure this out: Uncle Sn c'î >it ixteen >îl companues an(] thirty of t1icir exectîvs(m charges of conspiracy to fix the price oif gasplinc. The, same Uncle Sain, through the Na- tioual ,Bituminious Coal commission, compels- the railrîîý,ads. alreadv pauperized, .to pay 25, cents,. 45 cets, and 55 cents lier' ton mol(re for the grades (if cu0al t'he%- use than the mines have beenî supplyîng theni foýr, and are still williîîg to supply theni for, Cîînteîîdling that theýy, cati dû so> at a satisfactory, profit. An Ilinoiiis town has been comu)elledl to îîaN S,.40 per ton for coaI for. its electric tirght aild wvatur plants. ii spitc of the fact that it had a coîitract wjth a mîine to supply the coal for 7;' cent> per ton, and that the mine -%as willing to continîue the contract. .nestan lih New D)eal' A Kentucky wife, age 32, bas presented ber bus- band with their thirteenth ch'ild. Naines are- quite aproblem, but the proud father a4serts that Cbs" is being reserved for the, thirtieth. A. Presbvterian, aînd a methodist' were haviîig a *religiotis argumient-the înost 'useles., thing in tlhe: wo"(rldl because no Co nclusion cani be reachced. Thc Pre.sbyterian concluded with' this cclicher "If inu go ing to h'ell, I knio\w it. Put you (lon't know liîrv iii bell >-ou are ýgoing." S\ebraska, Nwhicli gave tsi the world that grVat cuni'-ý mon \Vîlliam J. .1'. is flving *Arthur J. IBidvili (f fis îst hn h Demnocrats -,tlre%\,out of the lilIs state senate tsi niake 'tooiifor ani, catlits r, i>tsiseek anothier Milination in A pril. lîhat b( )vIll IIt j IuSt 1lovc being tossed dw the steps. Two convicts 'made their escape iroi Alcatraz prisoni, touted. as the place froni Which'escape. is impossible. ' î P, NO RPRE