Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 76

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918 Vernon Avenue Glenco., Ilinois Glencoe 401 BUILDING CONTRACTOR, AHow, me to.figure on, your uew home. fer Inspection -.SEE THIS. NEW three bedroom, brick, Col-ý onial ,home (now -beiig, decorated)." West end of Pleasant Road, between .Wagner and Sun- set Ridge Roads. GLEN OAK ACRES, Call your broker or MARK H. COLWELL Ruider 556 4kreeoe Say Rd. Wlm.. 34 EIms, Maple, Horse< and large t ie norttî shore especiaiiy tili a t brancb concerned- with home build- ing. So great bas been the ' confi- dence' inspired by' the name over1 the. years, that if 7 . long ago becamne an axi'om that "Uf it is a Crabb- builtbouse it i a -good bouse." Nowv known asL "J a m e s Çrabb, buiider," thé or- Gottschalk Photo, ganiza tion wv i 11; Jamies Crabb enter upon a new epocb when it inoves uPon a iiew ep)och wvbcn it moves, into its new offices at 1225 Central, avenýue, Wilmette, whicb event ivill take plIace ini the very tear future. Started in 199 *The biistorvý of this I)urel local con cern date ý back to 1890, Iwbe.1î David Crabb arrived iii Wilmiette, to be foilowed short-iy aftur by. James AIR-CONDITIONED-ý -A fine exampfle of early Anieriýan çoionial architecture is tlie new resi- denice of David A. Gubbins at 614 0Greeiiwood avenue, Keniiworthi. It and is of combination brick and f ran-i construction. It is. air con- Hackberry sition1. Both i work- e d as îiiechanics on main, of the fair b)uildinigs ,and *whenl this work %vas conipletcd "be- gan operatiolis in Xilnîtite, cach coniductinig bu si- iiess, iii<lejendent of the other, andi botli hia yv iln ga'a large part ini the tipbuildinig àaind> progrcss of \Vil- Gibson Phioto i, c t t e and( the JD. Crabb north shore. - Combine Inteirestâ XVth the advent of America'sen- trance into the XVorld wr owvr tle twvo joiincd forces, and thecafter operated -asa. single conicerli, David Crabbh superintending coîf*structioni wvork and Janies Crabb, Ihandling. the1 finiancial and seliing deta ils. Thtis ar- rangement contimied until the deathi of David.Crabb in 1931, w,,hen is soni, James David Crabb, took over the superintendence of construcion, aid this arrangement coîîtiniued : tbroùgl tbe trying years of the present de- pression, whien ail activities mcrc neccessariiv ctirtaiied. The recent ser- ious iliness of Janmes Crabh the eider lias caused imii to tàke a ies~s active parut, ieaving imost of hIe (letails to the inephie%, James D, Cra-bb. .During. thé 47-year. perio(ii ii whiich1 the homne ownier Iess ~tIan otheîi- 'v- sential, featuires of the hous lîe living with fl(Oors SOmIetInlies iît il, a desire to inake a chîange, Sýhcllac and varii blas bee i)e cOnivenltfial ticor finishi n i jccrj.tv M.t ùases, becatse it. )rnts i'uick occupancv. and at A.t1 -11 out u 'e 'sirabl-e appearan ce. Sh lia('off-v a .,suI)eüt]c «ial prtection lath 14O r. bt wears off readilv utde lra>iVe \aîish acts pract ically tue l xce1)t that a chipis, l)r<ak i 1)cI1<k:- j'los nsiglît-1lv trahfie aîît- Lesson from Forebear~ Eàirly Eurowean and (1cîill\-! ingiS. churclies, etc.* ha 1 iecor finli4h which <(i-"vits ha riihlA-ij efteuct, lînuch t o bc buirci itIo. tue *orciiîîcrïv lavînan iin.1i~Illtv iîîg- 1Perfectù<n of eari lv )t>r-4 a< ~t- -and1 t~'1 ' 11 riibb11îîý, lciil îcg týI e el. t vt1- al 11a- he<-îîleviîsecil, 'a toin o f te) thé filoors. spcalvthIroti.-1îta'p- iilarv attraction iin \ od. ri> ii i- terial c'ngeals iii wo<(->d: I illé Iî pores and l)uild-in(y a l1ishit1 wood.* not 011 it, a,;i>i5tu Case. cwith, vari-sh Aind selc the brothers hiave operate4 Initis This Prodiuct Doès Tricks iOcalityý, thley- have beeni closciy aliied ivithi botli'thîe commercial aiid resi- ArickS.3 ite -a;ba ien sc- denitial progress of thie entire flOftli cécsfilv tiscd aoi îng the iolihr shiore, anid bave scutrei-y estabhishud and the resuilts ol tamicd arc-tue amxe for the conicerit a repuitationi for re- a,, those acconîp )lished in theIli arl iabiiity aiid Soulild businie,,ss rinicilesluropauand> Cýonai davs. of w1li-ch its xnenîlers nmav twull bc Thie prese,ýnt' daý rtia s- lwer 1)roti (1, versed ini the appli ah iOii of niaturlals Modern New Quarters thanti Ver-e is prcd cè. r îd ir Announicement of tu e opeiiung -n~e îbtepoe lo cir the ew ffies viiibe adesbotlvis able, with present (la y mel:îi wlvcen James Crabl) tuiee cdcr audeqf)nttfnihalora e James Crabb thie youngegr wili ex-sirabie as accomplishl iin tîce o!d teni, to aIl their frienids, old and liie dav-s, anid, stranige is the cotitrast i, an ivitaion.to nspct te ~ able to do it better and checaper. £juarters, wh.-iicli bave been (iesigned In usin-g a sealer. niot. oflv a (lu- COAL LUM BER 1208 CENTRAL AVENUE WULMETTE 131 GUTTERS - DOWISPOUTS ROOF LEAK REPAIRING FURNACE REPAIRS & CLEAt4ING ModernizeYur Pr.eseuf Fprnace Wifb Air Csmdlflumleg roonis, 2 heated porches, 3M. batbs, oil heat, 2-car attached g-arage., Grounds 100x290. An <!titanli ng buy at $35,000. Office at 30Linden Ave.. Wihnette 444 IN LARGE

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