"lit' i.. 1'. J. APPL.ETON. Sitigle faM.fly brick veneer reoidence at 711 GreenIçfa. avenue, WUlmette. A. A. Tocha ivas the architect aiid N. 11. HlOsrt jthp enercon- it. NATHAN S. DAVIS, . . 15-rwnn present day Georglan home at 1350 Hackberry îano, Winnetka. Ralph Milotan aitâ A. S. Morphett wvere the archi- tétûts and William E. SOhweit- le?' the general coittractor. Phloto shoiws houe under coit- stritoî. A. J. BRIý"NNEtt. sr-roome air- cVn ditionled, isuiated home at 2100 Chestnut avenue, WUi- mnette. T. Clifford Noonians wa.s thé architect.. and-Halva r8on and Alnqui,atthe ge)eral con-, '%jY (ON A UHNEA U. Niuie-rooyn I bick v ene? alid frame home at 509 Brier street, Keni- icoriih, bfiiêt by R. B. Whitaker compciny from Ille plans of J. MR. ANI) MRS. BERT S. PRALL. Thi i0.-room French home «'as btuilt by C. A. Hem phll and aaaoiates jrom the plana o! R. ~ Hotihan at 558 Ridge road, Juat"ouitaid'Ž the Ken il- tcoth eatvillage limnita. M. ý M 7 . '.1M'e Fa-ma J&AL g, £PAL Opportun ity &JL-ouuct'dHOME, Reliable North Shore Contra ctorsAre Prepared ToBIld YOU A. E Phmone Co. 734 T 'I I q~