Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 66

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RUSSELL A. MeFADDIiN. Showni under construction fa this six- room eoltoniâal home at 10 46ý Cherokee. r o a d, Wfllmette. Charles A. Krfsten ira8 the. architect. J. M. SCHAEFPER. Min piefanl brick ve»eer resfrlenee et 1584 lr.eenwood avenue. wilmette. C. WV. Lampe n'.as tMe architectý and builder. Phioto tdken due- Ing cntucin R. A. JoHNffN. MIr. Johi&ot iras 8the bnilder - titis singlie family 8stoite veneer residelice (tif 0 Sheridan road. Wil- nut.F. 0'. Rippel iras the avenuie, GlenLcoe. M, Arbî4th- .)ot 4e eréctiig the. striicture. from the pians of Mortimer Haivkijis and F. C. Hiwkleýv. 'j H. A. THORNm. Thie ai ngle Iamiy residence fa Jocated at 2030 Beechwood avenue, Wil - mette. NV. Wagatad ioas the builder. Photo waa talcen dur- !ng constructiom. TH . oDORE E. MAIDi. This'brik veneer residence wa.a erected at 1937 Chestaut avenue, Wil- mette, by C. E. Biompqren. Howard, Emsfr.j Irti4: ira(s tile, architert. DIAVID A. (iuBBINs. This Earli, Ai ?ericait colonial tyjpe h one is iocated ,at. 614 Gréeenuood aveniue, -Keîïlwort h. It twas erected by the Northwestern Realty and Building com panyt from the plans 61 IH. Riing Clausen. Rf ght roorna. air con- ditioned and insulated. MARC ÀA SHAN TZ. Engligh Col- oilial seveIî-roow& home at 1932 Central avenue, .Weileitette. Jo- seph Ilohman ivas the general contractor. Moditlcd coloilal seveit-roomn house at 1943 Kenilworth ave- nîueý, Wiliette. 'C. W. Lamlpe 'Was the architec t and Fred- erick Atkinson 'the generfil con tractor.* Rock,, 1oo001nsed as insulation.. O.PRESTON KENDALL. Thi. c0litemporar*, modern home at 1617 G.reenwood avenue, WiJ- Mette, built bit the Bf des ECon- StrUction company, front plana b3 Claude Murrf a, ta air con- dit fomed and has sixo-nch ivool insulat fou.

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