. I. .. ...' .... Res*dences rn hoice Section Prospects, Bright for Much of owners takes over the duties usual- ActivitYi 1938 l3 perforrned by a village goverjruent. All of. the men who compose the »Y. 1buer f.. Shaw yndjcates thfat 'own the WoodleY 44~44444444444~4~ ~Richard B atadRgr O h o4rprty originally liv'ed arot'nd 44f..... .~....'. 19.37 saw the Wooçfley R~oad sec- the Ifi4ian Hill club. For' this reason tIio' . continue.to e o o the motte eevery egrt rotc hi 44 4 " 4 ~ , .~active 'areas in New Trier township. neighbrh>od sj the'purcaeoveÈ .4 44 4 44 '4 4 '~ 4' ~ " ~ ~ ii h t 4t4lw ' h om es4' w eire bu tîft pre-. 4a- p eth>4 o f y ea s , th e va rio u s fa Tni sentng atota inv.tinnt i4lan tha nowmakeup te WodleyRoa an builingof ea4l mi4haf4ml- Sctin, 4ouandsof ree an lindlas hs eidne r l lrb -er pant.4.thth rul 44 444an4C lo il da taio s ha ý4is4ie.4e a.t....4sno 444 4~4444Q4iffl 1111~ .4 4 44444 444.4 44444 4k 4 .4444 4444-4M. .44. 4444 i thes.1 e futre. ctieg ee p1 sbha& ere paretreuie ret 4 1~4iThe WodeyR oadstrict con-hr e o two restrithens wiin aveben tadinalpropeaties h00ave enpu-of mgeadbenfi t oste planes totft chacedcountryh Ô~rutonwl property lcin ttinoth h itrift.he biisitha Wstrofinthe Inea fut u. Tprospaeacete purThasoer are require bound 200 Acrfou r vlae h po t o landbm t la o teroes forth ta innaoimalty2Anascsiof mypitte awoly tehel aanthefi