WC 01,11ink il ud be. interestiîîg.to 1119W Itli'Fuller & Pickard, \wcre the rçader s to kto\% that si1iceý theree brokers. sion ii general butlsiness activitv in Nir.. and Mrs. \V. C. Bruecks pur- :)ctcn>eît- the Sa lé chascd the propc(rt\, at 1497 s 1)uir N of recal es>tte lias avenuei. Baird & N\Varner, rep)resenit- flot 1)cef retarde(l ed by the \\icntka office, iwerethe j .nealv o. nucl as1>jokers. puîglît have I)ë ;l . L.'Ioale sold theresîdence exi>ected. 11jil i urv at .545 Provid ent road to '1r. and 1 ri, to (late ii J ailli- <;o eRnî ed ii-d & W ir * arv. vliileîîot ' reIZesnt(lhvRtli Cronk of -the active as il \\*a*iîekaotlice, Nwere the-(>oIl)lrOk-- v'ear. ago dt ibis cers. tulle, lias b cecein very, cii couiragilîîg Kenilworth coîîsiderin. coni(hi- N 1. anid Nrs. 1 S Iloldeiî sol< l te tians. 1'cedeîtial acaîît a(ljoiniilg 360 Sterling road to pr o1) e r 1 y salcs Xalter IL. Hallstejîî. Baird & \V arnl- S. B. Matthews Nere the lîardest t-r.-rcliresclite(1 1w A. K. Smîith of the lut with thie break of the stock. iark,- IEanst'ou il fice wcre the only brok- ct ini ( ctoher . Jl)%Never. thev are he- ers. gîîî,îîng to pick up agajîl at tlie pr-eett limne;eîeca durîig-thîe past tellWanet <las iivCUeit i patmllt bu),ild- \.Rusýseil Humîmel SONd tlie i)rop- îîîgs in Chiicago, l)roper, lias 1aiiudet at 20104 Thîibrîîwvood avnue ta at a steadik, i ncreasing pace for thue lleiiry- L. Rase. Bair(1 & Waàrncr, pas t 90 davs. ruîweeîîte hte Winnetka office., Baidl , ar nur salesivolu7 durtit r- 1iies rme.Lîr ardîie ascoîard \ti thî $3.760.900 andlfr . laîLt' in ofhe fwr liPal)rkAk à lid $2.298,427 in 1935). rhisý is tjlie ers. ,])est vear ini dollar volume the comi- M r. Hi. C. tlvi sold thîe residei( pany -lîad siice"1929. ItI s -apparent ;at 2507 Keilwocrfh aâvenue-to R.IV. illiat. t1ue iicr-tasesa(l àco(f income Cooak. Baird & Warner. represc ntc d property duri 'g the past six mnOîtlîsi bv BW W. Ford of thîe Winnetka ofttît., is, (lue ta tt.,i eîcrease.d înterst <of were ithe brakeurs, coop)eratiiîîg W til wioe~ho bave funids :to il1vet.1)(,- OQuinlan & TVyson.i I. lnçluding the Followig Features: *Liberal Credit on, Long Tes-ms. *Constant .Reduction of Principal and Interest Obligation. *No. Recurring Renewal Charges,. I .~ IovtTho psoi &Co* 135 SOUTH LA SALLE STRiEET RAnkin 0078 C HARLES WATERTQN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 28North Li Slle Stréet, Chicago Builders Buildinrg TolepbQne Randolp h 3131 FIRST.MOBTGAGE.LOANS WANTED PROMPT ACTION ALLIANýCE LIFE TELEPHONES DAVis, 2233-Evomsfom HOLlycourt 4220-Chicago SECOND FLOOR 1580 Shernon Avenue EVANSTON --LOW RATES: