1) k rleA 70alIel e- ith re i0 tincel coitu)eiCI ~t.E. lwcr~ç,rad FcIleîiro-t h. i8 the lïc8iIidcû1(p ioeioil. M FI.CID LiN. l'e,! A ènt e> h '< i Ioi l te, i! 1 h i lie (ft 1i' Fo~restet a e ile. Wluft.A. .1. 11cl14*>waq tht'<reiiti al thc .-r'î'ld f <j,î.str.î-th,,î coul)- 1111 I Ilfa t b po 1<e . l0<u1tresi roui ut <<(,il a tril 1c v'fo i bilt/ tqi i.. *rn.a f if 1.8 ro f 'Ii t!/Il#o fi,, il' te Ci ~- iactf l'ifî,v't e- I ia .A ~ 1?Iu t i,, laut'ý~v, IT D l'it .J. vi D( )V E'il rçsuitt'iu' i ii I', l 'Ims ( C. A.t v îlî n /i lia <aîîpl tuIii li ls(t l 'UC- if eîtv,î iCèi(1, if li ny m5. mV. aeg- .M.Jateger' Co.. I n l~ ln a. 1001 offic the other day, a mntwlto is considerin-g movi mg tî-roin Ch:Iicago to the inorth shore asked the. iNrîter l-hisuch ail undemlably ex - celleiut ConîmUitnitv whiv is Tt that so nîai roprteschange Iat~X i donit -votr people staN puit. sOAto ;i)eak.? Are tlieý- (lissatisfie(1 on lte niorth shore 1. aItsered wivtli geîteralities. but o11, later coîtsideration it sccitted ttî nie thiat ih lighit blw ell 1 tolax-e amore dehunite anTswer nx tinte, antd ' -itli ! tiat inive and because -thie amt.swer, as 1 see it, n-ay 1w of Ïintereý,t to lothers. .1 veinture to, present the statistics -vhicit* folloW. Because the, informiation is at liaudL ,I have tt.se(l as data sales miade in thie hast ten vears by the writer. actin g as a. sales nitait and(l bv P~. NM. ae-er, & cont- Covers Decade I)ur-iîî-,ýthle teit var îeiod l id<lîtg Decenîber 31. 1937,' Nvhiich Iides. tuv Iean yvears of 1931 to 19,34. thie sals nadc(0it whjcilt omîîlete data is avaihibleî wreas fo110ws: Numnlîem' i f i(1 i %i4lta saîles 1-l' limses0 Price range ........ tii $1 2),ul)0 Totlal amnlont îir sales........~ 54~4 \ irge5Hl~ 'e$24 2m1.e.~î,: Reasons For Selling Lt Iltapîeits tîat, ou r recordS caiver- itl~ the above salesý arc (juite, comt- l)letc, antd thev disclosýe tîtat the rea- sC t h Cot joIuîiti H. oster of the Fosteri Houise Nioving compaîîy, 1126 Grant street, Evanston, predicts.anin lcrease( iii the Iioincin toving and reiiio(eliiil, businiess ifl 1938. Thte preseîît, hou.siing srtaeau îterieasting cost ot, new butilding, iîi Itis ~ Nil onin vii ecessitate remno(l- liîtg. iloVîng amireliabilitation ii îtînv trutui t mo%%?old Ihimîes, put- tiîtg thiteiiiut-a Illt<(relivahh'..a tive. and comfortabie condition.: lThe firn, wlî i w ~as esý.taîli4iîud in 1.5,specializes. itii t(eit rj ects. 1eveliii- ~of floors anîd' foumîdal- tiomts, ,raisinîîg of rool's, .111( . niovill., 0f blouses ab )iiitSIi1litt<gs (il ail kiîîds. Ih is t ii>elxvî-t itwilicli - operatinig trucks for tnîo%îng ier avY objýect s I., bt' l>OIers aidiitd î i m rteferriiîg to thle. above. it i, evdet tIat ofaltîersot i. 111(. . ueOnilv ole w-hicli colild bussl>v wascrmf)c(lto dsasaî i %vith ttte mortlî shore is__iin tlose , c" wvherc the sellers xîo\eta( an ajîart,' ment ini Chicago. i 5casfctiii represenîs onlv 121,'of heitoal. amni it is reaso)table to assiuetllItatS (oîîî ofth icsellers, ntoved for Otiterre Sous tin(iissatlîsfactioit. mis tor in , cdi cae grouýped iLu other %Vords, if Il1w ilorîtatomu emslvs s fllwsafford'ed lm tîese 70 sales ' an fvit to* a lottlel.îietiN0. 'et.- crîterion. -it cati lw accuratelv >statt-d t he . S 1.. i 4 th at itortît shore liomixe OW11Cr> ,ci1 (;1lovl . to amtuîthq'm'oit 1î9 27 for numerous reasotis, amoîig whicli ouse, built for sfle.... ...1Il 2 ) (iaifcii vt h ot h.e ()takuo an apartinut in~.(ist.sa.iniit uenrhstr ' Chicag~o...................12 a iegigily. -snmal percent. lirQ$)14(Tilmaiîvof . hMore power, therefore; b.to lise indirates d issatist aot ion wi t I 5. 7~h Owmters wvitose homes are for sale t1e-arecmot sefli becauise .tltev \waIt 7o 1 o0 to ieave our nIorth shore. 545 Oak st)-eet, Whi )Petlkîî. Grveek-rer ical s8tle ace tectîîre dlesiqnýed by FraîîP- Polito. Rnt anduI .-razntei- MABEL J1JHL[N. 'thi8 sx-l room briel- veer homne., desigitedl by Melvi4a A. Neleon)1 and bitlit bi),Olàoit aud Carlson, i., ocateét at. 416, .Stei1îîp ro ail. eil- teorth. 4 ~.L Uv to J L.&