a e tct d C1800 borh omôdand goo (I l -- -t w'th l1tadrjiiarh billifdc, s. lrj usithese," continues teeditorial, "the ilCCINn- Of l~h î p ro èI , i 01 ho e o v i g ~ eture C:anÎlot 1e ly appoilited(I 0- tet> c omlpIctely suiccessfuillioo mater îîow fices in the \\'Il- i .iue the ollier elemlents. For good 11a1 k )t St a(it c~ iniaterials, good construction a id .good 1200,Central t- trite re (the other carinalý fac- mue, on Feli,- H I HIUI j t(tWOr to look for) înust hv i fbl r r 0î 1 it f i n n Ife 8 îr>ziii in flueulce of a 1lieiglborhood Frsouk etîmel( Ilii <ne ec ii WiîOse rt strictions Nwill 1ernaanen1tly the tîrm hI àa der blocksand be*ck I1i.It11lofj- Stecilolh coinoins protect the iloie froin theenrah _____________fe at 14 (il'z î ros$ be ens~ >< . I ient of had influences.fic etra a 1enu8 lucre >sd U ; Rqls iras tîîlci' 'lok for a ,bouise wblo se future G. . winey Th cner VOn~~~~~~ ~~ tQt-l.Uc , s rtcd. okfor a comiiiiniitv bas conductedi business ilu tuie northi aiU~ Iecliund belore 3vou look for a houise. Loo.k jshore are-a froîîî Ev,\austoii to Lakv IV1 Lamp* 1iet tcf <* for nigll,)irloocl.*wose character iForest.' inclusive. for 20 ears and -(-l ioritcs. i cvtailized - crystallized in the basacieed sonwl unique records of forin of restrictions that %vill , lr.e- performnanc e.' Notable anion g bu serve the sainie Iovelv thinîgs for xou r is, thé fact that it has completed. roof- children :tthît attracted vou there-in igjbso 7 oe o silaird the tirst, place. .eu9W h et e l ) e X . S i u "But aiso.(leniand goodl Cd se.also can poinit wîtb )adopler Ti's nesth 'vthe lbousis«C l set to, the fact that .a roof wvlîil .1 UI..~on the lotý, and -the Wav our land applied in 1913 on1 the WXill C. fl.rallll D'. Ring ( 1aîsn <. i related to other bouses anid lot s:. i bore at 807 Cenîtral aveiiiue. ineu iccr e ie- .vjJlc0Si ulial -that not more fthan a certain reinain, in1erfect coiilt ion. foi' t/us buildi)w (1/t Dercenitage of oitr landI sbould bc il 1)ýsai 11~~O I ~covered b b\louse ,and garage. h t ~~5ilajlctot falet rond., aeta " Noni iestruRcat j.lieans that vour land sbiolld a(I<ldtO (mdg on anv older rsdjc.and. aid Sfîdè-î ( Oljý thre l)eautv and, utilit 'v of vour hlouse-e,;aIshiný,i tei.irl lin îCre oltrac- ijust as a fie Iù 1t 1 .. .tt eta lib- ît i1 the 1-n tors. j tbe beauty of a gemi. ilprti - coniolierts re wil o ~'or lorhuiuî future, gotod land tse ood ColipoicltsVou r cnO oi ~vto, a satie. stabilized home 1 rliettrlqait1go uîtras Ve.iiiit' .S01.und conistructio.n, sioud e issiing1 Nol ie of fi'. e factors, good nig-iee d ILtriadviseS. tE by .Slrobel ntrc lion company fru Mue plans ot Goýrc i eltï et ir<îîgz,,<'nm ftloot'l'r s etp of --shpilifl lot . Qulity BUILDING MAtERIALS dotes- bock more thon, 40 yeors ln many of homes such as SrÀNIA-CY L. WEssEim. This 10-roomN-Y. .mani housea ot 170. Hawethorne a venue. Glencoc. of aolidj contomnbrick, white- waehed, iwaa builf by Braun and Jo n ea. Lyùt»tC. JOUCeaIca$ thée architect. 656 Green Bey Rd. Fuel& Material Cc,. Winnetka 3310