representative of the Lquitable Li e, Assurancc Society - ~.' tfheiUiit e d 'States for Evans- ton and thé- nortli shore suburbs, and also appointed .as. special Iban repre- senitative of the Equitable Ue As- surance Society of W.. RuaggIes the United States ini Chicago, north of Irving Park bouleva rd anîd east of Kedzie avenue. This coiiiectioii, together Nvth large e xla isioii of the- \. G. Ruggles Mfortgage boan departient staff, gives \V. G. R uggles and conîpany .ar enviable POsiion iithicago ait(] the nortlî shocstibifrban blan circles. It wiîlI enable tlîem tii cffc-r event better .service, facilit îes, rates, etc. than liere- tolore, to tleir mnmercus tso r. Has £xtencled Experience since last NMav thie Ruggle< M Nort- gage Ioan (leIartient lias becni in. charge of (George G. Bradley as nman- ager. Mr., lradleyý lias had iinieteeii S-car.s of. mortgage l)ankifg experielîce and( is unniistallv Nvell infornied on ail phases offtie business and lias anl extensive acquaintanice ainong local inîrtgage nieii, realtors, arcliitects. cotîtractors. Otlier rccenit additions to the Mort- gage departiment of \V. G. Rtiggles ait(]coIpany include R. K. MacFadl- deni, Henry Nappes and H. NL Bal- lengce. Mr. MaicFaddeni was formierly with irlviii Jaccl)s an.d comtpaîîy anîd lias lia(l wide anîd valuiable mortgage exl)erictnce. Nr. Nappes is a life long ofsîdtî F e '. Eaîstoii and wàas for- elviii the Real Estate ",ales, de- parinienit of X; Ruggles and coin- pany-. Nlr. 'Ballenigee comnpletes the p)rodiuciti n lc1artmnent', andl lie ias lîad consi(erable experii-ice ini fli bui1 s.)'î personal efforts of these four nwi n the îiortli side of Chîicago anîd the ncrtli shore stil)urbs w~ill give thiat terriIorvý a miore intensive cover- age tlian it prcl)ablv ivili rýceivc froin ans' e tlier morttgage beau lîouise. Prespects Are Gi>ôd A l: umt' obîî f loilîiuiness on! COLONIAL HOME R. Cook, sales manager of ftie pumip divisioni of Fairbanks, Morse & company, lias purchiased anîd now resides ini the typical Colonial resi- dence built recently at 2507 . Kenil- worth' avenue, Wilxnette, by .C Ludwig9. section, noted for handsomie homes.- The hôuise lias 12 roorns and 4¼/ bath s, mith large open screened pîorch and suin deck off theie aster bed- room and guest roomn. There is a 2-car garage. with service court be- hind a brick wall at the w est Side of the bouse. A feature is the 'cir- cular'stairwav. halls and dining rooml arc finished vvith daido w~alls, while the library is,:wood partelled. In the basement a, large récreation .réoom vith, Comnplete bar bas been l)rovided. WINNETKA Beau, location, Ige. grds. 4 bdrms. 2 baths, o11l ht. Mtge. holder says siýll at $15,000.00 wbiich is less thaeî his eost. Mrs. Mead. GLENCOE Englii brick, 80 ft. wooded lot iii choice east -section, 4 bdrms,, 31/2 baths. Prie $18,W00,O THE ILLS REALT NC. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON. GRE. il 66-WIL. 3740 MON:EY FOR MORIGAGES Funds in substantial amounts areý available through this, bank for mortgage Joan s secured by North Shore real esta te in conipliance "with the requirernents set forth in the "Recommendations of t he Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as to the Minimum Sta ndards Which Should be Observed by MNember Banks 'in Making Loans on, Estate." The principal requirements are as follôws: 1. Obligations issued for the purpose of finlancing real estate should be secured by first lien upon improved real estate, residential or business. value of the real estate securing the loan. '. No suceh Joan hould bn É - ale for a longer tern i ta years. Provision is Made, however, wbere under certain other minimum requjire.ments,, ten year mortgages, may be cônsidered. 4. Reasonable steps shoiild be taken by tbe banks to satisfy themselvýes that paynîents and other requirements will be met in accordance wvith the. terms of theniortgage. Orrington at Davis Evanston, Illinois 31E3-IBER FEDERAL RESERVE SIISTEM.I Menîber Federal Deposi t Insura uce Corporation -' I