Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 25

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Steady Advance in Building Is 1Q~7' PRcrd> Buildig i %3tlecehica l rcgion lu ring 19,37 ainîounte( 4.1.anin icrease (of $8,. 31 per cnt oycr 1936 Nvici ta! %%,a> $27,340I,184. 'Flic tbu incruas t t ia> occulrred cav4 the fact tix1at the supl~c txli ilfe d ttat t1935;iîcîi)v l oer t '-ixalf ilxlionI dollar>. b f 1), axxjd 1937 on a iin har as a nlows, J an. Feb. MIaroli April Mdy\. 1,889,0(32 4,4 24, I9:; 3,;,9 2,")5 1i 9t 96,5 2,4;,7; EDescribes UPtrenc Wastuelowesto, al ii(IO tipu-ard CIIIxbI vas slow t11r 1935)' . îî'liulx cv*cry nio01tb shm\ ; inilijoix doll01ars.01 o >uburlbail: î>i<ilxg. F, ach ;Irdli scenied to e1) thec Chicago î-cgion a liesothat the amo()iitînt dolldini193(, aidaga inc reasetdIllu1937. Tlinonitliof Ieeiu peixiS sued to Ill amloi 111,906, bwdntol ) ;ekasolial declinie but also a îi coînparison tvwithl ast ijecenîber liad a total of Tbity-ixof the 62 c( r-eportmlg to tlîi,,s srvey liai ji;îgil] I)eCCCIebcror. iess t] tCoxî inu -monPage *Message of ConfidenceHit$.9 By Robert L. Wyatt, President, Buildil Eviinston-North Shore Real, Estate, Board ýn Mark comanv(Continued. frompage 1)' Iuuran \it t ,,eillninlgof.. each S o (Htlh good dd davbt y$1,000 more per building than, the d to $3, 11C\\ ve.ir sl)ecltioni s rife as li.ai\1-- arc- oîîi dooc(lie to sec this imirage cost of the 225 buit. in 1936. ,505,828 or NVhti ha fadiisoe~unelh.atv'jd nont ilimette andi Winnetka each show- xi tue to- l bdo adIl -;ý-t i ilil C It %will i)C the ill(lividual, h I111esnu tihfoeatiiy utcrat ed an increase ini their, 1937 building, ei~tidU~forean o u 198 o perations over 1936. i~~UCI SS ii<i(U1l.. ttC nces asurc'd lot onilv iii dollarsI Vlnî"ette.'sý total for 1937 wvas 215. als of 193) and cents buit measured iii accoum- îerlflits ith ail expetiditure of $149O1,- ou and a j nIo1 I t hS. To ýplishnlment ini the building of a, sûre '650, of, which 105 were for new resi- 1g r Il < nalîv. this is founidation, for the continiuance of 1dences cogting, $1,495,"0, and 110 lY - - l i sied nPermits for.nmiscellanleous work.cost-. mont' b~ ea i~îre inheathv ctiitY b ng $406,050. Te ilm'ette total for $ ii6 01 ar ani roft y Epeiene 1936 Wvas 219 perinits, and $1,298,983, $icenits. xvile to Xhat are some of the signs that, of. whi ch 99. were. residen1ces, costing () 29 bt Il' e r s it i . point to the year. of, 1938 as' one o f $1, 086,500. 232,621 intelligent actiîvity? 'Siirely one is the Wnek' oa o 97~a 4 n391 ,511CaSIT( ilnn to proftb h esn pernnitswith an expenditure of $1,162,- 291,9 the t'Ila- ce- t.t ach atid(IcvCyone lias .learne(lne 2,9713. ~tht ethe123of hich 26., vere,fornew resi- ":Iso,9< men 1 thersh not t te ,eprssin, t e dences costinig $685,000, and 118 per- t . , lto tedpesso,ýbl h 2,42,64 (f a l IC S <t obèri. ya 1 correctionotthse wrorigs that wercfr IC4alOSWr Qtl 00<, vidcnitly inan-madc and whicli $477,125. The Wixûietka total for 2,31>1,63 I l~aîîpîîes "0 C193() was 146 permits ad$,6,8, tCttct aTd 1OrS.I eeso, forcibl\ bronghit to lîghitan$,038, 2,6,40iof whichi 48 where for iiew residences invlocok f rNar owa l lýii ýdepression.A- $27:14,1 b uayo lier t&is ~ ~ te 5o-caed iteli Cost ing $898,900.' a. mila\v Ilicâli t,(the il1(liiidti1. iirl, ieae telîgçîîce:K 1wrt .nsThr bthat is heiing nîaniiestcd ini thé con- . -eiwrhRak hr arch,. 193,3,1 "'l i(oiîr Iîllio t h t (it f îndi\-îdtual real estate business- ex~otî~a hr ihÀ i Y, buildinIxx. 15 )cWic Ul Ii lic iglit of its bus; the hirînig of salesmnen and sales- !937 m-itli a total of 53 permiits for non sînce t-l t'ct î as a whole. woinen front the basis of their ability improvemients valued at $527,110, of 1 that thlc Huî-cîxagud i l ic bbc rai utate to Icarii and produce along proven wcsin $727 0, andfor 6ermsits for 1 .tîl Marci, . siùxjou i ý11th: all othur pro - i luiness imethods andiot just t msiceneous87,2 rk, alu 2 e ats for begalii to asiosit anendeavor to ,110\v vbIa.t have a miultiplicity, of. salespeople niclaeu okvle t$980 m lorc oitesscans l The Kenilworth total for 1936 was 51 cai)c expected for its followcrs I with ilow individual records; theac dtr g the coxlilng tý\yelvC nlinths,ý. jcj.ilation and d isseiniation of re- permits and $561,990, of which .31 >uligSurely there does niot seexn to be liable information to. customers and were for niew residences costing x nietsany indications of the feverish ac- clients; the endeavôr to establisli $522,675. as ahinost ti1vity and lack oif control that char- dloser 'relationships with the public l'i 1937 Glencoe issued 68 pernlits iti greatly acterized 192 5 to 19219. N othîng On at large to the end that the .high for improvenlents totalling $371,334, the .horizon of real estate cani be calîber of the realtor inay be. realized of wvhich 16 were for new residences 11937, \vithi iterpreted to indicate that ailn-tinig by those initerested in his product: costing $295,000 and 52 for miscel- unt of $2,- l>t bard1 vork will brinig thu resilts tfue idea of service, and not pri- lanleous work amounting to $76,234. e expectud, of coînpleted sales transactions. Many înarily compensation., back of al the The Glencoe total for 1936 was 78 Lfallîng off express the belief -that thecre are (Contimned, on P.age 26). i perrmits and $888,224, of which 31 were whrINlen __________ - for new vresidences costing $708,700. year Tabulated details obuilding activ- ®rninnitie1 Ch.ie W1XT4..1Vvan r per..itie in New Trier township will be d no bui ld- fou nd elsewhere ini this issue. ian $10,000 Subdivided and Placed on Market N.rthfield Is Called 32) M Xr.Hnljhill oif C. A.1-emphll and Fast Growing Village *roorn and lavatory. I)edroonis, onie wiii a SUIuleC, dilti * The first floor contains1 a spatious two tile baths with the jatest colorèd two intermiediate lots will face ez entrance hall and wiiding stairway, fixtures. A side drive terminates at other across th eir own private dri living room, dining room, breakfast a' two-car solid brick garage. The INay." rootu, kitchen, and a large powder house is eqjiipped with steel casernent Arrangemenits are being made room with lavatory. Features of the Windows throughiout. Every détail is C. A. Hemphill and Associates to living roomn are French doors W*hich rnost modern and was carefully super- gin building in the subdivision in Open. to a screened terrace,'and a vised by the Wright compaüy. early spring. veneer flouse of eignr rooms at ïU4 by Kent road. The cost of the improve- be- ment is $11,000. the E. C. Richards is the architet and Mr. Blietz the builder.

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