Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 21

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Production of thiethirteeiith annual1 Hi-Y show wvas begun ini earncst t-wo ýýeeks ago, after the stoYy coin- niitteec added the finai dialog. This 1cr' roduictioli brings to ilid (de-1 tail s of past shoms. I '1 1924 the 11i-Y club presenited its flrst nii.iist.fcî'show at tic Womlan's club) of FÉvanîston. Thé following ersshow vas a.treinditlus c-. ces svwth nitclh grealer crôNvds than its predécessor. Ili 1921') the Evans- ton1 Coutrv lub was greatlv -Ôver- 'o1(d, andt te toilonviiig var the 1- y' pledged 1.200 (t o be mnade 1 .roul a - muiisical iudt to the ncw,' b)uildling,. .Successive mloves 10 the New , Fvaiistoiî tleater andi Iavenl ýCehool hav-e nîarked the îise ýin popul- Name Is Announced 1i is v va - tirodult tion \\-111 be îîînd 'ZSe .'AoveIt Iast vear s I w 1 w\Vis ealled "'- t1h a T.hec torv 1fil 'rthle 19i38 t ditl) i ', il ow in fnl rliaralfor t ith eîItat ionS ebtav4 anid 5. S 'ie o! tickct s bc- taîî anti arv2l. T hisvatsHiYof- ihu Iiisflssandl draînatIc staff. ;eor ý I )t1 li . rca surrI oî the ChItl), ~vî1i iIcrel e ai maager, assisictd l)v, th Aefhiwîg .rthiur G(çliîr, ticket 1liliagur 1i l li Shlouse ninagoer .a i îîifakunand liii)1De_ maiid î>r iperies h11Robetrts, pubI '. urt uvinaîelge hIl iilit fl torth dacin ii Ill 11w :cati n- I j CCiI4 in the iast act xii ho. tadc mt .h oni N cxv Ti Higbi sclooû1. Severiai wctsare noxv uier- Cnsrtoli xthe ,HîL- Y c lui). and thiest xwiii hi..Choseuî bef o-e uIexl lia 1 v inati îbîs ut this vear ithe sial a iiiice~td that.beis .t.iliIcreasI.ng 1opuaityOf the Showva ý.\ idcn<ed tiyN- vTir tîs , ibis u t: taent siviuld olie oemittedl.. C. G c., Moser, boyýs' adviser oýf the Y . M . '. *., ill assist n oiUti'fîdi thie Hi-Y clubi. Ti-is .ta~ hwwill bé Iwvet i. that a lîneinlei, of -the club, vaK I~lJI IVU, '.IcU1Auuqu Four building permits, one for* a tic%\ l'elutence, were issued in Glen- COU. during the past week. The total cost of the improvements. authorized dur.ing this period is $24,120.1 The ncw ,residenice«is being huiît by Roy- G. Roshong ,.at- 962 Oak drive. It is tNvo stories, of brick véieeer'coni- struction. anid the estimfated. cost-. is $17.540. T. J. Barrett. of 1156 Wil- Mette avenue, Wilniette, is the archi- tect, and W. C. Huggins, also of Wil- mette,*.is. the'general contractor. Tie other permits were for remod- cling jobs. issuqed to the followving: James and Virginia Saunders, 338 Wais!ington .a venue, .$e,000; C.. E. Eý7ric.sson, 580 Washington avenue, $3.500, and Mr.k. Elsie Marie 'Appel, 540 Dtiucece road, $80. KENILWORTH VISITOR. -A r. 'Nu fur. rieîî yIrare yivi, J ()f 431 lEssex roa(l, Keniil.%Vorth, astheir gueist Iast w ek, their îii-la«', WalterWB. Gerould of Yiork, who wvas hiere on a short 1 ness trip. hiad s'on - buisi- VISIT THE, SPOT] ALL THE WORLD 15 TALKUNG ABOUT- LIOO1IAY!1. 9 SNOW!e And we stili have a gran selection of "snow" cldothes! SKI, SUITS$79 ~%%~SNOW SUITS, - - Withî Ilelirneý. -Fijitieerl.%-$5. Special .......3 BAILE Y'S INC. 710 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON1 GREenleaf 3M6 :.1 Shop on Salurdays Until 9 P. ill. OIPENS JAIIIAI '29 for Evening Courses in Commerce mend Journuisum.ý. -Plan yovir sprig study programn nowbysr- ing for 'bulletins and ciass a'chedules coveritlg eNéninu cou rses at Northwestern University's* Sehool of Commerce and Mediii School of Jouirnalicir.i. Airnost 150 courses to select from -in zizv r'nd standard subjects of university current l)asketball season will witflessi the Northwestern-Bradley game at Plattcni gvmnasium, February 5. The reason for~ the big attendance is the fact that the Peoria school bas alreaciy purchased over 1,200 tickets andl plans Io acquire stili more.> 'Bradley, tun- defeated. this season, boasts victôries over Indiana, Nebraska and Utah and has ambitions of addinig the \Vildèats to its Eist of victims.ý Chicago, 111. Adres---------------------

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