( Cj D% , JP )Stationry INTERISTING BOOKS for the frilveler 1724 ORR INi4TO<IN AVELNEE Orrington Hotel BIdi. Gre.- fi? LAST 4 DAYS! 4 F FRAMING 2,00/o OIFF on Ail From.ed-Pictur. Peintings Restomci Proames R.paired4 Delivery Service - Estimates F~ree 1 729 Sherumn Ave. UNI. 0770 FREE GARAGE PARKING DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL of the NATIONAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Grades 1 to 8 ndergartn e nd Nursery Schco1 Co-educational Suiall, SeI.cted Classes Hoculth inspection every morning by physician and registered nurse. * Fireproof buildings HtNoon Lunch if desired Limousine service * Vsittheschoal Write or îéeeihoNe for a cala/o g Classes Now FormIns for Telephones: Greenleaf 0221-Rogers Park 1807 CLAM& BELLE BAKER, Director Si xty -se ven Illinois> pets, four of By T{eArts. ile anLo. io theinf rom the north shore. are iiicltd- ,adScliuster, Ncw York. ed in Aniczrican [Woiiie 'ý, Pos 193, . .11 -The stnrv of Painting anîdScptr attology puhlished this inonth by Iand Architecture ami Muiiýc a, weil Henr Harison New Yorkpoetas ail, the so-calllt' inor Art,' froiný nuLlli4liur. The book editcd b>' Uargen Itile davs o h aea îilite prc- Masilsecrectarv of the Poetry 'So- eut titile. 'D< me into ()le 4itlgl(e voi>1 um' ciety oi AAmerica. and illustrated hv 1 rIe ar lu~rt~l%- Héindrik, Wil!- ChiarIo--t Bowman, contains almost .100 en, VanîLo. This- description ofý poeilisby 1,628 living Ne)ts,. from cëverv The' tiis , a nouth.ful to i)pi fc a'r State in the union. iandi awe inithe huliart fnîevnn Glencoe is represetited hv Rehecca An- readers ini eacb bîînldred. But 4< t 1 thony. 684 ,Bluff street. Ruth C rarv d<libear tviied 1 ythé lireatb of (Àit su Clo)ugli,. 499 Drexel avenue, and Audre'. ject nor the f<e' of its 700)pg~ F. Carimnter. Fornîerlýv 44 eiwrhAtulvNr a oui î'hn îuý A<elaide ILove,. inoiv an intcrnation- )btovrblni . He's gunial. fil,- ail kown Nt. Ieur'i e. ierm<al. and üintertaiinig.- n'i ý\rClough i . a direct <1.cedanlt iVh iksbakadwies<thsa Roh rtirs and Benljamin \Westsal iniîst'lret'radrain Sli ëe 1ntered CGritiieillcollege at Vi . . li iiu )ilil!. l iefi .ae l in Angeles bshe vas associated with' C. C. Fumnas, a tor of liarein on chatet ater. No eff171ort1 JRUth St. Denis and Te<1 Shawn, as une! Next Hiwdred 1Vcdrs," jlias rcceiitl\ wlato r r ainame at1119.t Vt ran I- of. the original Deniishawn' danicers., wrtt .Ifa, ,Bircad aîid 1's1 sae ztî ln or formaI hewritig. Vn se ' and *al,,<> taught dancing at Deîîisîîaw. a sttudy of food, its. useasavs hnscîftat. mt apu o~ f ti- Ili the California Festival iof',Alîie'l psv-hological, conornic aîid smwCUl~rît m r t(et u iper Arts last ycar, slie« wo)Ilflrst >la(.( for: <'ffccts luponî Jistory and ItFtI" lier chant royal, andl iwr villanelle w0il ... . o the çinformaîtioni îg ate fra elig ftle mv-r alIi-vth~at imdi(erhies 'ail art. first honorable mention. She is repre- pli<'d bv /lis 7ijt', .S. . M.nPand Culture scited in several allthologîes. and is a fora 'r insîructor in thtrition ai Mai Cultur iîneir (of the North Shore Writer's tui Uiw siyof' i tsî.Rgtteei h uhrsaîe! g îld andl the Chicago braneb of tht- \writc,ý no t for artists, vet artisto are Amica e Vmu kdeuk oeioî ~ flockiing to 1b is hook iii-large inher' 'Mi.ss ,Anthoniy> bas heenaiagl ietrtiusad builds up others. Thé estyNle 1i('t fir stu(leîts' vet stud(ettS finifiith edlitor, editor of a societv colunîni, ami is enitertailiing and informative. Dir. rka'uccfgetiniaio;nt promiotional contributor cluring the MIorrls Fjshhelii called it "auit cojursettrtegnriredryttecynT Cetu i f Progress. li.er poetry ba baquet withl suitable alcohohc stlùnut- ds<'esamvn and aillmrcn appcared in numnerouis ptbl icaîî< ins, and l alits and sedativ e nroute fjr'o lpîThere a ofan bisacu-ral ge 11 rowth. she is the author of a recenit hcok (if to nlls." letle( fte artvfrnr verse, 'Sunlight aifd J adle."- ralye il is. foîîows- the creati\,, in A -lno*c ïo.an 1Women Pocts 1G3î i > i- t puse frnm the primitive pictufi draw- vided inito tliùteéni sections, amoîîg tlieiEdifor Expresses HJs iiTg* "n)Ilthie initerior of caves it ilîfioe ArnrianScetie, Social Vision, For'Ki art of gyt Babyloii, CÇbîna. japan. Yotuîî0er Reader-, Poeins (f Faithi. .ald' TOtnc for N" ve r! India, Greece. Rome, the Christian ri For 'oyers (if GardIen, and Trees. Na- Iii the Januray issule(of The Retail ildie By-zanitinie, and the Persiai. A (dil- tiional vkiown Ne,)ts niue are Sýara Booksclh'r, Francis Lulo cdv(ttes bi, 1pIîîg inito tbe latter part of th,- bool: l-Iuendvrson Hfay, Jeuan Starr Unter- page., uos('hoice, to Dora Aye lslssamlong other thiiîgs tlic R( - nuex \It rthla F)ckiîso Banci, htte's iojritcouîiiing lovcl, 'Iriom/h'15 ' aissanIl-ethe Diutcehoolthe Tro MayCarolyn Davie:. l{nlh ("mn-ifrt Clj .which will be ptllýihed on Jani-., c 0ool n lîpea h î<e M0itchelIl, MinnlllcieHtu Mody.Joseph- iuarv 2ý8 by Aplcton-Cetitir. Smiall Beg'inning une ohinson ,anud Marjirie Nlceker. M.1ulwsy npr Nwauîd -Architecture. its origin ad le eol More than 30.000)p nsly3.00.W<iTI- dbiu a book appears thait niakes noi imenit .nîi, its smaill eginnings an'ý en ___________t((11 .pretensiolis to literary milagiiceiise yet iarvelotus fltiveriig: painitiu.g anllu-i b as in it sonie qualit -narrative, sty le, nmrve ateriails antd technlique :ii iTwo Literary Awards **o characterizatiot-that ctndears. it to crafts, wherce and how theý, aroe --aIU lloughtou M.\ifflin compam auoucsthrotsàiids of rea(ICrs. Sudli a book a r luue y*teprsnlivo h two literary IOWli> for) 1938. 'lT.ese A / Lafftem» in lier Haut1, hy Bess atîth"r .*11(ldccorated witb IliS \ lidc 'The HOMESTEAD Hiauum Ave. aâJ C urdi St. OJewtdby Phii~p A.. Daiebon Lamps and, cessories 1920 N. M4ichigan-Ave, Chicago Phono Supeulot 56957 Recently, Anhouncd Aniong the ncw books recceutly ai,- nouniced by Macmnillan are Louise Beebe Wilder's The Garden iiCl, illustrated with 320 Çolor plates, and a new novel by Naomi. Jacob efititled FaeOut.