Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 16

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months. Survivors are. besides Sergeant Mr.dand at 4 Grenck a t h heev. Mr. Ostroxni anative of Chiicago.1 \lance, two daughters, Mrs. Oscar MrE n . Ghrre, w o the v had lived in Winnetka for 35 years; Smith, 4423 North Ïaulina street, Ech leGeho ati d, rssieor f th and had served as a member of the Chicago, and Mrs. Fred Maishi, Tul- 1hrchdea ofcai iss ilesduid a Vlaecouncil and a treasurer of sa, Oklahoma; two sisters in Toronto, girret deifchar itywrk duin Christ Episcopal church., He retire<l Canada.. and a brother iin Califoriia. She, wý,a.s a member of' thé \Vini- from active, business ,foreasgo Mrs. Yanice died in 1929. ouner ao ltka Womhan's élub.,Christ churci. 0Of late vears .Mr. Vanice, :who as Sevcswr eda i oon Y ia the Couficil of* Foreign- Relations. and .Monday,- the- day upoti which lie fornerl.y a paper box manufacturer 9 h nls paiguin oudhave, been 72 years old, with sett Imchtime with .bis son iiieaitiunon Wimte. He was a. native o builinLsAnee.Toronto. He was an* accomiplishcd a Mrs. Louise H.offman ,He is survived b%, bis widew. *Cathl- linguist, speaking .scven languages, erine.,by.a son.,Cares 1-.,.600 Tlird1 and was also an athiete of nlote, Summoned by Death Street. Wilrnette wl)v a daughiter, Mrs. especially in1 walking, swiiniig. and Ms oieHfîa,45Ilni David Stuart Joues, of Oakland, rod Wlmtoxaieidlt f.t..i Clfb,,tWo gralidchildren and one __raWletarsdn f h Calif by iorth shore for 'more than. 40 vears, gret-radcil. ged Nilmette W~oman (died Tuesday' at -St. Frauicis, hlo>.pital, od iti,,Evantoifollo1wing à. brief i Former Wilmette Man Succumbs in Maywood, s rs."Hoffman 'was borini Succurnbs ~ St. Paul Mrs. Georgia Whiitëte Buanian. 730)(emn~adcm Succu bs in St,.Pàui Central avenue, Wilettei passe(l as a young., girl.> Douglas \Waugh, a former resident 1away last Satur day at theé ayod obiHofmasurviavd bvs ixrciIldren of \Yihnlett . died J'arnuary 13 at St. ilhospital. She had been isitinig lVin \Tfalniie H..mn ofNue Paul, Nlini. Funeral services and ini- friends in thai commnity tx-,vhlen s1issVteiieHfial ý) terment were at' Winniipeg, Canada, wvas taken ill. Cenlter, Peter Hoffman of Xilmnette. %vhere the fan ilv lives at 211(1 Port- 1UMIs. Buchana,.'a resi&dent of tl ec,'Mrs. johln Carliey of Glencoe, Mes. ag'e avnue. iMarion Sieren of Wilmiette, .\Mrs. age aenue.community for the last seven vcars. Mr. \Vaugh. who for niavva~ as 72 years of age. Sh hrda Henry Scheli of Winnetka, and Leoii- wvas passenger agent ini the Unied apartmnent with a relative at tlte eni- s ard 1sofight gof W ile.Seai States. for the Canadian Pacific tral avenue ad'dress. s evsegtgadhlrn steanship hiles. hiad more reccntlV Funeral services %vec hM ont Funeral services will be lield Fni-.,. been associated with Travelux bureaul Tuesday at a Chiicago chapel Nvît'i ï da3 c moriug at 10 o'locat St. Jeno- of, Chicago.1 burial at Graceland cmtr.Site i,~sep' hrh~ihbra i eo Survivors. besides the widowN, arc- survived byv a sister. Mrs. (li;aie% iPakcmee daugiter,, Betty. 16, and one so, Whitney of Millbury, Mass.i 1'Ii. ît*~5 w;lflih~ ALJGTERMrs. G. A. Atkin, Former 'liha,. l** *1in<e1t1-1of HAVE D-- ERResident. Dies in WNesti uid 'Mrs. Pâaul \V. Ha) finhshng final tests on addituonal anti-static devices to supplenit those already installed on the elitire fleet of coast-to-coast planes. Tests are -now being made nu the "flying Ilab' . with a systein of trail- ing static discharge wires deveIoped as a resuit of earlier static, flight ex- perimeuts. Small,' specially- fabricated wvires are released froni the irailing edges of w.ings and tail surfaces- through five'conduits for the purposc of dischargig acciu millat'ed, statilc electricity ini a maniner that xviii not set up untérference witb reception1 of radio. signaIs. These present tests wvill be compieted short iN. C ng-. barn said. *This. will suppiemeuit receuît INin- stalle1 static-suppressio, 11 (1 là,u >. in - cludi ng a large., blister" *housing the anti.-Static.1001) antenna ont l.Aiit-e<ls planes.- and a s.mail stati.e meter to detect. and measure the ,static en- counitered 1w. planes ini flijght. Ini ad- dition. United is conducted tests Vvithi a large loup aiitenna..t'or ground transrnîtting antd recei-itg tation, along the systeni. Palwvaukee airport vîil bc, re sitdin the Internationial Air shoýý, at thle international auu.pht1ieat1er at the Chicago stock yards %vhich opeýn, this Fridav wvith a- Wa'co atid Piper, cul) planes. Curtiss fielil will exhIlîit for Stinisoui and Lyconig cnpai IN WAEDIIM1!PARTY a teaci-er. She was aiso active inth pital onl Monday. The new% babN lbas dent of Winîîetka. hiad made bier home retuirn troin i ieiI coUege to ati- pre-school group of the Parent- a brotber, Howard. Hayes, 2 years ini the west for sevýeral v ears. She is tend the wedding on F'elruary 5 . of Teacher association,. and ivas former- oid. Mrs. Haves is the daughter of srivdby a brother. A. NI. Scharf her cousin,."Miss Barbara Coo(k(, oi lvN a member of the board of the Fai- NMr. and Mrs. Howard Spurgeon, 1038 of , Evanston, and Iy a daughter. Eva-nston1, ini which shc \\.Il 1,e ly Welfare association. Bluff road, Glencoc. r'ra.idsi. L245C ASSORTED WE2'1TS to 5-Lb. Average27 - ý 1 IIçý 1.11lubi. , -.% 1 %, -n à tg l- il ý, ý . %ý,l ý ,

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