Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 51

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ilii .Ntm* color adds Second Honeymoon. (2th Century- F~ox.) With Tyronie Power, Loretta r Younig, Stuart Erwin, Lyle Talbot, Marjorie '«caver. Every, movie that lias Tyrone. Power in i it seeis to be aà gàood novie land there nust be a very rlefiîîite reason-probably the acting of vounigNir...Poyver himself. Besides,,this-deligitfiil film, in addi-: tion to iis excellent castelias a ptas- in.g story about a pair, onice iv.orce.(l. whlo hniii ve\,stili love ecdi oltr. Stand-m..,(W.%alter W'anger-Uniitedl Artists.) Froni the Clarence Budilîg- tont Kellandl story, with Leslie How- ard, C. fl-lnryGordon, joan llnel Maria SIieltol,- Humphireyý Bogart, .\lait Mowbray. This film talc oi the finiancial wizard %vho arrive 1s iii Hiollv- wvoodl to save a finaticially enbarrassed motion picttirec oi'paiiy vill l)c fa- miliar tco înanv of t e udincsilince il ran '.vriall v ini the Satturdav Fve- nliing >ost 1i(t înanv 1iîlhs ag.o. Niýs~ Illonixl nce.din mkiga lhuiani heinu mittof t'Il(e C(lorlcess finiancue x- Il 'irt. I .e.li e Il oward. ami lie, in tIr'., siiçcée<k 'ili eXj)itsiiig. the rascahity of iliou wl èvck to profit l)y the firîn's- Ilsstri ipré\en the. dv rah The Awful Truth (Coltimbllai \Vitlh Irelie I)unn,' Cary Grant, Ralpîx 13cltlniy. Cecil i Çunninglhamn, JONcc &oiifltoll. Iii a year of: fine pictuires. this wva.,Oi1c of the bvst ofý the crOP. - t jt will lie enjoyed .by the critical as wevll as the casual observer, largely because of itssit action, its ciever iies an<(l situations, its splendlid act- îîîg. am]<lit- lrllJant close. TheGreat Garrick (Wýarners,) with Brian Alierîx.Olivia dle Hàvillanid. Set againIst the colorfiul backgrouîîd(I ofth 8th cenitury, this costume 1ictire telis of the strange-adventures (if the great Englishi actor,, David G;arrick, at t he French inn staffeçli quite wi hou is knowledge, by the iîcmiers of dxic Coniedie Francaise. The Life of Esnile Zola.. (Wa.rtiuir J< B.Iro>z . - il o'jçt:i 11of 1tet val c I'ztii y i ii'bis lat1'.çi c,,cIv Fit Mary Li% ilîgstoi.i, Ned Sparks, Fih-. ber McGee and Mollv. Thiis w' uel consitucted, well-scored mtisic'-driaa in volves a theater uLshierette, a crooni- er, the smart cracks of Mary Living-. stone of radio faine. amd tlhe sour- faced comedy of Sparks. Varsity Show (Warners.) \With Dick PIoýve1l. A star. individual and a, star orgalizationi-'-red W\aring and bis Penusyvlva1ians-are the top iners iM this nclodiouis. laugphable, face-paced tale of colluge lif e a.s thie movie-aker:sec it. Victoria the .Gireat (odnFilms- RKO.) Directed .lw Herbert '«ilcox, with Anna Neagle. Anton Wallbrook, H. B. '«amer. E\çents ini the life of Quenr Victoria. froni lier accession to the throiie at the age of 18, to thie i'elebratioii of lier diainond. jubile, Ie lox 'was, meit.bjU sprs cUIinationII chosen by jeanette MacDonald to w~ear early in the new year. The plain, tailored skirt is topped by a three-quarter-length coat featuring full-lengthi revers of the fox. Mliss MacDonald's hat, of match- ing green antelope, i s trinuned with a single> pompom of fox. Green ante- lope gloves, bag. and shoes. complete lier ensemble., AMERICAN GOWNS In, ,Daughter of Shanghai," Anna May, Wong wore many of her 'own gow'ns, a s she appeared as a Chinese,l but ini "Dangerous, to Know," ber second Parainount picture. she Will be prýôvided-,ensemible by the studio Wardrobe, as her role demands Anerican clothes. Ph.aes WIImeff e or Tyrone ië'owr - Loretta Young A4liqo ickey Moume ln color, Tues...& Wed.,> Jani. 25-26: a T1he Grecal Garrick", Brion Aherne 0111 la De 1HaviIand George ArIIýs Thurs. & F:'i., 1jan. 27-28 B"This -Way Please' Flbcr MeGee nd MOIIY Mary. ivingstone -Neid fparks r Buddy Roger% Acres of FREE Psuki.g Spa. la No Man's Land the hieir to a great fortune wniolias been kept isolated f rom the world ail 'd educated as "a perfect specilnen) ()f his class and specles -utiitil Miss BlondeI cornles along. This W y, Plee Praot ,%with -Btty Grable, Buddy Rogers, FILM DEBUT Capt. Frank Hawks. Axnerièa's speed ace anîd holder of more àerial records than anyv other flier, ai-rived in Hollywood recenitly to star under Columbia's banner in "The M.\.ysteria- ous Pilot," -a. thriiling and timely serial of Canada'.s 'flying mouinties." Doors Openl i Sa.t. a t 12:00 Sat. &sun. at 224JLDL1POiLL NO ADVANCE IN ADMISSION Fn., Sat. & Suni., Jan. 21-22-23 ""TUE AWFUL p 0"4STAr> JIN"' TR T " L 1LesliIp Howard - Joan Blondol Ireuîe Dunne - Cari- Grant U Prl. at 9 00 Fri. at 7:15, 10:35 Sat.& Sun. nt 1, 7:20, 10:~35 S 8t; & sun. at 2:10, 5:45, 9:05 Moi.,Tu,, e. Thitvs., -Lki. 24-25-26-27 ICAN 1*APPEN HERE"' P "11DAMUL IN ",TIEEY WON'T L DISTRESS"l FOR ETII, u Vre4l iteitre. Burns and Allen At 7:10, 10-.40 S A 9:00 Fui, Sî. ~tîî. Jan. 28-29-30 "NotingSaood" l ir. &Mrs. Martin JoXhnson«'# Carole Lombard Fred rir March &B sOI

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