Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 43

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q f ,/ 4 il 1' 'j Ierlidlto appveal 10> all. Cluhi I. affiiatd xithî the Coun11cil of Catholic I Wîîenof the Archdiocese of Ci- cago ac hrîiulg this nlationalv wtamu~ illgim-, unit of fortv lmal' I VOic uiler 1directorship of 1prt- fuikto l>c îîsed to further the so- cial.service work of the couincil. lTckeu.s înay he ptiur chasc(l froin tIitc V:Meit of ail a ffiiated clubs or thec 01ccothe'Coinwil, 31 East Con1- gr-',struet, Chiceago. ltWilinette, Nirs. Thoînaiis P. (;il)- blits,500 OForest avenue, presi(l.ejit il* the \V'Ôiualît'S C..at holic CI l)> o \\iliettc, lias tickèts for the c on 1cer1-t. PrOfvssor Casasanta has gainied ~ dcpradrecognitiojiandl esteexnl a"'0119 iinusie crit-ics bccams e.of the tl<Iiicàac v atit precision of :his choral iiit<1 ti-ttnneiital direction, it is said. l'lie Co unîteil of Catîolic \Vomieîî o?. t lic ,.\r-ciuiocese of Chicago lias becît ftînict ioning for si.x vears and groups 4 t-voluîteer -workers frole parishes: th 1) t, rh(icsehv anded tihein - 'I ilit() *c'J.egiou Of N1crcv, wIiî "'c < >itito appear ini the court of I "Wesit' Reatioîîs andI look aftur tll lic freothe innocent. parlth', c ~>cîavthec vollng girls. l'ite oîcI looks 1>4c k on a ;îcuîlrecord of achiiev-eillctîts .111( i<r -ar d to .a wcll] dhcîlîe(l >i'gra'n o? Catiiolie casrîc Theî' Nortth: .Shore. auxiliarvy,. ofthc Çh icagi)Ma ritciitrascld uIhtiîstîîgiuctng 6t Jai-Mary Crane Chapter Lays Planforli liilîNi s.IL, 1_Hardy i> ý.i. fo c I;tirnumainict .at Il click eîe id atutx21, itlî. datu 1 i 'I1av tîiing, j anuary 19, at t e hethu O n e A ct i t u-t iîg <(f tr th e n w 'cr ÀfN i~ Sainuel J, Lanîg, l1414 I tîoînfr t it g- îwtl chapter (À the rct-ýt, E- 'i tU. ;Assistinlgthe host- j.Mal, ('afe vati.Menîbers %vilI <->S wuc r NI rs letnj reîod ileet at ;t 1licVIroinc oi the î~'hir Iis Ar thIur Liî>rand Mfr's. 1'yav tiain,,Mrs. Fraak .Il. Brvaýiî ,;134ý T. J ohlliîsioi. . l aîdaein.Wiliîîette. ir',. C. E. Hlo,)ingrcîî, JUr.sgrî 'u TIti-',in ô<O ith te îflst 1importa ut: i NIr,. R<ichard 8ryan, vic-cliairinan I cati lcritg> of the, vear, for nolicies wilI mcc t aitIll 'clock N[ Onda, jan- anîd îew: work are to lic discussed atîd iiary 24, at the hontepo? Irs. Ephraiîn Jpauî With seveitv-three childreni t lark.A)(24 ()rrigtoîvn ue, Evans- jAothe.xturserv school wlîollv depcnd- îît,. ti . 'hure wil.l be w> asîsinglîo t eu pon thle lahot' and gelîerosity 'scaîîd the mifntl)rs w~i1l bring jo? 'tlie woincii o? the Mary Cranc thlir own >said\ý iches. for lnîen Icague ior nursery care, teaching, Thi' Northt Shore atixiliarv a9 now m iî iiîxtaiî cases for. their vers' mcytuch interested. iniilas for a rAns aimd clothing, it takçes -carefil * large henefit (lance in the rprintt.' manîagemnt, .work and cooperation lThu date is set for- April 3(), andd the to assure tîtesechide-udrîi lîlaco i,, the D)rake hoteL ,* . leged atld- in iieed-of the advantages * . j that nmavhe thé nmeans of changilip s' i N t'oit can play 'a southern note' riglit here in the north hy wear- ing a soft, pure zephyr wàol sweater in one of the new pastel shades, A special purc hase per- mit s 1S to off er this sweater to you.at a REAL Lhargain. In pink, aijua, beige maize, cruise. 6/uc grey, u hite, 6rown and black.. $1.95 *BBiIb..u.um' College Shop 714 Chu'rch St.' Bvanston ____________ 'I 1kv%,anstoti, and ,M-r. anld Mrs. ,Brad- , Mrs. Philip Ble 1ser xlis electea Uic biurii are connected withi New Trier niew pre-sidit of the Grode Mission 11191 schiool, and live iii Wilmiette. club> at the annual meeting hield re Thet assisting hlostesses Jvil c cenitly at- the honte of Mrs * Henîry Nr.1). F. Long of Evaiitti. Mrs. Leis, li Wiliiette. Mrs. heis was H. Boyd of Kenilworth,: and Mrs. inade vice-president, and Miss Pauline- Lawvrelce Henderson of W\'iiietka. Bleser and Mrs. Walter Kummei-r were Meîers. areé requested to téeloile re-elected ýsecretary and treasurer re- thelr ~ ~ ~ - acetnc ooteo tts ectivelv. Tlle imeetinig w~as followed h o t se . '*v a soci*al lheur. .PA.TR ONIZE O UR AD VER TISERS I 'of Jse pl J. Ca s<san ta, dit,', -ý t'- < f the ' 1 'u'i, osiv <f .otrc I >in~ ,I', ctdwil qive ai l'c'fil Il ou.ç,'imdttdc'. teatîSpcs of titi, ( <tnil "f (',!i li Iomen o<f th- < 'cî ', Il îilitt', lî,î Màfernity Center Hold.s. Two Sewng Meef*ng>s

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