Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 41

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I I r t, y rient of Ilhe Wonan's Catholic- Club of Xilîîîette. Uiider the chairinanship of Mr,. 1l(I\Nard F. çltimmiske, the' de- partineît preseflted a littie southern oiîe-act skit entitled "The Quilting Par-' ty- writteli hy Mrs. ,Ctinîînisk-y anîd (lrctxl*y Mrs. Charles Broa(d.. Thi el~.vle %vas laid iso*ftl1er Alabamna t wo vears after the close of the Civil war wvhé i the f,elin of hatred stili raged btenthe'L N orth and. the South. IMrs., Clarles 1Broad, very beautiful in a period cos- turne took' the Iead as ýNellie. Mrs. Cummiskey with true dignity of *the South in an exquisite costume ofj white satin -and black velvet -took thej part of Aunt. Dina and, read a paper! on the history of. the quilt., Mlrs. * William W\olff, as Mammiy Cuboe, gave a perfect characteri- zation of an old southern mammy andl the pathos of lher. voice wvhile pleading with Miss Nellie flot to ruar- ry, a ,anke, was vcry moving. ()ther ienibersý of the cast who Iurcsünted tii cr part s vcry dramnatic- allv wverc Irs. Thornas Gibbonîs, Mrs. 1'rank Thale, Mrs. George I4undy, M rs. HeniryNlergener, and M rs. Frederick Mallov. 'The .costumes. .were veryv charmilng, and the setting for theplav" vas 'a ." soutlierni parlor." Thé 'scene: was typical of the period with a fine collection of antiques. In, candlelighit the play wvas given. Music of the day wvas interwovetn, and Mrs.* Malloy, in a rich and clear voic e and 1pleasitig mianner, played. and sang, "Belicvc Me If Ail Those Endearing 71o.ung Charins" and "The \Iôcking $ird." The theme song of th.e play, "Sceing Nellié Homne," was sting hy the entire cast. For an en- core, ,\,rs. MNalloy gave "The last Rose of Sumnmer"' in a very profes- siojial mariner. At. the close ofý the skit. the therne song vas rendered 'Softly an& "Good Night, ýLadies"' closed the ýplay. Mrs. WVater, Bermingham and Mrs. William FitzPatrick., ho wveréet kave take n part ini the play, were too, il! 'toappear. A large wedding cake, ml'ite flow- crand *gloving white candles on the tua tables added beau.ty to the sc1 1, . .r n T~ Sigma Chi Mothars J' i 1 zî,i Sga Cli i Mothers tixîct aithie home of MNrs. J. Amnelia Hen dent of the nuary 22, at Lo honor Dr. hardt, presi- Mrs. -Malcolm Stuart Millard of Chicago, second 'vice-president of the club, is in charge of the, program1, and she >has invited several alumnae actively engaged in icreative work to read poetry and exhibit paintings.. Among these will be \rirginia DeWey Free d, Penelope K9ing, Anthon, and Charlotte Baker Pain -e, ail of Chi- cago. \irginiaý Tooker Brendendeick will tell of, her years of study at the Bauhaus in Germany. She,'has re- centlv comne here to make, her homtùe, as her husband, Dr. Hinrick Brenden- deick, is now: teaching at the' New, Bauhaus -in Chicago. Mrs. Millard is leing assisted ini her plans by the. executive board of the club, composed of M.%,rs. Herbert H. Matth ewvs of Glencoe, president; Mrs. Charles R, Stearns of Evans- ton, first vice-president;l Mrs. Lester Henry Peterson of Chicago, secre- tary;, Mrs. Frank M. Cochemfs of Chicago,' treasurer; Mrs. Jasper E Brady,- Jr., of Lake 'Forest, 'chair- man of student recommendations, and Mrs.- Walter F. Fathatier of Highland, Park, publicity chairman. College Club Presenis Seabury, Psychologist The Chicago Colege club lias plan- îîed a dinner party to be held at 6:30 Friday evening, January 21, in lhonor of David Seabury, author and psy- cliologist, and at 8 o'clock Mr. Sea- bury will speak on the subject 4'Our Undiscôvered, Resources.", In his talk, -the speaker will discuss. un- conscious powers and, hidden capa- ci ties,,giving a pictur e of the-dynamic. centers of character, with suggestions- as to hio%% to release and tise vital reserves. FORT LAUDERDAL Î W Repeat Our Ofe Of Last Wek Closing Ouf Our Enfire Stock of Highesi' Grade FUR ýCOATS a"d PUR- TRIMEDCOATS- > "/ci t. 50% Ielow Our Wholescle, Prices To those Who are net in thée market for wint.r coats we are making a special intro- ductory off or for 1 w.eek FUNEST TWIN I V o t l & $ 2 8 t o $ 3 5 0 p a r foronl $15 Pair W ourth Fo5 air Lord's Photo -Ilirs. Cora .Adants, 1044 Ei~î .çtrecit If'innetka', annlomnces the. înarriagc oflier daughter, Laîtra ..0uisc, to Richard A. Linivood Of Chircffl, OU Jai.iiarv 12. /11 ter .a th ccc weeks' honeymnoon Mr. Lin- wzood and his bride 'i1rsdii Chicagqo. To Bring Old Prints to Coverlel- Guild Meeting Memünbers of the Colonial Coverlet guild of Amn.e rica are urged to take old prints to the guilcl's next meeting, at 2 o'clock WNedniesday, january 26, at the home of Mrs. EIton Lower, 921 Castlewood terrace, Chicago. Mirs. A. J. Buchheit of Park Ridge, .%Irs. J. N. Lott of Evanston, and Mýrs. R. E. Eivey, Mrs. Carl M-edinus, arnd Mrs. Walter A. Roberts, ail of Chicago, will assist the -hostess. "Q-Id Illinois and Mlichigan Canal" will be the day's topic, and the speaker ivill be Ms Caroline MfcIlvaine, who will exhibit a collection of photographis and ni1aps. and tell of the romnantic byearîitv, of the historic waterwavs., .iroîli Jiorida, January 8, after spenci- 1119 Christmas vacationî with Mrs. 'lai"",; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ystroîn of,714 Central avenue.. h Nstromis have a xinter home at Ft. Lautderidale, and ,Mrs,. Nystrom nîo- tore C(ldown ith them for thé hou- (lays. il want to gather a 1linens, cool pastels, hite cottons. Ail made, Y Cotake ~Aiiux H. OGLE, Managitig Dirgaeor BOX 2007 FORT LAUDIERDALE. FLORlUDA B :10 Rn:D L 111E IT/_

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