Wedding Gown of Virginia Graham 'Th li sameivO.ry satin rincuweSs \ýVeding g1(>nrin hihle ter.- Tr. 'homàs Ro,,r( \Vi worn bv Miss Virg*inia [M("1";l lia1ni, ast Stra niglît. wlieîî -d bcMec the bride of hre Ri- ~SproWl of Fvîttn.«î Oi -Mr. and lMts ('hl r c < ý )r.r S 1roxv 1of 1Laiîîi('4iMg i cf 1) n%, sce <I pearîs we ré.mhrier< imthe Irh~p yoke of the tre'ý. andi 'l diapi a nous ,Veil of tuille. field Iin place with a small coroniet rf vîrlsb; felfthee lil length: of the l<rîtg trar>in. Fler, oveswere white or(lîi-ý.ixar driaq, apd lhes of the vilile.N For scrnethirîg (-Id, the bride c ar1 t7rrd a lace han1dkerchief of, a materil -0l greatntini the fanit o î;n 'it- var rcan i prsAisly carried h1v a nltr )t*rOf . oth,'rr terth shore bie Wo(odwatdia fern a tnd sot 1r %nîf1ilax concealedl the entire chaticul -1 of:the Glenicoe Untion..hitrcit wleru .the ceretynony was performed at 9:3() o'elck 1) the Rev. Douglas 1. ((Ir lnell. seven tiseve'n-hýanic1catilar hield lightetld tapers', and two %yllite, %wrouiglt froni urnis were filled .witIî Faster lhues. white csnapdragon' ant i Xite gladioli. M Nrs. Wlgglesworth M 5I;le lieighits, Cleveland,.Ohio, pettii lier -iqter clown the aisle as iinti mn -)f 111o. wore a period gown of l83;J in forget-te-tnot bhue saltin hf4); atîrd in a tiniy rose patteru. A flestuain1f (trop shouflder and 1-thiîgpku bonntet of tulle fharmnized xith 1li boiqu1et of token, raptiure alud Su 1;ppsa r l irse wliule ghf't\> - nuit sfl;> i s u~rtcseVllier owll 1;'wer.% of Wicilita4 Kati-. is. Vil giuia Skititier of Du1rliam iN. C-, NI rs; (l1;ileq Ený,iersn (are Msv .a bara 111111411cIf 17 ' aius0oi. MNIssI tu Nevins o! \VWil met tevfoi tii i Gleocoe, iiid a couin iMir-\ v tô Aid Orphanage 1 1 1a 1 let2,con\v inn1 alï>,fh C.P , SFt)rr aîi c b( rh(rt l 'itl f li f 1r iij iI giil sçi<1 fý(>ri V a ri iar a lttkr v vi , fa h i2 hC 1iiI trIC0f ila l ril r uatr ra ,i i by Iîl a t r i tg. T1t a tfrtPli , p rai ig pr Nlarcrh 2, andth te plafr will Il(.,th- * (tîwtrY(lu> ti Lvn V )n.1 ()a(1: gulici 1~ ciîairtnal,îcf 1tl Ie eieit a 11 ceril, %vit Iî l tec hrairiiaii (111 -v;n 1 otî nimmt ees w )lhe ef îllowili;t.ý Tiee t -lia,,itt e Mr s tLue F'. Muniv aitm ; M i 1\ thn F. Schunîaehe lir, Co0-t.-Itirinil M 1 I Sorçîîsoi,,Ni rs. jolivii.N s.(';u e * I RieMirZ. O.0 . N dI ltaîi Nlr. Iank S. Murray.,~ ics-Ms Jatiis IlI. I rinitîe, clialiiînaîî NI t., 1 i hing < nuittce-Ni . ail M 1~et tg, ula\1niti r. l1aî\VN c 4 Strattoll, NI s. jaimes Mtîw.N s I.1.\Vcige.l, aîîd M rs. FI'tîîest S I It )u l 'hpI 'rkg '11w111.0.1 Imitlp1hve y S, J r. Ial)le S-- -Nl11 . lis îRirs!<qqxsI'wls Mç~j.~iss 'ii.qislI<î(" e'Grahlif/i i4îtt i r.W BIackltîr, lîaitiîaiîî\1i1 S. -FrIankl tll . ,nil Fr:ralis Stevenf'P?,Ç luanuof IÏvtin.çtt,, fr of 0!(î<î~ Ki>;si, Nit . Raipli -N. Raîd ;îid 1><'; c t- l M Iltllrtitjt la q jwtudf1l (7(111101*11 fI 1 CC1 'Ploc i hi 11-i f<w N s .O.lrî.îr fht S101 of 111. and 11M1s. ( hal-it's f)i-i'Sprtnei of A11,11. Mdi. Shl'wo,<7001YIuiv4-.1.K. Il. Bflsli, cliait - J"ic.v (ii ress < 7of y sati lwi th fia drp of kg boidr' isecel litai, and Mi--. .Browver M'NIiuiro-e. tti- were whlC'. nChidis, qardt'fias ent ill>,es of tihe"a1r. nd îîd M11 <~<î ad e i Book Recicw-M vil;.'XVi 1 N f , w <>rl'calis and P1,_1oj n it udr 7wediin trip n~dwhen ihcv laiii11. \Wark,chair-man :, Mi v. c/ home, 'Il 4m oillialm P.t flicv ilgv. cliaimat-ii, and NrS; 1'V. Malîrice Paill gladioli, acacial anid sm'ilax foi Mrs. Oiahian cîotil of gold, leaves in her sgôtd -t hroated , and stevia, NvitllI paillis -mning a backgroiliid. mi was li gold lamé over anpd wore a femw gold hair and a craeof oréhidc.i. Sprow~l snng* Nvere NI B3eden of Laus of the biidegi Rich1ard son I an old friendi rett ofM the Grahai <-n vîew. shave been pliblisheCl *lb n the last few years, but e froni the f emi-nIlle 'poi)nt s. Faxonads 'York--N,' -issearsen mwmainiN d t York, thiss radosnasinitdento wh-en thseraisaff.dthenin of be favie psie as in the Unaeds ofates, shote n&'mt, eauintheUn itetates, onhe. X td ba tfi, Nit.t- .s WILMTTFLIFE