Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 36

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.and Sail for - *o j West Indies Cruise: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page Sunderland, who were .arried \ednesdav ýat St. 'Athanasius curch ïlu14Evaniston 'are Siailing. Saturday, froni Necýv Yorkon the Colunibus for a W Nest lu- tdies cru1se, and when they n:e- turn will make: their homne'on, 'i the north sho re, piobal i Evanston. Mr, Sunderl'and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sunderland, .1285' Asbury ave- nue, Hubbard Woods. The bride, Mis,.; \irçrriîîia Healy, ______<aughter of i.' and Mrs., William Framicis, Healv, 205 Melrose avenue, Keniiltworthi, as maried. on- ler par- etis' .wedding anniversary and in lier, mother's weddiing dress. The gown, of. white satn,. in an ail-over hand- embroidered design, was draped at the bodice with a bettha of rosepoînt lace, and rosepoint also tr.hnmed the, sleeves. Her lace veil was the sa-me one worni by bier bridesmaid, Mrs. Robert *Taylor of Plainifiel d, N. J., for lier mnarriage several. years a-go anid ha-s been ini the Fowler fainily for ma-ny *years. Mrs. Taylor was the former * Georgia-na Fowler of Winnetka. Coin- * pleting the bride's costume wvas a bouqvmet.of gardenias and hules of the Valley. Mrs, Edward S. ili of Evanston (Janet Healy), sister of the bride and itron of lhonor, wvas gowped ini a changeable velvet of raspberry and hyacinth blue, while the bridesmiaids, Mrs. Taylor and M1iss Betty Sunder- lanid, sister of the bridegroomu, wore hyacinth Mlue velvet. The dresses. were made wvith full slirts, - short puff ed sleeves,' shirring trimming the bodices. Theïr fiowers were bouquiets of sweet peas ini pastel shades, and they wore large picture bats of felt trin- The erenony a-s perfornied by *Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Ue~s, 99)0 ÇChestnut avenue, Wilmette. ailnountce the engagement of their dauighter, jane, to Aviation Cadet jack A. Durhamî, U.S.N.R., sont of Mr. an-d Mrs. Ralph H. Dur-hanm, 836 Chest- nlut.avenlue, Wilmette. Miss Ives was. graduated froiîî Stu-ý art Ha-ll ini Staunitonl,,Va., and is nioN attending the Chicago School of Do- niiestic Arts and Science. '1r. Durhamn is a graduatc of Puir-1 due university, and'is, now statiotied On the U.S.S. Northhianîpton at Sai* Diego', Cal. The edding N7ill take place in August. Tansill-Vested Wedding Talces Place in Ap-ril -\pril 23 lias been Selcctedý as't he wedçing, date of Mlis,, Mary Jeanne Tansili, daÜghiter of 'M'NIr. and NfrsI Robert Wecmns Tansili, 1601 Tentlî street, Wilmiette, and Hart-y Sommer Vested, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hart-y B. Vested of Chicago, whiose enl- ga1gemient was announced Suniday at a tea at the lansill homne. Miss Tan- sili attended Northwestern ivrty and Mr. \Tested prepared at Roxbury scliool for Yale where lie Nvas gradii ated iii .1(33. Betrothed Dunbar &Daini Phto Mr. amdi Mirs' Edward 1- Ives, 900 Chestn uit ae e II'n itemn- no.1Unce flic eqqenli i thir daînhter-, Jane, 10 Aviation -Cadet Jack A. Duriza ni, U .S.X.H., sim of 1fr. and A.Iirs. kealph Il. Dildiain. 89?6 Chesîenutavinue. JUilmette.: Eleanor Poiter fo' Be Bride of Wm. Bunje Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Potter, 92,5 Ch estnut, avenue, Wilmdëte, annouince the engagement of thecir daughter. 1Eleàuîor to William BEunje, son of Mr. ai-d Mrs. Charles W. Bunje of Find-r lay, Ohio. The engagementwa made kiîowniat a luncheon party last Saturday. Miýss Pottey is a gradua-te of Férry Hall and -Mr. Bune. o.f Western Military academy. He is. now v i bin n Los Angeles, Cal. I3tl young people are graduates of Denison uiniversitv wlîere Miss ,ote vas a miembfer of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and Mr-. Bunijeý JEdward Hill, brother-in-law of the bride, Albert Stemwedel of Chicago;ý and Russell Kremer of Chicago. Relatives of Mrs. Sunderland who were hei-e for the wedding f rom Fort Wayne, Ind., included Mr. and Mrs. JohnL. Reuss, Mr. and. Mrs. Harold J. Reuss, Mrs. 'Edward G Mr. and Mrs. James Hager Alma Centliver and Mrs. Mai liver. The bridegroom's gr( on his paternal side of the Miss Katherine Murphy of was also amüong the guests. Â<4' aVtIAlUt, iV*IV IC.NS Hostess to Club Luncheon and Bridge t-rs' F. W. Fuermann, 318Sterling *Mrs. Judson F. Stone, 1234 Ashland members of ber Tuesday Bridge club avenue, entertained her 'card club at at luncheon and, bridge at her home luncheon and bridge on Wednesday. Tuesday of this week. WILMETTE -LIFE tonian Saturday 'l'lie Rev. HroBoNvecn, ani old friend of, the Regmnal(1 N. Wade, family. of Wjimnette whô has kuiowni the, bride. siice sh&c wvas a stiall chiild, WviII rcad thte marriage- service Saturday af- te rnoon*, january 22. whcl. aÉt.4ý Q&cloék, lMiss Elsie Knighit \ade 1ecomes the- bride of J4vman Pern Grav, son of Mrs. WVilliam Thunstoi C ay of Evantlon. i1 ýin St-.. Mark,'s çihucli. A, reception Nvil.be. held at 'the Georg ian. Mrs. Williamn Morris (Anne Marie Wilson) of Wilmnette will l>e the mnatront of lionor, and tu le. bride' s other att.eiidàtts ,are, Mrs. ý Russell Gessel '(M argaret Cobb) ofWin- ka, Miss- Jane Waàde of Batavia, Ill... Cousin of ' te. bride, Miss, Eleanior Culver of \Vilmette and _MissBr bai-a MacNeil of Rogers Park. Williâîn Gray of Corning, N. Y., to serve his brother as best mian. Tvo of the ushers, memibers of the.. l)ridegroom's fraternity, \Vranglers. are 'Walter INielsen of Evanistonk and Alfred Enigdahl of Chicago. The other twvo are Russell, Gessel,- and Rob.ert Ratnsomi of Ev-,ýanstoni. Earlyý this month entertaining ini honor of the bride started. Satiirdav cvening, January 8, Miss Bietty Stokes of Evanston gave a party for the bridaI group %vhich \vas a hnki chief shower for botl thlti rie and 1ridegroolni. The following Siiiiday mornngMiss Wade, gave a break- fast for the bridal party. -That weel, Mrs. Morris wvas hiostess at a kitclieni and panîtry shoiwer, Miss MacNeil gave a lingerie slîower, and Mis-- Culver a lînien showèr.- Friday.evening, preceding the w~ed- din1dy, Mr. and . Mrs. Gessel are giving a*dinner for the -bridaI ixutV folloxing the rehecarsal. Mr. Gray a.nd his bride plan io drive to Florida and vI take a trip. to l-avanla. They have taken a sinaîl apartilnent o11 the near îîorth si(l.

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