K4ufnlanil & Fabry Phouto Thte srusieRce trainis of tlec Rock Island railroad have becoume su popudar t/uit- "Racket"% precision danciiy rcvuces have brec» aonilied té) rct.beau1t y and spced .of th is ,niodern utmode of tranisportation'. Pictured above are the .Chicago ON OLYMPiC <OMMITTEE Rocket Danicers organized by -the, Shar- Kenneth L. Wilson, athietie dire c-1 lot Grey Dancing school, as they ap- paed récently at the LaSalle street tor, and -Tomi Robinson, sw.ýimniiinog station. These Evaniston and north coach, of Xorthwcstérn u ii.versitv,, shore girls are, left to right: Connie were alppoiinted to p)ositionls on United. Kennedy, Maryon Rogerson, Ruth Max- -States )lyni11pic conîittees at the well, Norma Ballemne, Mickey Smîti>h, recent mneeing in New Y'ork -where (;ccrgia Struthers. In, the center 'are S-%e-ladfrte.90 hbyCooîk. stioi.st, nd, Helene Stef- plans' . e ladfrte14gan iCn, ii\ Iitd.(4irector W %n vas 'appointed a nienîber of the track and field coin- Table Tennis Even t flmittee and Coach RÔ1>hîsoIn was ap- forCo nt TtieIs poi'nted a inembler of the Swinxning to Start on Monda y Announcîneîit is made that the Cook County Table Tennis. tour- nanent iviii. be held Monday. andî Stay and Play club courts, 168 W. Monroe street, Chicago. The tour- nîaneut. is sanctioned by the Illinois Table Tennis association. The even.t -is open to ail members of -thé I. T. T. A., as welI as to non-. nienibers, it is announced. Play ivill be in mnen's singles (two divisions, A and B), men's doubles, xvomen s singles, jiuior (under 15)-- singles. i!ven's B division wiIl be clôsed tôothe firs+ 25 ranking players Monday's play, beginning at 7 p. mn, will be played down to the--semni-ï finals in aah évents, except juniors. 1e,. ........ Serni-finals and finals will be playede.... T'uesday, beginning at .8 p. m. juniors will start play Tuesday at 4 p. ni.. and conclude the sanie eve- in at6. New Class January 24 Ail, commerciali branches including Shorthand, Typewritig Aecounting,,Secretarial Training. Cataloguee sent on request. Day, and Evening Glass Evanston Business Collège 1718 Shermaný Avenue WMN. H. CALLOW, Prin. PA TRONIZE O UR AD VER TISERS avirtaLUIi ree-way tie for the îead., Tickets are now on sale at. the Northwestern box office. Mr. anid Mrs. E. W. K Roe, 835 Linden avenue, are in St. Petersburg, Fia., where they will spend. a couple of months. UNI. ý ý3004 '