Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 24

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corner of Elmwood avenue and Green Bay road, Wilmfette, by an automobile driven by William Victor, 15, of 1046ý Michigan avenue, Wilmette, was con-I fined to the Evaniston hospital for six! weeks following the accident, and following that time lie had'-been con-1 fined at his ýhome. Native of Swedea, A native of Swedeil, he came to the United States ini 1889 and worked as a. gardener for manvy years. -His widow, Mrs. Hulda I)elaine and a soli, David, survive. Fujieral services were held on Wednesday atthe SwvcdishIkvangeIi- cal Free- churc i in, Evanston ivith initerment at Mernorial Park. Mr. Delaine hiad long béeî affiliated with the congregation and liad served as chaiirman, for 12 years. An inquest into the cause. of the death wvas sclieduled at the Scott funeral home ini Wilmette on Tuesday but was postponed. until Tuesday afternooîî of next week at 1 i clock in the Village hall. M r s, L o u ise F ô steril1I ib r of t e C ac T -c Vaô c np y ns-l ied kiet. ét, and Arthur Goldner, appea;,iii the i oies of Mrs. L-ouise-Portwine Foster, wvif e produectioni of "The Nurenibcrq Stoz'e," to Ilh'Pre- of Xance F. Foster, died at her ThJaii1irj' 27, th codofk u / aiésofalforleg home, 730 Central avenue, Wilmette, Tepa dl etcscn fasre ifu Thursday morning, Janurv 13,fo- tiis YCCr at the coliege. lowingý an exteîîdedý illness. Services, were conducted by Wil- LatI mette chapter, Order, of the Eastern I.C ha ries Davis Howe, L s Star, Saturday froin Sccit's F'uneral j omryK nl ot a home, 1118 Greenlleaf avenue, and Fom lyK nw rtXV irterment %vas ini the faxvily plot at Trustee, Passes A way Ftineral Green Ridge cemnetery, Kenosha,I__________________Mclntosh, Mrs. Foster 'had resided in Ev- CalsDvsHwfre ilg Friday of anston and Wilmnette since lier mar- trustee of Keni1lworth, pass.ed away Tedya riage in 1913. She was a ife-long suddenly on Monday at his homle inTesaa memiber of the Methodist. church, Chicago. He was 63 years of age. Bonti ini and* was :a.,nxembeiè- of. Wilmette Mn;. How*e,. who had lived in Keni1- weherompl chap-tei, Order of the Eastern Star. worthfr about* 15 years until hewetr u Sunviving Mrs.. Poster, b)esides bhermod away four years ago, was as-,neal viea husband, -are four sistens, Mrs.' Irvini sociated with the finm of L. M. Wiîîis svie C. 'Buswell, Miss Mýayme, L. Port- and compaîy, real estate coxicern in ertiesè in C wine,. and, M\rs. William L. Gros- Chicago. He xvas also engaged in the'ý He was veîior, al of. . Kenosha, and Mrs, practice of law and was a memiben of. the boardc Julia Stumbaîigh of Rtherford, the Illinois Bar association. He was company N. J. a 32nd degree Mason and a meniber nagemier She was the daughiter of the late. of the Shriniers. . been largel Mnr.. and Mrs. Xilliani R. Portwine 1 : *~. v., !arri, Thb>mpsim alI îh' (.q-iiQJist aud the Ki*;g inil a 'scutcd. T'ii rsdlav afternooii, Je of Editeation iauiditorîniiiý. 'hbich. theC .01111 il)1Y is g nz'i 1J Rites Held for iter G. Melntosh 1services for Walter Gilbert 1,.1100 Greenwood avenue, ,who passed away' sudderiyv flast wee&, wçre held onl fterîiooîi at his home. 11883 at Clear Lake, Iowa, ýted his educat ion at North-, unîve*rsity and. entered the çbusiness in .,Chicago. !He 1and develolied rnany pro 1p- -hicago and suburbs,. founider and chairmnan o.f of the Walter G. Mclnitosil but recently the active Mit of the concern had Iy in the hands of his as- for re -election lei the Repuiblicail -. Primnarv election S12, 1938. ill annouincing l bis canididacy and circUlatin)g 1 e t i- tionls this Weekl, Chutrcil.fitI set' at rest runiiors thiat lie %votld bc a, cian(Iida.te for Unit ed S1 t il t c s slenator froîîî liii- liois at flec April Ralph E. Chut-ch l)rinaries. Nir. Clîuercli, xVlio resies ai 3(10 ,followincy stateniciit froîi \' hn ton tItis wveek: "My attention bas beet1 ca led 'tg) lt. fact that soile of inîy elntliu,zjastic* trienlds- Ill different parts of tlit. .State h;ive -igaiîxinitiated a rno'enent .10hto .~ run'for elle United States Senail., While li laturally appr:elc'ate such epêsin o <f eonfidenice, 1 wish to make ilIt fra r t" the îwile of the lOth. districtwh.m1 aux .:rivileige4 to l'epresent iln Ot. 'Ijot1.se of nlepresetatives, that I ail] a candi- date for re-election t.o nwypr stsat in Congress. For that purpo,. 1 hatvie acerdigl~sentlniy tinxînation o- lions for Congrc'ss to the lOth District <itizenis foi, signature- "I ýmake tis staternent lei rrder to rI-t inove any confu.ion whleh the elithos:1- asrn 0 f niy good friends may cause In trying to prevail upon me to iî'un for lh4. Serlate. -To discharge properly nY, rtsponsi hbilities and dulies to the 101h J)stIl I ,lin determnea 4, tnt ot i a îg d;ty's spssio)n, A personal pri ni;ir 'v 'n paign thus being preeluldpil and nî t out of the ques;tion, 1 ronfidetix u1' M n the efforts of m y friend s, and h lù , illy record ivili .pef ori-tself. jGirl 'Seouts j EXTRA BUSY- Last, week Troop Four Chose wo new patrol leaders, Nanxcy Shearon ail Joa nLi indsey. Thieir assistant leadlers are to be Jane stevenèlsoi ,aîîi Vera Esier. Janet Camphauscn is tlle newm Scribe. The court of honlor C01sistilig lof the -troop leaderq s adthe . 1+--i - to VIuetka, , iect andrt. E. 13rimmer, 22454Sher- He was the grandson of Edward man avenue, Evanston, general con- and Emma Whitney Wisdom, pi- tractors. oncers of Chicago, and was brought. to Winnetka at the age of 8 years. Chicago, was wiped out by the Chi- Edward Wisdomn's place of busi- cago ire.cf 1871, but the firm itself nes at Randolph and Wells street, *1 still in, existence. U -1-i ivu o te ""011"'MotBlay afternoouî even years, following a resi- A fter t he Meeting, refneshment.,wr of fifteen ye'ars in Wilmette. senved. wr ivors are four grandchildrenVIS-T------- E t. W. and Russell Reid, at the Mrs. Robent C. Stulbbs ' 2(6. Sixth- ka address, and Mrs.' Grace, streeti, has hen moheMsA.. ns and, Miss Viola Reid, 2134 -1jung of W otk,,t .A . it aenu, Wlmete.a few weeks. Viitng her for

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