Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 19

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A E t eauYtel f i.t. 1Co, which tbegan life as mats of twigs1 Nint4i street at Greenleaf avenue covered with earth, are at last coming c Jams T Veekase, mniser into their own las a travel attraction n o f Mexico.k *'f ie D ivine Historlan" will ut, the ".c tlemle of the sermon by the nunister Býcuse a visit. to that wonider- c at the nürning wvorship) service kit il land of fiower-covered isies is now a o oclock $unday,.,We .cordiall t.y 'tÀe 'must' on -a ny Mexican journey, Re-ular singi bth s. . 1uoi.c1î1>.rXochimilco is included as a highlight w.inl be a feature of the 'niu.siC d pr- of a series of>'.inter èircle tours. be- granis for tuhe norning worshil services. low the Rio Granide," states B. -E. The 2ui Sunday, àrraflge(1 by Mis, White of:the Amnerican.Express Travel Erinkr Rounds, director, xiii be ;,u foAl lows: rga lrelu,."Andante ixa-service. Sponsored by this company, wi-(Srng'ùattC,..h.kov,ýý the tours use.Mexîco.City as a base for processional, Holy, Holy, H-oly" ; .-au visits to such ,cities and places as thn."Fear ýNot, 0 Igirael," Sfleker, CUerii1avacfa, the Pyramids of the Sun mrs. Sander:r; kNrs. Condit, 2Mr. Abl Nit.(ts and the choir; anthemn, '11rdand 4the Moon, Puebla, Cholula, God, Wo *Vrsiip Thee,' )Bach'. The CuadalajrGudlpanOxc. Junioir choir; solo, "God of Ourr udluead aaa Fatlî*-," IDe -Koven, Edward Otis; or-, ee Travel Unescorted gan. postlude, M2ýarc-b" (-Severi*s to:eleven days in length, the liandel. tours. start from Chicago and' St.1 Louis, with convenient, connections Trhe. unday school ii.i eet iitlldli f o ohr hes-adar o .r prnltSat 9 :30 o'cIock. fo trcteadae-oa- i ranged that touristes may travel in-' The Pastor'S class for those wlîo wisli dependently and unescorted through to prepare for church memberÉihip will the country on a program that best inee at :30o'clck.suits their convenience. The Àdult Bible classa4asembl es 1 foi, The Floating Gardens are par- ttudy at 10 6'élock, and cotnu(ý,;it,; ticularly enchanting, Mr. White says, -ýtudy of the Book of Revelation. j on Sundays' and feast days, when TheTuxs lubwll rxee a ~ 30pleasure-seekers crowd the network o'clock ln t4xe chapel. A stereopticon îec - fof« canais, and lend Xochimilco, an air turt, of fifty sldes xiii be given on the of festivity and gaiety. Travelers southern mnountains, with the titieo, usually hire large flat-bottomed boats. "Barriers and Passesl,", showing the liteo mle ri iia oaVnta of the peuple and the work.bel-ng âor le ratsmlrtoaVnta anong thern. Aul yotng people are in-! gondola. These are poled by Mex- vited. î can, lads,, singing old Itidian and The. Boy Scouts wili meet M011day pnshsns .Vening at the chu roii. Colorful Spectace. Mexicans of cv.ery age and from The Spokes of the woan's society every walk of if e frequent the mAl xiiieet as follows: No. 6 withvMrs. R. gardens.. Indian women pass by in -. Johnston, 719 Laurel avenue T.uesda)y for 1 o dlock luncheon; No. 2 wAith Mrs. light canoes, selling refreshments and L. G. Gage, 414 Laurel avenue, W'ediies-. flowers to tourists; while other.craft, day at 12 :30 o'clock; No. 5 with Mrs. filled with happy Mexicans singing David Hall, 809 Central avenue TuesdaY at il o'clock for sewing, followved by and strumming guitars, drift. gaily p)rogram and luncheon, Mrs. '.r. C. past. Some of the larger boats even Braun co-hostess; No. 7 wlth MrS. Stan -sallde .tori Vn lnwagenl. 308 Seventeenth to n rn o hi asnes struet Tuesday at 10 o'clock, ý4. 12 ooandrkfrthipsegrs with Mrs. H. Sundblorfl, 922 Seminole Like the Pyramida of ancient. 1roeff, AMrsý. Oil,1. eldon, Coý-hosteS5', Egypt, the Floatimg Gardens of Tu4ý.s4ay, 12 ý30 o'clock. . Xochimilco were the.whim of ancient t ou mdweksevie v ii ehId rulers. The various islanids were W%%edlle,,day evennig at .8 'eiock* in the originally large matsofierad éhapel. Isaiah 35 xiii be the îîext i staot nerdionay o the series ot "Great Chapters of theý twigs, e fot n taiinsyt Bil"to be studied.. We- invite you please the king's fancy. Diamorid- to be with Us. shaped and sometimes over 100 feet .............long they were strong enough to 1,11. (irl 3col ,veniflg'at the Jneêt -tuiwuYt rnontn, <double trhe montil [ast year, and states that craze is the greatest sini of King Edward VII. i ?tew ) machines a I URORC ly output of Mfrs. Ralphi D. Mancineili, 1010 tthe cycling Sheridan road, has gonie to Puerto ice the days Rico to visit lier parenits, Mr. and Mrs. Justo Hernaindez, unitil spring. .44, MEAT PIE You'1I Save considerably, by taking 'advantage. of this SPECIAL WEEKM-END SALE. 1937 SPRUNG 1 [LEC 0F LAMB l1b. 1/2 C SWIPT'S PREMIUM ALL CHOICE CUTS POT ROAST* lb. 171/2c' FAICY NUhBER 1 STEWING CHICKENS.. lb. 23c ILOIN e e. e public, after being repaired and2 re- arranged. The original lease of the place was recentlir discovered, and f rom its inventory of ail fixtures and adescription of the rooms, it ba.- been poss ible to rearrange them just, asthey were in the writer's day.. merrymakel ami, Bombay-The old-fashioned bicycle built for two may be aIl set for a comeb ack ' according to, P. W. Brad- ford, manager of the Amnerican Ex-,

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