Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 18

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! :15 a. mi.-P'irst srie 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday achool aifd BibiE classes. S 10:55 a. m.-,S'unday school dIaJses for children of three to five years. il a. in.-Second service. ýSocial ciréle, today, with Mrs. V. 1 L SUhr,. 722' TWeltth Street. Senior Walt.her league, Friday, 8 1. In., Children's Christian education cla.4ses, Saturdayý, 9 :30 a. m.; -Wednesd.ty, t P. Mu. Circuit Tlen, Tues-daN*, 8 p.'in, ai Messiah churc.h, Neva ',andAdsnî The order of service aiH "-'î-koit Surday wili in*eude' tihe fîîlowilig, Ire ud-'.'-Laîrgliet 1 eprGr~o igîny lfli'it~W.shi fl, Al l'e Angls'.............S-hîu'c The Srnon"'u e îtatu-si Failli ln Israel"............tthuem, 8 :10 Posîuc-Ofe,".......Rats. ai This eveniing,*t S o'ýcioük thé* ýenjioî WNalther leaguers a re offerlng an, eve- rîlng Of diverslfied ertertainînient, In- cldn t 1e~rQuj'4 z- -od't whieh ail are. Invited. No ticlkets 'are being ,so]di, but tllere will be afre'-- will oftering. *The .Social cirvleis s erving ae ýhikn. dtnner next Tnesday. at 6 :Ü0. . Re:selvati()is aî'e lirilted to 150 and muust be niade bhy StndAN« with î's. V. H. NNr t ilnueètte 3831. tg Modern lite deruands neietîne the îesî tand çolnuîosuî-E 0of a sa-tisfyinl hour- <f wo-silp. we invite YOU to coriu St. /1 udustine's Di'. Hubert -Carletoi, jet-tor-. Suîiday, January 23, i ill 1), tile hv Sunday after the Ei~aî,Th(-re %vil] Le Holy CnmruinaI 8 A. (hurch school at 9 :45, andi MorilirîgPîau With -Ser-iuon at Il A.M.L Tuesday, January 25,. will mrai-kthe e1ebration Of the oreisO f Si. Paul. There will Le 1Holy f("îîuinuniOui The- anriuai. Parish neeig will be lied ln the Paris-h iHouse.1 toniglut (Thursday> aýt 8 A.M.; There will IUc Pr'e.serîted the, treasturer's- repor-t, 1eporî,s 1;f panisli orgauizatioîî,' let ou of war- 1 ens andi vestryinin for 19,38,. as weIl as W Vnette avenue at ILke avenue1 ner Vlleys w<ld .11a(0ws , Il Rlev, inîosThorrîbur'tltg. flhlitei ' hildren in 'huroh arectolloiviîîg it lîrougi 'lhle rnilister wil! he lun the pwu tai guidanc...T', this iusliinlg .s-i',ail 4:0. rn BYs' echoir rehearsa! the. Il Ocloek wom-hiqr serrice next $un- viSsitnaret wdv4s t ICiUe<7 15v.îSentior choir rvlîearsal le day îuorning, January '23,.Ille special rnusio for this stàrvit-t- ivili buvas f1ll)psOn uifflay evuniwn. Ht f; 4'vlc-k, Iii-. %vnr.i ('huCiirvi Méelhig and uiimer Ir Org'an (10 :45) : *leg\Mari'art îFrank. cr'îs'ultirîg jîSyc-*ilogist, 'lîiîiglît aI :0*te.ozy Cornier- eirclf ~Pastoral'iFrst A$nata:r i- G illldit w-mi ItAlk t. yung 1lietîleand t ht-r w IIIserve t hemainui l ht-h di rn-r iln Marie' Biiel . Pêiýrytit>itc 'n-Plannîiing a (areer» Ail iii,_ junior ruilini of the ehutri-là. A fier -ii.t. le LrIs iin Il fE v y"ngî-'-anîd t htirfriends art. litn- thlie1vl~-- on oof uîfl'ers :rt 7 :301, vwe i ll liaii r~ r , vt i .shar. ýt h is sIbt-va I tEî'î- ur l hNe tu;- anîiual review of elnî r-il av-- * A ît ie m u : T e K in - of L ýv tt kii le . o lE n viu- th e I>tin .s il E- ! My Shelîe-î-d J* silî ' lih' e jaurî,vanîd f.of:w-4î ," nr, ,<<r iigl-shoers wililiresuni tu. t fft-rt4bry A.ntliem I It liîý ua-!1Mte n hlg îîîer.iit t-d Uy dktverv !ii- fai mous -E>imacttplay, "ThtiV i î. Li i" , , .j _- , a__ i- fMA uidv ii'ittenut!e-Clost -uit ire *-ongregat!4t ' iiinv il d rin a n * >aanI'cbsýt ltdt.-PrýInt. u~indl Fue ingîw . lhe~~art. i, 'ping-pong tAblus t ua- 10I1Ijrve- sections : dini nn-rl.sk iiBrit"3 3i for 1 hlituSywh litji)y *thlee txt«iîi5t-. <th lr nssanîd draina. "t lurl it- Mv< ;î î't utlerst .anîd ki Wiitht e a$ra'iE-mnEl las liliuse e bE:!rt-sErt as giwEsl tif Tii, 'hîîvî Sh ~~- ti 'eV * f tt- hint-~ ..iI r-ewelcome. i iv hur-t-harî Iefl(-vidjl-rtr'îr nIfw îIOiiiii as t u,:. -Yu -k. Nt-w I j I I ),(l.' V u ill riisa Iieiiiif y-'îrî rierts niav 1a- înde a myt-\.:jyý' The iJuilA mimwîert of I itthe Ellir <f il, a 1tou lîvar his kt-en ant i nu iiw l",-luta y 1I < Ii.iuscs t'. ht- an îoutsîad- "Itu-lmli-ou f t4vue nuai repletiis. 'lîlo iîei um a t- . ::- 'M:ru,' Ilt. Revar isalsart e lil<ihy thlet M Ils tilt 'l>Us itawc miad t lit, WoIiIvII*t-1 i5 ltiu-"EAS N1 1*,t hT!îî-sda y nirg lt. ledialtiiiiiMargue rite Ca Ikirs 'l'avib wl 'l'le -I gl i-h;;îl,. , ~ arc - ihg uîwri it n r r ti'à-a " tî k tn in rteiir 'lecorat ing tak ilg a slie-r 1 ie-tts Sufiday aSurîti,i, slsin'r, f. i Iluus mors. t0î,ie Tâmte , Style, sioî'a t t,! 1 "'U Al' v .1,ti tlu. t-11l ( e- in < Efl E i E d <irele fluetting, Muîl avd.tyJ'at- 'l'lîta ul7psilctII Ph. t iI1t u.r 'uariy. 21, Irs. Wallace I_ l. Millt-r. t61( Illet a1 . r- st avenuie, l5 the hOSte-55 5,qv i "oiett)IC W -Il 1 . 1 . t.7 I In, î tî... Cf Ldrî~ls t-,'! <.1 be assistt-d'hy frs. Johin '%. ilsî - ,_. The Clîoî-u I i , fe TUt -tayafi -m. t'es a utîlee<nigp? 'lhfur lw.Ralffli F. PotIer, îanti Mrs. FVr.tiluî leiseveuîiigS'Thurisda,ý-U rie-v îteii'i U yeî Jünisw( -room nauidtrr l. - art-~~' i- uý:4'if .0. "' ýIIsiniE asr N - WFI ik irtlliîfoinrdia KA PPAI liu Mjs a-leihIifYed, -* --The- wec-k frrnr .Ti1ay2 i '- nu-edt-c lte îî rî ~~ruai-v G is Pilgriii FeIIowsliiju w"-kI<. l grmis Jat vebîation o(f that ý%-k uoI,um.- "'ai ~ -~ ~ ' - t. -~ s.4 f~r 1-'-idy. 1'tb-~- Etftirîe-arization lvi itaktc fort î th sc-heEl----1."ierd.x- eil- -h t h l ttli a - ltd 1t'i'hii; t I-s. c il:J .J'î" i i-y 23, rngJý anuai-v 25, a t Sttlik xti.'it.:1 r r."~î4îttaar iîti-- -r trî-- Mo0 fi-M Aarîîvit: 'r i 1. v l~ i e t d . 1 1 r e s t se < C 0 ' t t t - î t r ' ' r I a t v . a - t l a a - " i Z S o at- t j LM 4 - t I l v i i X 1 E i Ij f i l o r ma j a j j ti - a , î d M r s M V S . b u t e r u u l ) h r i e s M s . ( h î k - u i i d - l u a i tî î ,- - - Ui t lrr J 'I la tl t h - a l t h e x t w i i n ib e t u e h o s t s . T r . - a n d a k r MI " id -'- i, M s . B uit . in iitv s ~ n, ~.turd rsus fllllt r-4îî*- 1ii t-l s hJohn-i< ncW . i t h. i i n lt2Ue firs. b". '%. an wi:Ilirna enueThul bdaT, ,n Iuai]- 27.at thehouîîetfhMis W W;fiv1 oltfhýeyu Rgr,62--')tuala\-erîfre. ll71( mcm'-- Kenilworth Union, L Plra bur-s Wh') Cn<-arvssible do s-o are- uî-ged . We8'5 VL'WI.eff lu bu elserî t aI1f6 o'-eioc- to hLe- lw-tu 2D e'ourgi t 14 Xii ,1)litr-,,"t ýrta aldet-. A 1-1 [il-' e. .s je frSuîudai-, Jan-' ' lIe . I>a R 1"r Il.-'e U <ý-r- h sa i.ervce -t l -: - : cij S RV C K<i 49,:É) Lo e '%%- iI'.-1-iii.- frt<uli.Schoo ~ : -t ~ a01 i.rî.- omnIng «Mshif Oftî'.>-y-Ofeioîv........rua i-, 1 t PIl Itidt ...... Ci *E fi'onî , -Aer' Me. O L ord .-two-c MThAesTfhe -Senior Choir' Th-d er'.-guild- vil u it-et * StEîidý-'î'îtSW"'t Stor.y.of UHUY24 n 10 uhswTh)t- Junior Choir AIl ~ (O Wiit i-fKeruiIworth. flot otlerwýNise ES'l(i.arh in 17 Majtoi'-- a onMond'ay a1-è livitedt a l- Vcoio ~i i n u t h is g o o tild i l i u - i. 'ru- uhh- s nvt,- t iheu i lit-eJ%, .1ulf ur* Anudt)W'rl n Pnni b rtawiilet s 13,n11 ru-1] nQdal ~tuî ûruJanuarx- 26, at 2 e 'lm9-k at th~~(-hueh.Tf-a uiflo rs .L tJt-,i kfinl(are"f.tee~ -i takiiie a tour oin .aua 2R. Thpv will g(' vi;iibus to \Visit various chur<-h uoj eW s- falsted SretIstitutioni ch n reli, N'wer C1 e r, a-v 'n ter', an<j thî Hall. Mî's.. Rolliui Y itîinclarge o' the totur, J.C;.ennings, was eieeted for 1938 ; Mis. L. Richard V1ce-Prersident ; Mrs. J. B. Chi Yecond Vice-president . lrs. S.1 lrealM4*. Mm' HuibeîttCarle 1-etary. av ai-ter the, ii,- - -- ( lit li ased i)ll' th(,, Jp,, i stîe -laiy w iI' '-uiu'u tu "'11t.LI n- e~vrJble '(A;'1,ï o? H EK dy oitrs12': 16-21.- 'nrte -ss n~eet- 1hui-sday. 3anua.ry '20-lu wosluî wi a very Oru Sunday - ninug, the nfutn anrd w t.î.Ann hur- ilu,*h. s Invite you Mr,ý wil- 1, coninue teeieter0ftlecdiures ony, AnuSur -4 )resident euissions led by Prof. Charles A. Bradej 1 :30 P.r. East Endi circe ' thle New Tetrunl vh e "A g4vNeý,on ;on, firstt'of Northwestern .-overing the wMorld 3.30p.ni. Brownl . Y cftl.Wiibegieno istensen, conditions faced by the- Christian faith. Tuesday, January 25- 11ua evenings tmaneLuhri I.I-ale, This class nutets at 10 o'clock lu conneC- 7-320 p.1-arupfire girls at t 1 e luognSe Easofrmathaenuch t Lake stec o n e - tio n w it h t h e o t h e r b u r c h a h o o l g r o u p s . . o r a t i S . T n i e , 9 1 P r e t F t n ,0 f ft e i L t h e r u h r c e f h - noi'th short. Dr. Ecke rt- of he Chicaghe ~1 I

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