Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 14

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s_ý *lti'l)ai»"ta leteni ciampoilshll, only. a iew mnen players, Morgan de final round matches of which wereý feaed ick Schaài of Higlilatnd Parl held last SatîirdaY night hefore aui]in the final round. The maitch fîôè thir( fenitliusjastic croNvd at the North Shore îI)aee %ýa> takcn 1w Charley Sçhiaa Table 'Tenn'îî5club, (655 Vernon ave ,0f hJgband Park wodiet iueGlencoe.Tecapo is~ George Swain of Evan stol].in the play Ithe icterans* class went to Hernian 0of:, FnI(reîleg fWPîek o Fruendlick of ,Witlette,'while the h bv'd>slatol ydfetn 1)oYs' .titie %ý,ent to Dick 'M.Jack Hlickev.' also of UWinnetka. Boys Oak Park. g doubles 'wu'a-S wn%% o ZddLy Muchow. Plows Throagh 0! Winî of îlo ene it t~a XMuchow, the defending chauipion ua f inta and ninth national rankin« lae. Hermian FlreiuuIlick of Wilnuiettc swei)t through the tounrent. îîmnad'e a ce d uIefeiise of, us vet- lout ans-v serions difficnlt-. He dcfeat e'raps title, defeating a iellow-to~vs éN AIKentia,,of Vinnetka ini the seuli -'mani, Le< ov Hdrv '. final round an(l the hard-hitting Carl - ______ Mayer ofWilmetteùithe ý AitRducaio ût was bis l>rothe r, Gor don, whc , Cla Ss -Freeto. A ike Ralph, was a memb.er of the Chii-! c ago> inter-city tearn. The> *ianily af-, Local Residents 'ir" fial sw Ralph winning un Lt ku't generally known, b)ut the tre- srabh ard, ogi an'to ls odce *Gordon M11uchow econérdGordoln Aduiltliducaio clse odtd ii Evanston are frée toail over 1<> in Wells of Wilmette in the sernî-fiuials' Wilmette, and flifrmto a tand defeated Bill Coale of W%ýitnneîka linomtnma in té qartrs.l)Chad ai the Adult ÈEducation of- Miss Clark- retturted the e400 Ok-to stet'. Ivanstom. Isuburhani title to the north shore îf.Or Somle of the tiew classes are on fthe first time il, a number of y'ears osîxr rbes'"adtv by defeatinig Mrs. Gladys Foteulier1 are held. iii. tht. B'oltwood school a of ElmNoodi Park in the :finals-. -l'le 2 :30 on Friday. womnen's division w.as played a, a Similar ground will bc covered '*at round-robiin with -Miss Clark and Mrs. the Nichols sclhool 'WedniesdaN- at 7 Hotsenpiller emei-gi'ng as the on l1v two p, ni. At 8 p. m. tie saine ev 'ning undefeated plIay ers out of field of i iyiitht. L-abo Mve0ut1wl 15 represenitinig a number i)f ttl)trl)anll>e consi(lered. tows. t 8 p). ni. iM the FistMthodist AWin& Consolation Award church *îdrtî<iv~ of Our * The consolation section of the ii< '~Chaniging Wo'rld"' IlI be presented singles 'vas woni by 'Bill Terrill of- w- ii a stu dy- of current' events.' In- mette. After defe.ating Jçrry Stein t ormnaI group discussion is weicomn.: t ilmnette and John Conway of'F.'van,- Parent Education courses have kton, Terrill won from Hiillis Cash oif l>eeu increâsed a'nd different grou 1ps Elmihurst, the final garne going 24-22.i are studyirig "Progressive Educa- The mixed doubles title Nwent toý tion.-"Thie Adolescent Child,.Ef- Mrs. Hotsenpiller and Carl Maver, 1f ect' of Movics on Children of l)iffer- defeating Ralph' Muchow' and Miss Cnt Ages- Jo Otter of -Glencoe in the final match. The Wilmette Public librarY lias u s - 1' j' .ZLSS~100 Picture t esiow~n ini Rudolph Iatzli/ of Il'iinnctkia Co,,îmiiivii Iîoîse on Wcdnésdla *vening, . Jaîrv26 at 8 o'clock wiII bc, -Carniv<,l i Fla;iders.:" This IS 0one o!t/w eoittsta,)di.ig fjoreupi ùreleaSss which bas won 1 hiqhcSt cillemna hônors. T/is is thme second, in a seris sof ciglîtfa'inmad filins to lbecslown a Cnui luse. Iist of thev classs and wl gladIy sid erable time touring 'il Englanld, answer questions, or information mnav thev also went to Franice for a short be sectired directlv from the. UXuittiebfoesingfrh e. hle Eduication office. tin e e or k they paidforvismt. t thieir daughter, M.is.s Hazel Os- Mr. an Mrs. sbornboru, who is exuployed inî thé' pro-. Mr. nd rs. sbon fgramn division of the national staff Return Prom England of the Girl Scouit organ izat,1ti. Mr. and Mrs. C. AI. Osborn, 812 Oakwood avenue, Wilinette, -who have. DIVER-CHEER LEADER been in Engîand and France for Iihe lýa- North,. diver on Northwe%,sterii's ,past sev'en weeks, arrived home Ille simn ei; ioîedçre J~~~~~~~~~ .is oftewe.b-~e aste leader. -North -who hails f romn Tren-. are moving from Wilniette into their ton, N. J., ' rgarded as one of thie new. home which they have just bùilt Oits-taniimg (IiversiiteBg"nt at 645 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth.. seas-on. A'nofher \\'ildcat swvimxnér The Osbornis' son,, James M. Osborni, active ini other unidergraduate activi- is a student at Oxford university in ties is Trahern Ogilby wvho was busi- England, and they passed the holu- ness manager of the Syllabus, univer- days with hum, bis. wife, and M'ithl sity year book. last year. Ogiibv i their grandsons. After spending con- i a star free style swimmer. Lb. *fr UATSItrLYOU

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