dte luts omhce wuM be open tor t accommodation of citfrenis froni 9 a. ni. to 12 noon, and from 2 to 5 p. i.. daily except Saturday, when the hours will ho from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. andi fromù 2 to 6- p. mi. Regist*r or Lose Vatel Mr. Miller addts that hie bas already rcgistcreti about 2'00 voters who faiied . to register on either of thle two- officiaI registration dates. Ac- cording to the law, hoe asserts, voters wlibo are hlot entereti on the per- inanent registration roils cannot vote at future municipal, county, state andI national élections. Citizens of Kciiwortl tnay reg- ister., mider ýthe new permanent reg- istration Iatvs of thie state, at the Keilwortlî villag-e liall on %,oiday etin.Jaiiuary 17, from 7:;30 to tlat date residents of the village, %will be obligeti to register at the counitv clerk's office ini Chicago bc- fore thecy will be permiitteti to vote ini the April prinaries. Courtnay C. Davis, 243 Leicester--road, village clerk, is in charge of the local -reg-_ New Trier Instal Installatiotrn ofI the nId anti the tic inigs at New Tric '.çhool was autlior S. WinI On the followlng day there waà, a fire in the -convent building .now under construction-on Elmwood'ave- nue and i Twenty-Third street. Forais andi canvas, caught afl.ame froia salamnander useti by the contractor. Damage was estimatecl at $M0. Later on the same day there was a ire at the Youngman's dog. kennels, 7M0 Hibbard roati. Flames- starteti ini an oil stove. the department re- porteti. and were largely confineti there. Tfiey estimateti the diamage, at On were wibere Ovcrmauted pipe Sunday, evening the firemien e.alled te 231 Tentli- strert. an overbeateti flue pipe set ilitug afire. . It was :estimateti le damage would amount te ýn Wednesday nofaswelc, also department was swmmoned to eavenue and Hibbard uoad, re an air compressor on the new er main exploded wbile the pui me ivas being filleti witb gas. The ýor was runuing wbile. the .filling cess wtts going on, the firemen orted. Danuage was sllght. it was Ti s meeting is open to all resiaents of Wilmette and their friends. it is anoucd. It is a continuation of. th pnforum town meetings spo,-ý sored by the Civic league, and has as. its objective the dissemination of information on subjectui of vitl civie importance and current interest. The topic for discussion wili be the "Village Manager Plan.of Municipal Administration." The principal speak- er wilI be Dr. A. R. Hatton,. director of the department of political science of Northwestern university, who bas choseèn for bis subject, "The Village: Manager and His Function." FOI- lowi ng Dr.- Hatton"s address there> will lie an open -forum discussion, of this timely topic as applied to our own village. SReservations, it is said, must be made on or lkfore JanUary'22. Atk fer' Rfste«Imà It is stated that those who do not care to attend the dinner are invited to attend the meeting which will iu-- mediately follow. However, it is re- quested that ini either case reserva- tions lie madie in order that seating accommodations may be provided. swinming nicet antd ife-saving dem - listing as far as public safety %vasONVLESCN onstration.1 concerniet. Freqent ire drills, it OVL.CN Trhe event, starting at 7:30, is openx lia- heen deinotistrateti, have resulted WXalter Maguire of 829 Çreenleaf to the public, anti fathers of Scouts iii thre ability to emipty the building avenue, wbo returned home Cbristmnas have beeti particularly urgeti to at- %îiîiuî90 seconds' after an alarm. ee froml Mercy hospital is nlow tend. Trenwfr ort eiI conivalescing at 'home following a In aditon o rcesin wich Threne tie dorsto e ,it~major operation. Francis Maguire re- In aditon t raes i whch :alld atthecost of $3,000 will he turnedto Appleton, Wis.. where le Scouts will compete, there will be a :)f automiatic operation. The work bas, position after speîiding the lD.e-Avigdmnsrtov saib is to ho done 5ometime during the holidays with the family. D. elville Carr, of the Anrericail Redi spring or early sumnier. - - r% k..v Uêê ..1 o 11- ,.Jczo= The North. Short Pz cation association w Tuesday evening at 8 National CoDlege of1 Sheridan road, Evansi IItàrris S. Franik. the, firsi blipid minw.incrica 10 ,use the Scriiag 1. 'vtedo * ii. ïzI-ho 'i'Ilfspt'ok on the »trvW e4, sio. rntrwi hld~ is !quidè. ____ tnez' at the n. 2770 r l ý l ý