- Canbg anury27 fl~, Real, Estate ad.'Building Annual' 0F THE, HOLLISTER' PUBLICATIONS On January 27 thc REA. ESTATE and BUILDING AlNvUx. of the Hollister Publications 1%ilI make its appcaranc,bigger .and newsier than ever. It will coztain an accurate story of ail building in the No'th Shore territory d uring 19.3 7-l' It wilI be read f rom cover to covêr. Those most concerncd with building * owlners, prospective owners and buiders... the arrivai ot VVILMETTE LAFE, 'INNETKA JAL-K and GLÈNÇOE NE WS. They read the advertisements, because the advertisers have always demonstrated a special interest ini serving Ithese communities. In a word, your message in the Hollister Publications. makes. you a neighbor to North Shore people.. While these papers publish a building section So, if you are in any way interested in the growth of the North Shore during 1938, the REAL ESTATE ald BUILDINcG ANNUAL iS your mnedium. Building iW a major topic of conversation in these communities. Residents are unusually attentive to ideas they can use. The'm-niy substantial families .who Plan to build bc expended in remodeling and modernizing-inside anid out. This in itself is a- huge order awaiting the alert business concerns in the building field. A page in the REAL ESTATE and BuILDING ANNUAL is the* best way to reach this market that spent $4,165,966 in 1937- This means that every il