Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1938, p. 52

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debt of arotuuîd 37 billions. It is a serionis Situation. It is even more, seriouis - than -the present es- timates of expendittures and recceipts show, Thiere is .a vcry 5f rong pas- :%ibility. practicalir a certaitfy. thiat the expenditures will be muchi greatý- er than the -President piow foresees and the revenue rettîrus unii l,«legs. May NeM d R&vi&ion the- Presidenýlt and tlht. (7omtigress it is. as a practicali matte.r. dificuit to attain I eauisteeacliî nîcauber#)f Conl- gressiiivarial)lv objects to ativ reduec- tioln ilii e'01dt 1eonsome anciii niatter iii wuliichi lie is' eýqpciall%. in- tere',ted. The fltiniate resuit usuallv is tha;t ,tîerc is un re(ltlctiol i l goveruilelt cist'.. itaiiy%ýting. e itemns oni expenise "are added wi th su iall rlerbictinis Ili 'îmritems as a' fatCeL- WVitbin the next few iliOIii)tli.S tht' Savnîlezdevice. Presideltnt ai' be conîpelled. a, li, h u' udgetcl 'at.lu onge. ha s on other occasions. to revise bislthe Prea>ent lias ade aài-CCOIii esti:nated (leficit upward. On thi niendfat ion wv1iehu warrants' cai-nest oniehand. lie ïs faced witli a falliin*- jcoj,si(eratîéii . ' .lé lias urged that Off of revenue (fue to the busines lel iei1wueuve7to power mi recession and. on the other. lie i-4 owçton~ illîapliropriatinni bills faced with an increcase ihi denîauîds so that iiitead noi hdaing to acccpt for iiunmploynment relief. 'Moreover, or reject an entire aporiopriatioli bill as4wPe4ifle taed. lie may fi1 1 lie wi11 e m de- 4 .l *** 44ý id #4tutenW-i it necessary f0 spenld large sumns jhe coinsidevrý îuîIf Con-v for niationai defense iii viem, of the gresrc,. conisiders the itnm vetord of tense wtorld. situation. recal inîportauwcc, il of cou rse. liws Reputable economists have différed tepwrt ai ~( h eo iii their estimates as to bow large a This stcj, i: naY11ain înuch liiiav public debt burden oui- national econ- f fiie tor the Pt'oIle and ini omv iwill stand. No mie eau predict pepnm uï;re<h politutal CeIpendt- the breaking point. Two things are itures. .\ a't nim n îiendint certain: we are goifîg deeper and 1!ejiedai îm- i.iuue<a deeper into the shadows of national tion i lice 1(>eukït scriois con- Need Business Policy Notwithstai,îa.iL the recent crii - cisms of businiess bv the politicianis. 1 'think every fa ir-minded person will agrec.. particillarly the taxpayers w~ho Pay the costs of goverfment ex- travagance. tlîat our goverument needs more of the businessman 'sý anil igét' tIle sinal.pèeentageofor aan- guroiau.1 lIvers. This is a. new t~.r ln traffivlu' kw an',ee.t nd juvx- iita1 etrougi' t.' iiy deitiof a mur do.1 ).lIDrlvrs Leenseê hiwNs penalize .411 thle few 1) ad t"neS;'.isdoe-. not li- pre-sýs me as fair tg) the carel'ut drivor.. "I lwlieve Itle *1t*wis Aet' can bh' ao a nviiddias b iatiike it a t1igeougl0y effIcient Iit'e-saving iuîea.-ure and, If 1thi' o-- " be deoie, it I.,; nuch mort. d.sirnibIû. 4 ertainly tlie effria- W el oI-wî1 HAVE DINNER GUEST Mr., al<IMrs V.C.lotnste oi 822 Prairie veu had as their guests for diinvir New Ve(ars >day. Jr and Xlrs. .\rhur11ç, N ir. and Mrs. iV. St uuroi Nortlhbroo-, and john stirring discussions. 'Mrs. E. I. Ilar- rison gave a biographical kech of Barrie, filled with interestiîj, dt. A hîghly, entertaininig.* thotugh im . so *well ,known ,onc-a et îplavy 14 Barrie's wvas. read. Timis spflendid p)roý gr-am wias arranged. l)y Mrse David Kcninico)tt, pIresidenit of théc club. TO SAIL FORHOMIE I r s.\ Mrgau .t\IkuliIf 1 Central aeu.*inte ~~iit froni Scotlatid ,-Januarv 12.. 1 Scotlaind ,for e f(iive molit l,ý. aIu l, ill ar-rive lit )W'ilmnette al)bot jauuri22 S e i.te unotl ùr * f NIu .\l unr Nvoocl -of ;l,ot alid mof laint (if 1cilo ':aîù, GUEST PROM EAST' ENTERTAINS GUEST 1,; ice Jolies fPila(ddî>li;, it L;JiagY LÙu.. $' former resident of WVilnîettc, %viîo was (re~ avenue, eiitertaîned ,(t'v in Chicago. a couple of dlays this week etral guests from in i'chigati wlilc sliu on business, was the ibouse gtgust iflhe va> homec duritîg the Cbistnîias m Carcy Orrs of 22.; \\oodhIitnc avenue. days. Mis>atoni is a Delta(a- during bis stay. - ma at the Uiiiver-sit%. of Indiana. I APTIERMA TI 0F CRASH, I S~ayety Measure Ilia Iluer iuîg i rg 1 ig tlat the lators li tlîi- tatc ii;&-%bc iîed. jailed andl( deprived * iýf driv uuw a ughts. lw rc- tainied on tlîu I.atti(I .k'.un ïreference to auiother attunîpt ti ouot a D)rivýr" Liceuîse law venactcd(l. Carl . Barrett, nresîdc,ît of the lllii)l, ,.mi, Il Vile - werc a 41i ewlica

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