Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1938, p. 34

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ty. a katin parry rea9011U on f Nr. and Ms E. C. Budlong other affairs are included ini the o f 1; ito entertaining -whicb i s preceding 11issRockaellow. a graduate of. the weddingý of Mis' Charlotte: the National College of Education. H4arnilton, daugbter of. 'Mr. and andl torierly connected ith the~ Mrs. Clue jIhdHaito ieté $choûtls. is at ]present teachb- Claude MLeod Han 11to9.in iRiclîland Cenlter. %\'i% 430 :Woodstock avenue. Keii- NMr. Budlong %%as gr aduat .ed frontm worth, and John ,Marshall Ling. Grinudiei college, and is editor and son of,'\trs. John Thornhill ling Pubhisher of 'The 1n'uac roker.. and -the .Rate Jh TouIliChicago.. Ling, Of Wilrneétte, -which Nvi take place Saturdlay, jannary 29. EvelynKl na. Thomas Hicks of1 Kenilwortli. the best man', andEdward Cullen of NviI- fo Raymond.Jone$s mette, ome of thé ushers, are giving the théater party on Friday of thi. At. a cocktail lparty, at thi).r lun wYeek. Saturday,.\Ir. and MNrs. Arthur anl Suniday MNr. and Nfrs. jo:evph McIittsb. Jr., of 1Evanston. will enl- Kolb. 812 Elmnwood avenue. ailiouincedl tertain at a dinner party. Io their close irienlds the engagement Mirs. Frank Barret t of Xenilwortli Ouiedau tou l.*es, i. -t andMr is having a cocktail party Sundav .Xlfrd F. Jouie soiof 24 regnd1ry ase afternooli, for Miss Hamilton' and -Lue.M sKolb) is a:.graduate of Sac- for Miss Shirley _«Ross of Kenilwortlb. red lieart couiVenit m Lake Fore.st. whosé engagement to Fuller Deail ýaid -\Ir. Jolies is a graduate of NeNw of Winnetka wvas annouticed during Trier Highi scilool and attended the holidays.' That same day MNiss Xorthivesteril i uiversitp-. No date lias jean Thackery of Barrîngton. for- ,ce,, (-t for the. wedditig. merly of Winnetka, the niaid of lhoîor. will be hiostess at a skatiiu.,z party followéd by a buffet supper. lliiiietti' reifl -be the bride fy! kocper Il eilieinis udionig of Evoiii.ç- ton, lier Parents, Mr. anîd31Ir.. Eidziard C. Rocka'fedloze announicci at a IL'd ut their bouse on ,; Lectures, on Art For nmembers of the Fvans- ton junior, league and thecir friends, a series of ive art h'c- turcs bas been arranged unoeî- the eauspîices of the Ieagtue*iýarts vonlin ittee. The trst i P, e II wa s W'ednesday ror ig.i nu - frv 12. Tu initiate the series, Thioinas çTaI. Madge, arcblitcct, spok eé euv<a on -The Rcstorationio <liis biirg7' usiig pictures to illustrate. hi'. reillarks. Felruary 2. Mvrs. Ford Carter %vil! disciuss *Architcctural DesignUsîing Flower ,%rraigemùentç.." Tage Palm will discuis~ sw'i (plass anid Silvervare." on Fhrnar OilN arch M, MiSS Kathuvrine K 111 ,Of the Kuhl galleries in DI >iz.m Uturi %vilI qive "A,\nlApprova io totl-rin Ernst von Ammnon w~ill ioli~clutît tlic series oit April 6. wvith a ::îlk #ýo: lInterior IDecoratioti." Thearts comumittee s1)oIsoriil>2 tbý c'uure consisis of Mrs. John Mc Phlerrin,. chairmani, and NMrs. Johii A, Turner, Mirs. Donald Rogers.,NMr,. Francis Dakin, Mrs. WVilliani RauhI. Ar.Mrs. John. Trainer, Jr.,. Mr>. FIl \Nard Totirtelot. Jr., Mrs. Liind,i ' lIca toni. and 'Mrs. Grahami Pen ficlid. a ceock-taiI party. Mrs. Rçobert l'baver of Gleucoe will be hostess at a bridge tea on Thursday, January ri. Onec (f thebrdmld, is u- Kniep oiF vailston, entertained for the bride in November whien slie waý, tiostess ac a Stunday night tea. The wedding will tali- place at 8 :39i o,ýcl-ck jauiuary .29, at Skokie Cotn- try club. Pand %'il1 be cfolowed lvi-a reception. P'ark. onie of %vas -hlostess and bridge .Shpwer. at tl vlPutinam of Oak iss Hill's bridesiiiaid'-. turdai- at' a lunchcoll rty and lhandkercii Blackstone lbotel. ami. to Be Married Jan. 15 Saturday, January .15. at :î ut-teock ini the morning at St. lu >Cpli*s chut-ch, the wedding of NMi'-. Alice Evelyu Braun, daughiter of M r a sd Mrs. Christ \V. Braun *of 22U1 I.aku avenue, \Viniette, and Alburi Kruleger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Georgc Kruîieger of Glenview wil takze plactý WULMETTE LIFEF

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