serles. 'He bas chosen for his. program compositions from Mozart,, Beethoven,' Wienliawski, Debussy, Schubert, Godowsky, Prokofieff, and Saint-Saens. The last, the Saint-Saens number, he has tran- sclbed bimslif. Manly of the outstanding contem~porary com- posers, it la revealed, are now working on comn-, pos itions for Heifetz. The Englishman, William Walton, is writing a concerto for hini, and Joseph Achron, Ernesto Halffter, Roy Harris, and Dmitri Shostakovitch are aIl engaged in composig mu- sic in which hie is interested. When the new iviolin concerto by Castelnuovo-Tedesco wvas i- troduced lu thisi country, it was Heifetz who play- ed it with the XJew Y7orlc Philharmonie-Symphony orchestra. luI the matter of making new music for thé! violin repertoire Mr. Heiftez himself is an ou7 standini -contri4hnter wh his famouistranscri- y Egen LUay Photo 1-i:'e3'DSi Brozai C<or'y, a formner.teacher ii. the Keiiu'or1h schools, w4i direct a >rograml of 'Ç'«~1ç ~ç>; rm5Mk; at<' for thet lmeeting <ofI3hi MUn 6amina, ûlLied.vts ratcrklitY. wih il ~il be hcld Sunda-y aiternom onian mnny 16. opi tire, ortbwester.tunversify amus/'i. afternoon,jTan-pary 16, at 3 o'clock at Harri: hall, 108,:on the Northwestern campus. The svecne isý lù be givýen as conceived by the pupils iii the 1-aven school linF.vanston., Thtis creative approach 10 Shakespeare is a typt. Of work prùsented in the public schools on theesiorth shore after'children have completed tî%IobVears Of regular dramatie work. The pres- rnIIat1in is i»ade %vith eniphasis on*an acting and story, staitidpoinit rather than upon liîîrary value. Suwday's occasion w~ill allow the onlooker to wij' di~ te actual presentatiofl and developinent of. f cî roin "'iIlh erchanit of Venicç." %lIis?-. Harriett Allyn, chairman of the. programn comiueannounces the following hoôstesses: MisTheodosia Paynter of Glencue. 'Mrs. Leon Kranz oi vanston, Miss Retia Morri% of (;I( nCoe Mis. F4ward Beimfohr of Evanston,. iC lara MacGowan of Chicago, and Mfrs. F. W., Muchler, Jr., of Evanston. On ~rav270 IM lu Gù anma, in coiiîtcioit wvith the Speech and Art Study gr<>up of' the Pro- gressive association, north shore branch, wil present Agites Jones, danccr-lectturer (head of dit departutent of the dance at Northwesîern university) in a lecture-recital on "The 1)evelop- mten of the Modern Dance" with demonstration of the dances front the pre-cla-ssic perinds îhrough tht modern. 'ng*, once1 bad ; Monday nighît bc as I s Moza rt Beeithoven utirs <on 1mepiiJg m a irt lionorary member, who wil wick., dramatic soprano; F p:ainisî; Cote Vandermark. 'orbe-, Cutter, 'orothy 'Mar- yer, member and Georgt- Broadcasting iltuaurvoitt iro.'u cU st- kd Hle las be'en tuitht the , td is te)libe h rd in WILMETTE LIPE J follows : rt