PROMéT ACTIoN The- promptness with whiclî, Sheriff jouil Toitt;tsi' office responded to the appégi of. itew Trier towvtisiiî officiais to put an end to the illegal sale of beér and liquor in. its unincorporated ameas. is greatly aliprr- ciated by residents. of the four villages. It h. ai t - stan~ding example1 of wbat cati be acconplisied 1-j iaw enforcemient officiais wvhen ,they, putitdeir, tnid, to it. and wbat the people of a cunaanuity cal, d when they determine to stop glaring law viuolationt,. Credit in this action must, also go to local 1 ffiicia'.. not only for taking measures to qecure tecuea tion.'of the sheriffs office, but "on 'the teno4 pith meaures taken. There ,was 110usunbridled .cotadeita- tion of the sherif, nocharges of graft. no thlreatt% "i reprisais ini case action was nlot takeai. The cîa munications were confined to statentetts èît îact tliat ,çould be substantiated, anud the informîationî tliat the citizens of e'r ner 1Iiad - vot ed oewîsiî' against the sale of liquoir at retail and deSired to have theïr w'ili as eqtressed in a* refereiidunti carried Olit. More flies cati be caughit iitit 4iigar thaii withs vinegar. MAKF, lSAPFEDRIVINGI PAY A cash bontas for -cidents is ini store 'ing careîuilly and avoiIilni. 1 notorsts. Traffic regula - a po-litical officeboier would seek to c6ver uIP Or whitewash su serious a scanldai, G vernor Humorer isnsists upon. a ýcomnpiete epseaî the munishaneait 4 If thé gsilty part ies. .exactlY..Ivgt a governor %vith a c nsrience -and a character asid w proper apprecîati<i of his r-espoasibilities tirhthe pe oq>ie .>t the state shonild do. The imost disgttstisig and repreliensible îîs Of the i.)lé affair' is. that thoiise involved biave been .lelillerateiy ru.bbinti te* po<r iof,tlie 'tate iii, Order ti l hie tlieir owii .1>CYot% with ill"giotteii.gains.- .- ;'îtit f.tesale-s, taýx gî'e-. to the relief ftndsîof the, -îat. I;ack (of sîîticien tit oe.v A prieîperly care for relief clients and thio$e drawing okI age pfeaisions lia., heconie chronic. Wlhat sort Of atten' nî.u.stthee nowm tiler s-uslpîci4îni he. that ýtley cati tiats violate the iaîm- ami eiýgrv bîstilnct Ofaisatiaity ibv rt bhling lut- fcertianiate victil 1tls (If adver';it%, ()f f.ii x. cli ttitig -asd Otie cati excus~e the drug adi.lit andI thu drankar<i fr ,ilkcitig tthé, 4ower Of it to4ral kî..revty. tout there cat e it) excuse for aien serviîig the public sitpaiig ither i ktdl, Of hotor. huiesty. atd ini- tegrity. riail t sUpIMrt sliiould hi, given Govertr ai riE 'er ili luis eff4 ,rts tgi cleait 111)a bad Situation-. TFIAT DEVIL, SOv BEAN Olir tix ilmor ,aeighlxer t'> the k*ft got a I)awlillg int. frotta a Vux-Popper last week for conpiientilim the strert depa«rtiiie;t oit ,spreadiiig,.abrasivels durinig th e- 'cC morfi.. "171Ccritir said that "t le editoriail %w.îlul aki. a liorse laitg.- Neyer nîitid. lieighir Iff Voxc Ppper is the end, of: 'a horseëypeu think he is. .înd tat tenîl tlnglîs. telltibinai to gib' abcadl. Ass'istantt Uîntîed States Attornîey Robert Il. jack. ~ît. appering if a delbate last week "n th letbwit Meiv e tg' the * ai,>progra -fi. tmadeiune sert11 ts sni.take., li a aprefacet to bis adl(ress lie. aiîI. ini a ,.eli-<eprvcatiitg iitîtaner., 1ani >îist aaaîllaw-vcr wit1î %4tl11 ît -'lit a frec-7for-ali. caittii<itilv koît~a ài. ruiii. ii)lti >witag the dchate; a lady wlit) tviîletlv, kiigws lier iiions got ait îai,atisfactorv répi>- froti r. Jackson. aid. rejoined, in that sweet %vav exclusive witbi waient, "I)idtt yt>u gîve.a prettv ae&tirate explaniatiota in the beginilnag.î, enVOitsaid thtat vi ii tre 'just a sinall lairver ?' Bet tha«tai Arc the people (ÀI indiamamit tt trinaake ;aretorql. - r wat - Motor accidents. tiat kilt seven anîd eighît ,>rsi)ns ai a clip wsill *>itt 'viii at i tict' l in th, mational slaaîtgter if 'kept uip. ltadI ~ ,vJ~u.iîess i gving thu C(î d ittle. lt' * 'n *\';àUl-htgtibli'a scrîes 4>ofaighitiarv,. hecause. lic r; f t- t.put is nvîack inti> the nIibM>se îrepared fihr linai. i11bh aatter hitw persualýsiveiNr the (141<1<1 Littdr * talk-. OurrtiggeNtid)ti i.,that tdiv Gi Ld1itli* In the past. naotrists have pi h iepir based upon the acidnt eperiencte iu the lucalitie. where they live anad the type oi car tlîey drive. ii< automobile hodily injury andlpoîet dainage ia biiity insurance. This lias petializeil the carciti motorist-though lie iglît opcrate lii. car vear after year without a mishap. his insuraitcet: ust Iibi t,,a- muchas it did the driver wîho %vas periodicallv iii- volved in accidents. 'Noir nietiber conmpanie, oi'tlit: Nationial bureau have: decided tet) wrrite instirance ',ti luxuriant growth 15s st ainiiar to every imata; 'î-ola andl child tona te )rt)att prairies (of Illino)is is the depI lyed viliain beinîld the co,îfiict ht-wen Chinla andl japan. .After the Russo-Jap)anese War ini 19015. RwuSsia gave t.> japau the South Maaîclitariatî raiiwaî . japasi thereupon ri ebuiit the railway, dceilpc u territi>ry antd ent iii for soby bean culture. in a hip ivay. increasitig prgidUtitii fromi 400.000 t4 is îpur N-cat ;.(M.000 tuais per year. NXot otîly iras tlite Iiuanhie beatititsed for food and forage but also -tayv i eertuia<te.l.anttî at Orectuiqu g a ipe>ratt i t- ini the bands - 4a. gro m) of pro dessi.t mai si cial ,îrkcrs iît itterests lie ini epigrelief' goiing just as hîateig as p)ssib)le. Riglit.for wroaig. lie lia- ttuhe l iai a ptoinît that is troatbliag tpanv taxlpayer'. 'llie general belief is iliat relief lias Ibecomt a racket.. iin hiltiî ht h -clienats- anîd admnistratior>-art î'îîipalolu. lieIrc i, anit nstaticu. A iiirtît sîtîretttmatn iml eia ivotantitnogh a ptibliçchclaritv orwgata- ~atiuuiU1r~$ .sewok. Wenit se found that lie owcii! WC SI have tile sporting pages. Tag PH3ANTou RxroitTett. 1' I