Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1938, p. 10

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a em-onbl venilig service.ý Chiidren's circlle, today. 2 p.m., with Mm p. red Witt, s22 Prairie avenue. olmubouse, oa,8to il P. Winntkacirle, ridy, p.m., with Mr&. P. W. Bayer, 882 Cherry strêet. Buuday sobool. staff, Friday. 8:-16 p.m. Childrens Chriatian eductioii classes. 8aturday. O9:30 a.m.; W.dnesday, 4 p.l1uo -In tie morning services the sermon wili be bascd on Matthcw 3:13-17, «"The »aptism of Christ." Jiast what did Christ's baptism mean to us? And wbat W"asthe. signiflealce, of our baptiism, and what doms it stili inean to us?, We invite You to hbear the Scriptural answers tà thene questions. lu the monthlW evening service, at 8 o'elock. te t of the sermon wilI ho 2f. * 111 the. m*tWW aof the wa.fddino to tic céburch forbot refresiments. Omnar McEwen wili speak to tihe Nappa Pi Phi group tbis Sunday eveniung at 6:30. 1Mr cEwen apoke to, the groiIp, Deceanier 6, presen.ting different phases of the negro problé ndun ho bas con- seuted te returu liis S3unday and speak on thc topie "What Can We Do About thc Negro Probleni?" Tea wilI ho uerved followlng fthe meeting. liviUteâ ÎCIIOOIL There wil l e a faeulty meeting lu the ehurci parlor, Monday, January 17. Al teachers and oficers should plan to be present for liis tiret meeting of thé year. JonFisher, who lu the tirgt of the serles of six teachers of thc senior clase. wiii give a ton minute talk In tie iigh Rchool worsbip service on "WIa>r Go to Our midweei service. wIll be held Wednesday evenlng at 8 'Clck lu -the chapel.in Our ,tudy 6of "Great Chap- ters of thc Bible." sire wiil study Pein 10o3. We invite you to spend this hbour ot devotion witli us. The choir will rehearse iday cve- ning at the church. NembetBhips in the Auxillary of the PrÉesbyterian Oorne may, lie had duriiig January and February from Mrs.. R. Wallace Young, 922 .AShiand 'avenue. There -wllbe comimunionand.-recep- tion of new members. on Sunday morn- Iug, February 6. Wilmette Baptiat Miinette and Forest Avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor ANNUAL Confirmation clas wlI meet on Th ur.- day afternoon> at,3:45 ociock. Ele.ior choir rehbearsal. 1'hursday eve- îîing At 7:30 o'clock. The ýLuther" leagues of the Chicago, districQt will hoid thelr annual meeting and rally on Frlday ovening of 'this week at 8 o'clock iD St. Simon's luth- eran church. Chicago. The Rev. K. Bruno Neumann wilI b. the speaker and the fubJect of -bis gddress WiIli e Christ eala for Conseeration.". 'The leaguerJý wiii meet here at the churcli at 7 QPelock, and drive te St. Simon's churech. The Junior choir will reheaî'se on sat- urday miorning at 10 o'clock. The Senior Luthier.,ieaggue wiIl have a, isleigh- ride party Saturday evenlng of this week. Reservations' are lu be #made wlth Jerome Neviins, Wilimette 1981. Wte ,Will meet ntthle chureh at 8 o'ciock. Atter the meigh ride we, wilI return 10 the parsonage and enjoy soine iee warn'i -refcéohment». The Chureh i-eühooI eonvenes on $un- day niorning at 9l:45 o'cluck. There art, classes for* gil ages lbeginning %with the Nursery ciass for nbuîldren 2 and 4 year!ý ~sldent . :*:I Z týjfoundland. .... .. :30 p.m. Hindl&ey's sermon First sB "GCtting on." itbsr will be as foliowm NinaesIr le........ Bonnet Ormri 'w at i.1o'clock. The classes of lie Churoh. mschi mneet at 10 a. m. Sundays, with ý plâ for every uge grouzp. AMen and woni enjoy Prof. Braden's ciass on-C 4dtemporary World Ciristlanity.- Hi ,h schol classes also solicit new me *"bers, for Ilicir topicu and feliuwsli 'i"The Edlueational otll>k*-Dr. L1. W. iBoe. kj"Education'-D]*. Gouid Wickey. * "The Outiook for LutheraniMisoi -Dr. Peter Peterson. -~"Social Seo-vie"-Dri. E. J. Braulick. s "Coeaio'M.Nebi DeIbel. ervice lasas a. ~~I% Tic Itern il.Uwrhla ate »Pworth lw«» -jL, An

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