i the fijrst teni rankiug. Possessed of fluent stroking all-round gaine, bis preeno asUre the tournamient of a au:e f neesting matches. In win- niug the Suburban title in 1936, Muchow defeated Dan Kreer of Winnetka ini r brilliant bard-hitting îmatch. play inAbmay Diviss Divisions of plaY ln the ýsuburbai touruan1ent include mien's singles aud doubles, womien's singles, mnixeti doubles boys (under 15), aud veterans <over 35). A consolation eveut will be playeti i the nwn's singles class. Men's doubles and vetera's singles will lx pjhyed Thursday evening, jauuary 13.- Meu's singles mrill be.played Frîday evening, january 14. The boys' tourna-, %W 10 lJI01 S<ui arday mornilliL bc un Mins Clau«dia Uckert, (luit), instrtictor in physical edu<catiôu' lan the W"iI- mette pulic sch<ols, anbd holder of ,nany records inîiii iiipfnq îd diviîîg. chats ttith coml'<nion ut Meamlas where sise gave an exhrlibition duiiriin! Chrisinuas holidays.___ ______- _ - othiers lu the Dorothy Schiller, yard breaststroke ùtograph are, Miss LtionIal WOOnen's 200 am nio an enier te de- BOWLING t (Bowling resutis, Decemnber 30) Evanston Glass andi Paint Iost two. ,anes to Ace Motors. Wihniette Bat- ~r'and Elect ric maintaincd their slimi,1 ead by taking two gaines fromi Altien s Jortuary. Nelson L.aundry, in a post- -meda series' rolleid SiIndav, won two i National Baha'l Vuuth committee: Larry LaRocque andi Wilfred l3artônl of~ Oak Park, and Misses Annaînarie t Kunz of Urbatia, andi Marguerite Rei- nmer of Milwaukee, ail national mein- bers. On December 27. another such con-, ference vas heldinii Newv York City for the easteru a reg, of the uniteti States. Miss Margaret Kunz, senior.at the University of Illinois, member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa* Phi, andiDelta Gamma, aise president of the Y.W.C.A. on the Illinois campus, Will speak,. anti lead the discussion on "'The Guardian'rý Seven-Vear Plan - Temple Construc- tion and Teachinig." Miss Florence Mattooni of wilmette. a graduate ofý Universityý of Illiniois,. IoW . teacing in the public schools of Libertyville, will lead a discussion oi 'Individual Youth Occupation in Rela- p tion to tbe Bahai rFaith." After a dinner. the young peoffle wil1. sce a picture of 1-laifa, Palestine. %hoiq n i y rrank WVai'ner of tiniïa, Ohio'-i lowing whicb Mrs. Jamnes P. M\cCt>rnîick of Winnetka, just returnedifroin a trip tol-Haifa, ill tell the story of ber vi>it to the Holy Land. 9 Ont Sunday the group i îîet at e) o*clock ini the nxo(ringi,, in the Bb' flouse of \Vorshl for a dev-otional hour and fruîî 10 to 12 :30) will dliscuz, plans for the synmposiuto he(> cheldi 1el)rtuary in each Baha'i c4 iiniiiiity nîue, Glencoe. The North Shore ~clu b C11)seiding ii- ke orpaesii is open totethe public on the above "nie takl -Inda filofu a Wimitoaj tîoued occasions, and,. al interesteti te li om ia nkl.lu tWi tal eni r niteti to inspect ats On sund(kix cur1cr'; froni the 'Mil- 2 facilities. t -i in-Culiiiir Club comie solutli te plav Skol<ie Couintr-V Chlb i t1ii" n'oring at 10 o'clock. Aftcr lunch I HEALTH NEW'S 1j tif- go 0'1 to N\innctka to play with _____________________________ Tniaaî Hill Club. Froan Hendqusit<iV8, Wilnotte The otiier gamnes schedled for the 1 Bleser, Wllmette Ici,, 2:14. 1Weiler, Bill Qonnor's Boostêrs, le Bletier, Riv er Inn, 231. 1k Beiderer," Bungalow T.ftvcrn, ýry Seiren, Nelson Latundry, 217. 1Schwall, Frank Mlr Jr., 215. Xortii Shore Pihilatlclk ,ociceîy. whicb includes stamp collectot- iro the north si(le of i ca . ' :îti andi WVilnette. is lhaving jt,ý f<>ur:th aimial banquet. exîhiition andl>ui- jamary 14, 15 and 16. at thted- watcr Beach hlotcl. 'l'ie exhibitioni andi bourse ivill lic hel(I iii the wc-t Ioulilge. 'le banquet is being hleld i $udav homnetg