Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jan 1938, p. 40

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approxitnately 77.5 Per cent of the levy had been collected by the end: of the year.,!The 'figures, for thisyear, indicate the extent to Which"tbe prop- erty owneri of tbe,,county have re- gained -thé taxý paying habit. Ini 1932 only, aboutt 50 per cent of the total levy ivas collected by the end of the year. An evenl greater increase is, show n in the collection of personal propertv% taxes for the year. Collections in ti's classification for the year totaled $30.- 405,479, wbich represents 62 per cent' of the levy. This is more than bas.been côllected en any personalty levy silicef 1929 for whicb year 32 per cent of the personalty taxes SOIîremains uncol- lected. Installation by Mr. ULndheimer of new office equipment brought about a marked speeding up of the machini- ee$u of~ c6TIëffiôn anddisriution,à[ is stated. Tax bis were mailed out on time so that it was unnecessary, to extend the deadlines for payment 1 of the bills. Distributions of collec- tions to the various taxing bodies bas becorne a daily practice. If a like increase ini collections isj shown next year over this year, 1938 mnay establisb ail ail turne high record, for prompt tax payments inI the cougity, Mr. 'Lindhéimer pointed out. Ackermann.Photo 'Memiber; of thje Theta UI'silon Rho chës: .c/ad' lhaire cniered a iroltld: robiin tournaînent *to déterinine' Positions on tz t/w a a /aj/ wl a &',asft;aCiess club eoiia s#mé tintee Pictured are Earl Terrill, Betty J unei Colins, and Philip L. Denoyer. ' Mr. Terrili bas just lost to Mr. Denoyer ini a tight game and Miss Col- lins is enjoying it. Mr. Denoyer at pres- ent holds nunîber one position ini the tournament. Latest novelty in the ancient gaine of Cbess is a new rangguer t - he ptayèers* élled êAngel CËess', -so called because of a seventeenth. piece, the "'an- gel," whzch bas" the powers of both knight and queen and can cause 'check- mate atone, a heretofore impossible Play. A nintb pawn completes the new st which 15 'used ona nine by nine square board. Ted H-osking, 818 Park avenue, Wilnîette, is the secretary of the group. <lent of thé Alnîrican h l drj tion ; F. E.l)cVrics, captaîti I G'recen, winner of second ýpIiceil, Htilt class "A" d(ivision at thé ercc nî ù'urni aniîilt at the ConLgrüss h tot!*I h1 N'orman Chinchilî ; NilsPaIo n Mrs.' Regina Patulsori 11, il , fus qt ,te %voian's champiol ; an<1 Chanlr Phiffips. ýv!iO partîcipa-tc( ilanaL. (lon-Chicago call tournainel nt rai-IN Mi Jaaauary. Wilmette TeaMu - - -- -Meanliers of thie, ibneûttvî teani, it wvas added. WilI be chosen i roin thle COING SOUTH Ifloig l lpleor attx Mrs. J.H. Horn. niother of Nîrs. wàvs isrmna i h'~'t NNV. A. Hanna, 1240. Locust road. is lte Vilmette chess teain achieveid Ieaving on Sunday to spend the wl'ii- over 1-vÀinston last, month;, Farl T-er- ter in Miami Beach, Palm Beatih.,anid rn, president of the, . hetal Upsiloul st. Petersburg. Fia. Nfrs, 1Hanna, of- Rhd teain, first ranking cespae N~. A. Hanna,; mc.. leaves this week -of the Big Tein president aild 1numbilier for New York 'on a buyiing trip. j(>ne mani on the Northwestern uniii- veràv eam laest ,yearf tetlWetl Brooks, club ,;ücretar%,. Tliomàaý Nc- BACK AT STUDIES Catîn, wbo bas been coaclied by Jo- Ed.Joyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. '.eplî Schiumacher, leading jilayer ot N. V. Joyce, 835 Michigan avenue, ilie state, and faculty imenber at Newv réturned Sunday to Carleton college 'Trier Township Higli. scliool; 1leniry aiter spenditîg the- holidays with bis 1_. Beach', former presidenit of ithe family. His brothier, Victor, who lias i Viette cbess teami, and a' lead ing a position ini Detroit, joined hi,ý fanai- auithority on "anige!" chess, a vària- ily for Christmas. - lion of the zaine plaved with an cx- _________ -tra piece: Huniter King, Roger I)tr- ~ 1 ~lamier,; Albert G. Akiri < hi I By JohiaBal <r1 reat Structures Skokie Country club, aided by sev- eral former members, gave the Indian Albert Reicbmann, 6W0 Central ave- Hill Cornets a trigîming, 5 to 3, ini a njue, imette. who sntpervised the gaine played last Sunday on the lat- designing of manv of Anîerica's Iarg- ters ice. It %vas the second meeting of e st s t evl strnie- the two groups, the first baving ended t .icuig in a 7-7overtîne tie. ~t uhroc s.or in nd te Mchign oa gititdino-,aur iii Célorado will IW ýer Drive Bascule a featture of Sna feno anr 9. at Field Nflîsetinî of Nattiral Hsov w as bonin111This will he presented 1w P. C.. lv~ig received bis enl- the laynîian lecturer, aýý part df the ini Germanv. He lecture toir"\'attire',, '*Marci of Tiime'" n with the Lassig wîiclî hegiins at 2 o'clock. Both acttual irk ii-October. <fosil speciniens, and re-;tobati' ns b ne to the Amneri- f r-histor.' 2maiti.rl s h a-s a draftsman . ii aimilevawae . -. . . 1 1 life. a c anpe li oibt il t0 %NilI- a few M( in Pittsbur

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