See for yourself what outstanding clearance bargains you have here SBlouses Reducedi Chaurance of bogs Reduced od*gially $ 1.95, Ilnens and or- I see faiye.1 _ gends, ~Originafly $3, leathers and $173 Originally $2-95 and $3.95, lin. 3 ens and s pun rayon, $ Oiinê ê$6.50to. $8.95, Sat- ,ns, silks, aceta les, $5.95 Knit Dresses Two- pece krit dresses in szes 12 and 14 only. 2 9 Ski Clothes originally to $8.75 Street, shoes, sport shoes, and dress shoes in caif, kid, suede and bucko- not ail sizes in every style but good size range. Originally $5i and, suedes,, now priced. '3 Owlg*ih$ 295and $3.50. tdds and suedes, broken assortment OufginaIIy $ 1. long w..ring fab- rics.blac a nd brown, now,. regular stock corsets, bHousecoats Enfire stock of house coats Sduced for clearance, tWool Vests re- 2 0 qn *Street, afternôon, and formal evening shoes-ties, pumps, step-ins, and san- das-good size range and et big sav- ings for you. Coats Suils and DressesReduoed. Your 6pportunity lo buy fine clothes et money savng reductions. UDCA&R A, sTEv IJANUARY. 6, 1938 11%.