63 C5 %« Our policy of not carryhing stock from *ne s.....n foh ththi lro.gèn.r.tions Chicago's amarlest wowmen ho» regard.d UHLEMANN PURS among their mosft r.asurd possessions. Avali yourself of this opportuaify 4fo pu>. chase on. of ti.... suprb cmotions cf Ihis gm.ft sale. Lisfd are a few extraordkway values indIudJ.d in our vos* stock of fin. furs, for every possible n..d. PeruIon Laumb ..... Ilock Caracul .... Huds.. Seul <dy.d umuf>m Skk.....00901 Sq.u'uel......... 350- 300- 295- 300- 850 900 395 325 240.00. 6«M 3I&M JANUARY 6ý, 1938 p i I 35. !!!ýje wýa-