The music-department of the Neighbors of Kenilwç,rth an- nounces through' its chairman, Mrs. Conger Reynolds, the last, W -pogramn of this year. On Tues- day afternoon, January 'l1, ai the regular club meeting it will present Miss janice Porter, young dramatic sopra 1no, and Mary Alan Hokanson, assisting harpist. the artists will be in- troduced by -Mrs. Smith XVi1- liam Storey, vice-chairman of the department... Janice Porter-is described as the 1936 discovery of the Chicago City Opera company. Rudolph Ganz, fa- mous conductor, pianist, and com- poser, says that she bas "a perfectly bêautiftl'voice, one that gives you a thrill." John Erakine, distinguished novelist. and librettist, and head of the juilliard Foundation for Music bas cominented en ber "extraordin- ary vocal gifts, perfect diction." Wben Janice Porter aarived in Paris f romn Texas a few seasons ago, she went directly to the studio of A. de Trabadello, great vocal coach wnen private matters calea nher back to Texas, Trabadello told the young artist she had one of the greatest dramatic soprano voices of the gen- eration and that there were no heigbts of stardom in opera wbicb she could not achieve. Y- t<I4 'L- M'as Young," at the Studebaker the- atre in Chicago. 'Al chapters of the fourth division -of the, Illinois D. A. R. are sponsoring this benefit, perfor-. mance, the proceeds.of which are to be used to pay off> the remaining debt on the Lincoln NMemorial ýmonu- ment. Mondav at 12:30 o'clock the Skokie Valley chiapter will meet at the home * of Mrs. Howard W. Hodgkins, 431, Abbotsford road, Keniworth, for the january luncheon and meeting. Mrs. William A. 1)urgin'and Mrs'.,ýVater Gore Mitchell are the assisting host-, esses. Mrs. C. P. Reynolds of'Evanlston. a witty and entertaining speaker, will talk on "Junior Groups." Recent. Neldof Phtonumbers of the D. A. R. magazine Janieý,Pûrergifed og-de whose editor is Mrs. Frances Parkin- ~""~' ~ 'W~~~ sôfi Kéè; Wil?!be ftviewed bv Mre. inatit soprano,. considered the "find'" Wilfred A. Nabors. of 1936 k3, the Chicago Cit-y Opiera coimPôny-, zudl appear on a prograin zvith Mary Alan Hokanso>î. issisf- ing harpist, îzcxt Tuesday a! ternoou'. Japniary 11, a!i2:30 o'dlock, ulteii thec N'ciqhbors Clu gb of Kriilituh hofdslifs rcçiiai 4r iu'lI. The next play in the series of read- ings given by Ann Birk Kuper at the North Shore Congregation Israel temple in Glencoe ivilI be "'Golden Boy," Clifford Odets' Broadway suc- cess starring Frances Farmer of miov- ing* pictures. Mr-s. Kuper's program, Mnrizv 2fternnon. Thnirv 1. at 2 Takes Junior Auxiliary on Air Flight in Fancy "Coast to Coast by Plane" will Lines, wîil depict the very Iatest de- yelopwents in the air lune industry. and ivill show an air travel film witbi the newest types of passenger planes and sleepers, and will take ber "pas- sengers" on an motion picture trip across the continent showing beauti- fut. "cloudscapes," and scenes from planes. She will show just what bap- pens toa passenger in making a trip The mid-year m~eeting of Ille Tenth district of the Illinois Federation of' Womnan's cl!ubs1_ Nvili be held with the Evans ton CatholicWoman's club, on W7ed- nesday, .Januiary 12, afthte' Or-. ringtoin bote! in Evanstori. 11rs. Henry Rhode 'of Lake Forcst., district president, ivili preside. After'a. short conferenice of the executive,,board at,9:30 o'clock, 'the general meeting willl >be openc.d by greetings! from Mrs. A. H. Witthoft. pres 'ident of. the. hostes s club, and Mrs. R hode's response, after hh the day wvill be devoted to interesti ng as. well as profitablesessins Mrs. Truman F. Creager. vice- president of the northern district. will bc guest of ho or, Club, presi- dens, charmen, and members o.f the sixtv-two senior and junior clubs in the Tcnth district, are altDistrict' Federation mnembers, and information both useful and inspiring will be gleaned by attending the District meetings. One of the speakers Nvll be Mrs. Prentiss M.\cKenzie, who will speak on "Book-, and Authiors.' Mfiss Frances Smith. chairinan of the de- 1 Julian Str ipe, the north shore tenor. will furnislh the music accompanied by Theresa Cook Brown of Wauke- gan, district music chairnian, who hias planned this part of the prograin. The district department chairnien will discuss points of interest witb their club chairmti during the lunch- eon hour.: Lunchecon reservationis mlust be made before M.\onday . ve- 15 rei until WILMETTE' LIAPE